... soup company as a mycologist), I had compiled some articles related to learning, by Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Alan Ginsberg, Paul Goodman, and others, and borrowed the mimeograph machine from the church acros ...
Unconditional positive regard can be facilitated by keeping in mind Carl Rogers’ belief that all people have the internal resources required for personal growth. Rogers' theory en ...
... mind Carl Rogers’ belief that all people have the internal resources required for personal growth. Rogers' theory encouraged other psychiatrists to suspend judgment, and to listen to a person with an attitu ...
... t with the universe in an objective way, but William Coulson’s and Michael Polanyi’s perspective on Rogers' approach is valid, it’s an effective tool for corporations, strike breakers, and Nazis, anyone comm ...
... ndamental change. I knew about the Oxford Group’s (later Moral Re-Armament’s) methods before I read Rogers, and could see what was being done in culture (for example, what Siqueiros called Rockefeller’s “gh ...
... e (for example, what Siqueiros called Rockefeller’s “ghost art”), so I could never completely trust Rogers' basic motives. Formalism is a traditional way to evade the meanings that exist empirically. Since w ...
... e is something left when critical questioning has removed all the exploitative impositions. I think Rogers' respectful approach and positive regard can be combined with a collaborative sense of working toget ...
Yeah, do you know Carl Rogers and his client-centered therapy?
... sychology major in graduate school for a while, I had a professor that introduced me to people like Carl Rogers. And his thing was unconditional positive regard was therapeutic in the treatment situation, but it ...
... ally able to feel empathy towards a situation, an organism. But those who look with empathy, with a Carl Rogers attitude towards life, listening rather than imposing belief, see that cognition and learning are t ...