Did it originate from Plato and Aristotle? Do you see, like, a origin for this type of oppressive society?
... ted looking into encyclopaedias, and such, trying to find explanations, I think it goes even before Plato: Parmenides and Zeno, they were the Greek school located in southern Italy—The Eleatics—and they ar ...
And Plato essentially gave in to the Parmenides school of thinking, that at least the knowledge part of exist ...
... ed some of the reality of Heraclitus. Heraclitus said ‘everything flows’, exactly polar opposite of Plato and Parmenides that nothing moves. Heraclitus said ‘that’s what it is, everything is moving’ and re ...
Aristotle tried to formalize this using some of the concepts of Plato by putting it into a sensible scheme in which he had different kinds of causality including the ‘fi ...
... totle laws were derived from the nature of things they weren’t in some other eternal world like for Plato.
Oh, oh yeah. The Platonic idea is creating a false reality for everything that we have in our memory. Seeing everything in te ...
And so Plato argued for tyranny, that the people who know would have the power and the power would be logic and ...
... hanging atoms. The individual atom had no unique features, no history, and was an absolute and pure Platonic thing. But the only way they can be treated, is by assuming that all of their later developments—th ...
... say it’s a sickness of method or of conclusions. But if you look at it historically Parmenides, and Plato, and Hegel, all of these people were part of the ruling class and it was the purpose of there think ...