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00:00 Well, this month we had a small amount to finish up from last month’s show on misdiagnosis of thyroid conditions, but something that came into the limelight, if you like, and I know it’s been looked at for quite a while now, and I know Dr. Pete, who will be joining us in a moment here, has spent a long time researching in his own academic career, and that’s the aging process. Now, as it is, I’d generally take a look at the news most every day, and I look at the BBC news out of kind of a preference, I suppose, and I saw an article in the health section of the BBC news, and the title was, US scientists have performed a dramatic reversal of the aging process in animal studies, and this is what I want to bring out with Dr. Pete’s history using things like progesterone and thyroid, which are definitely anti-aging in their own right and energy creative and energy-reserving products. 01:08 So anyway, the article, I just want to quickly read the article out, and then introduce Dr. Pete onto the show for those people who perhaps have never heard of him before. So the article said that they used the chemical to rejuvenate the muscles in mice, and said it was the equivalent of transforming a 60-year-old’s muscle to that of a 20-year-old, but they did put in parentheses here, but muscle strength did not improve. So just the general quality of the muscle or the health, I think that’s more appropriate, the health or the energy readiness of the muscle, became that of a 20-year-old’s. So their study in the journal Cell identified an entirely new mechanism of aging and then reversed it. Another researcher said it was an exciting finding. And aging is considered a one-way street, but now researchers at Harvard Medical School have shown that some aspects can be reversed. Their research focused on a chemical called NAD, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, and its levels naturally drop off in the cell of the body with age. 02:09 The team showed that this disrupted the function of the cell’s in-built power stations and mitochondria, leading to lower energy production and aging as a result. Experiments showed that boosting NAD levels by getting mice a chemical which they naturally convert into NAD could reverse the sands of time. One week of youth medication in two-year-old mice meant their muscles became akin to those of a six-month-old in terms of mitochondrial function. Muscle wastage, inflammation, and insulin resistance so greatly improved. Dr. Anna Gomes from the Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School said, we believe this is quite an important finding. She argues that muscle strength may return with a longer course of treatment, so is this secure? Well, thanks so much for joining us this month again, Dr. Pete. For those people who have just tuned into the show or maybe have never heard you before and they have quite a following and I think those people generally tune into the show, would you just give people that maybe new listeners an outline of your academic and 03:11 professional background? In the sixties I had been working in linguistics, but on my own studying I was very interested in general questions of aging and the brain in particular and how the brain makes consciousness and language possible and how that changes during maturation and aging. So I enrolled at the University of Oregon thinking I would study brain biology in 1968 and found that the brain biology people were extremely dogmatic thinking in terms only of genetic control, membrane functions and nothing much in between and I looked around the department and found that the reproductive biologists seemed to be more scientific and 04:17 actually looking for an explanation rather than trying to explain things in terms of what they believed they knew. So I worked on reproductive aging and our lab specialized in the female aging and I concentrated on the energy oxidative metabolism and the changes occurring in the uterus with aging and I found that all kinds of stress converge with the changes that you see during aging especially in the reproductive system. It was like the lining of the uterus was a very good model for things that happen in the brain and the whole organism. And all types of stress from radiation to bad diet, vitamin E deficiency, the deficiency 05:24 of oxygen, all of these things mimicked the changes that you see in aging and basically that’s the area that I’ve been thinking about a lot ever since. I think some of the language sometimes is a little difficult for general listeners to get their heads around if they’re not medically or physiology minded or trained and so I think just to open up the subjects this evening of aging in light of the research that was broadcast in an article produced by Harvard. If we want to talk about the two types of interactions that happen in the aging process that this was looking at in terms of the interaction with DNA, with methylation as an additive process which degrades the DNA and the acetylation which apparently is more protective, they talk 06:33 about an epigenetic modification and perhaps if you, I’ve mentioned in the past that unlike most modern thinking that would tell us that we are a result of our genetics and there’s nothing much we can do about it, I know that you’ve found many different research articles that have proved beyond doubt that there very much is something that can be done and the environment in its own right has its own effects on the genes even at a very local and a very time dependent manner so it’s not a case of the genes being fixed in time and space and immutable but that definitely changes can be done in a relatively short space of time so when the articles talk about epigenetic modification involved in gene expression for example to perhaps stave off cancer or even allow the cancer to exist would you explain what that is that 07:37 epigenetic modification? Luther Burbank was a person who explored the influence of the environment many biologists from the time of Paul Mark down through Barbara McClintock who was ignored until just about 20 years ago they sort of pulled her out of obscurity before she died these people have demonstrated that the need for a function could elicit the function in an organism so that a stressful environment would cause changes in the chromosomes Barbara McClintock referred to jumping genes but these things were an actual movement of DNA elicited by stress in the environment and all of these people for almost 200 years 08:40 were excluded from science by a very dogmatic view of genetics all of the dogmatic view of the geneticists of the 20th century are now defunct completely but they live on in practice in medicine in the last year several dozen people have asked me what to do because they’ve discovered that they’re a mutant by having a DNA test there are a couple of popular genes that almost everyone has a mutated form of but actually these make almost no difference in health or function have a very slight nutritional requirement difference and if you look at identical twins despite the fact that all of their DNA is identical and they experience the same 09:46 environment in the uterus and most of them experience a very similar environment because of their social economic level despite all of those genetic and environmental overlaps when you look at a serious disease there’s very little overlap for example if one twin has rheumatoid arthritis there’s only a 12 percent incidence of it in the other twin and that’s not well recognized but still the gene testing industry is trying to sell the idea that you get sick if you have certain mutated genes nice so you’re saying it’s more product of the environment perhaps in that arthritic type situation perhaps yeah and constantly like they put 40 mice I think was in a stimulating environment and found that just by the choices they made in their daily life 10:53 they became very different in personality and behavior just by where they happened to go in the environment influencing what they learned and over their lifetime they became very recognizable individuals and that would really upset medicine if they had to consider everyone as a unique as right as individual all the way down to the way their genes work because there would be no it’d be too considerate yeah no exact definition of a disease it would be your disease this month yeah yeah interesting I wonder what it is in the animals in that mice study perhaps that made the individual mice do things differently that gave them a better outcome there possibly just which one was was the first one to be weaned on wonder off and have 11:53 an experience right and that stimulated them in a way that the others didn’t experience the genes are being used constantly everything you do is using your genes in a certain way that varies according to whether you’re awake or asleep for example but if you’re starving day after day this is going to pull up an accumulation of changes not just a quick on and off effect of day and night or incidental experiences but it will accumulate sort of an inertia and layer after layer will be laid down in the stuff around your genes attaching carbon atoms to the DNA itself and attaching a great variety of molecules to the proteins that 12:58 handle the genes the the histones that surround the chromosomes and move the genes to make them accessible for copying and functioning these are relatively easy to change the methylation is a little more sluggish and when you’re in an extremely stressful situation a lot of your genes get turned off methylated especially and those can be identified in the chromosomes that you inherit from your father or mother specifically so that if your father had a very hard life you can identify the highly methylated genes in your chromosomes that came from that heart life so that’s inheritable then yeah and in animal experiments it takes several generations for a very bad generations experience to be removed when they’re put into a normal environment 14:06 but if you put them into a super environment like the enriched environment it’s very stimulating you can repair the previous generation’s damage very quickly and and some nutrients and drugs can do that remove methyl groups from the DNA and attach more of the opening groups to the histones okay all right let’s just let people know here you’re listening listening to ask your herb doctor on KMU de garbable 91.1 FM and from now until the end of the show eight o’clock you’re invited to call in with any questions either related or unrelated perhaps to this month’s subject of aging and energy reversal um Dr. Raymond Pete is a specialist in hormone physiology and the aging process he’s having studied it for the last 35 years or so um so yeah let’s just tell people the number again I guess it’s nine two three three nine one one if you live outside the area then 15:08 800 numbers one eight hundred KMU D rad that’s one eight hundred five six eight three seven two three okay so let’s perhaps go on then to the uh what you’ve mentioned about methylation and demethylation and how how that occurs how that affects the gene how it silences it how it allows tumors to grow and how they have just found now in this in this piece of research that the the very presence of this is a very diagnostic indicator for how well the tumor will continue to grow and how switching this off is actually a fairly new approach to cancer therapy so um in terms of the process of methylation and how this happening happens and and how this is also related to um that that train of thought a fairly aberrant train of thought perhaps but that um fasting is good for you and uh going without is actually fairly health healthful and if you starve yourself fairly regularly and live on a very meager uh caloric 16:09 intake you’ll actually have a greater chance of longevity and it’s not actually true is it uh no the it was definite uh about uh 70 years ago uh a researcher named McClive McKay I think was uh showed that uh restricting the food supply made animals live longer but uh later people restricted the type of food kept down the heavy metals in their diet alone and let them eat all the fat protein and carbohydrate they wanted and they live longer actually dr p would you hold it there a minute for us if you could we’ve actually got a couple of callers on the on the air so let’s get these couple of callers in a first caller you’re on the air and where are you from caller hi uh this is Gina from kansas canada kansas kansas like kansas city okay i’m sorry it’s my accent on foreign as well oh no problem yeah we’re all foreign yeah go ahead what’s your 17:12 question my question is not about tonight’s subject but it’s about um estrogen and the reduction of estrogen or if there are any herbs that can function as an aromatics inhibitor i my situation is that i have i’m in a high estrogen state um i’m in my 40s but i am already past my menopausal i enter menopausal very early at the value age of 40 um i also have or i have been diagnosed this year with Hashimoto and um i have gained a lot of weight like 40 pounds in just three years since the menopause and i was told that i probably also had the Hashimoto for three years or so but i have gone from 99 pounds to 139 in just three years yeah um my progesterone is very low 18:17 even though i am supplementing with progest E okay and uh very high effort um F F H and L um i’m under a lot of stress so even though the blood test shows the estrogen is low as well i believe is only because it’s trapped in the cells i don’t believe i have high estrogen i don’t see how i could considering um fat i’m under stress i have um digestive problems and a lot of other issues so since i can’t raise the progesterone even with supplementation and diet such as rock carot low fiber i still cannot cannot pull it up um would you suggest perhaps that i should take something as an aromatis inhibitor um well the main aromatis 19:22 inhibitor that i’m familiar with is uh from nettle root and that’s really used as a kind of prosthetic agent in men to uh treat benign prosthetic hypertrophy uh by blocking that enzyme um in in terms of your condition and what you’ve said about the weight gain and your age it’s not uncommon um at all for what you’re saying uh to to occur it’s it’s uh happens i think it happens fairly fairly commonly um dog’s pee in terms of uh this lady’s supposed low progesterone levels and uh the estrogen that she’s been exposed to having gone into early menopause at 40 um in terms i know that you’d probably be looking at her thyroid function as a main um a main root with which to uh treat her situation in terms of her possible now hashimoto’s diagnosis um yeah almost everyone around the age of 40 uh that’s when the highest ratio of estrogen to 20:27 progesterone exists but the trouble is if the estrogen seems to drop when you measure it in the serum even though it was at its very highest lifetime level around the age of 40 when progesterone falls the estrogen can’t be released from the cell and so it doesn’t appear in the serum until progesterone uh affects the cells to release it so that it can be measured but that means that even without uh taking something to increase your progesterone that uh the aromatase inhibitors are very practical and logical uh two fruits that contain effective aromatase inhibitors are oranges and uh guavas um apigenin so this is narinjanin uh yeah in oranges and then in guavas i think 21:30 there’s one called uh apigenin apigenin okay apigenin okay and uh aspirin by uh blocking the production of inflammatory prostaglandins uh aspirin helps and the supplement uh pregnant alone is um indirectly able to uh increase your progesterone and lower the estrogen production um the pregnant alone is a precursor to the aga correct it’s a what it precursor yeah it’s precursor right um my dga levels are quite high so would um taking pregnant alone make make it even higher um and no the um when your estrogen is uh not being controlled it likely over activates your adrenals the dhga 22:32 tends to go up with cortisol and cortisol is a major activator of aromatase and the the function of of pregnant alone is to lower the excess cortisol and uh prevent the overstimulation of aromatase okay um so if okay so if the pregnant alone being a precursor to the aga and you’re playing out the words but the dga is also precursor to estrogen so how would i keep it from producing even more estrogen um sometimes you have pregnant alone in itself can do that by lowering the uh stress hormones which drive the adrenal glands too hard and uh the diet to correct your low thyroid function is probably the basic thing uh estrogen causes basically 23:39 inflammation of the thyroid gland it inhibits the ability to secrete thyroid hormone while allowing it to synthesize it and respond to thyroid stimulating hormone and progesterone is needed for the gland to secrete so you want to do things that lower the stress on your thyroid and polyunsaturated fats are probably the most important factor in blocking the thyroid other than estrogen right i i have eliminated those now so um okay well thank you very much i appreciate your help calcium in the diet is a very important thing for keeping your metabolic rate up and uh helping to lose weight how much uh calcium should i have um two quarts of low fat 24:43 milk will provide the a pretty ideal amount of calcium okay low fat milk okay um would that amount to be influenced by the fact that i have low stomach acid and i don’t have a goldbladder so i don’t absorb nutrients as well um yeah with one percent milk it’s there’s enough to uh slow the absorption of the sugar and protein slightly but not enough fat to upset your goldbladder okay okay thank you very much i appreciate it now you’re very welcome bye bye okay there is another caller on the air so let’s take this next caller before we carry on i call her you’re on the air and where you from yes this is david from missouri oh hi david hello um so you know i and i just thought 25:46 of something that might be helpful to all of us and dr pete has really helped me a lot on this and he’s discussed this quite a bit but you know we’re at the lowest point in getting sunlight we’re getting close to the winter equinox and i’ve really been experimenting a lot with with the red light you know using the heat lamps that is basically like a chicken light that you would yeah go buy at a hardware store and having a reflector on it and really trying to get more of that light each day so anybody that’s having any kind of problems a lot of the problems could be coming from the low light situation so that might be a good place to start so anyway um i just wanted to start with that but the other thing i just have a few questions about food in general and also about aspirin since you brought up aspirin um one of the problems with buying like you know different brands like better and different things it seems like they have a lot of additives in them and so i’ve explored different ways of getting aspirin that is pure asthma it looks like the only place you can actually buy that is through pet supply places which always feels a little weird 26:52 you know buying it that way but then the other thing and andrew you probably know quite a bit about this as well uh willow bark which i guess is really the source of where bear aspirin originally got their um you know the molecule structure to create the uh where the phyllosilic acid yeah mellosweet was also another very good rich source of acetal salicylic acid but i think it was probably the willow bark where it was first uh synthesized yeah and so i’m just curious dr pete what do you think about uh using the willow bark rather than trying to use some of these aspirin that have all the fillers and different silica materials in them the fillers definitely aren’t good if you have access to nothing but the pills i think you should dissolve them in hot water to let the junk settle out and then just drink the sour water okay i never thought of that okay there is quite a few uh chemical supply companies actually that will uh will sell it i think it’s 27:58 not i don’t think it’s a controlled substance dr pete aspirin it’s not a controlled substance at this point in time is it no okay yeah so okay well that’s good i i it seems like the only i’ve done a lot of different searches and called a lot of places it seems like the only place you can find it is like pet supply which it seems like in in america sometimes they treat pets better than they do people as for they don’t give us many additives that’s for sure probably yeah no you definitely can’t get to ask about was um on uh pressure cooking and canning and the reason i’m thinking along those lines is you know we just kind of live in crazy times so i’ve been thinking about you know trying to come up with some foods that could be canned like in mason jars uh and i bought a pressure cooker and so i just want to throw this one recipe that i’m thinking about doing out and it would be potatoes and kale garlic onion and i’m thinking also about using like a ground lamb and then either cooking that in the pressure cooker in the jar or cooking 29:04 it before and i’m just curious if you have any thoughts about that i would think the main thoughts that people would have about that is the uh onion and garlic side of it oh okay so we would rather not put the onion garlic in there well even because some people are fairly sensitive to it they may not even know it’s the onions and the garlic they’re doing it it’s like people eating a lot of vegetables and then having a lot of flatulence and thinking it’s quite normal it’s actually not good for you so you’re probably better off without it i think that’s the logic do you think dr pete that the uh nutrition aspects of the canning would would harm the the foods oh no uh there were experiments in the 1940s uh in which rats were fed stuff out of cans uh the usual vegetables beans corn uh all the all the standard vegetables and others were fed the same vegetables fresh and raw and the animals eating canned vegetables 30:06 thrived the others didn’t huh interesting man so i’m thinking that the potatoes because you’ve talked about potatoes actually being a fairly decent protein even though i know the starch is a little bit of a problem but if it’s cooked really well and then i’m thinking that kale is a really good source of minerals and vitamin k and then the lamb fat and the protein in the lamb i would think would all be really good i’m yeah the um the uh well cooked green leaves are extremely good nutritionally especially to balance meat because uh the greens contain very little phosphate and the meat contains much too much phosphate and too little calcium so you get a balance when you have greens with meat okay well good well i’ll do some experiments on that and let everybody know how that turned out but i i i seem like a fairly nutritious product of canned so um and then just one other thing i was curious about calcium chloride and i don’t buy 31:13 very many foods that have additives in them but there’s one thing that i do buy and it’s actually these um it’s actually a really good brand of of pickles you know there’s very little ingredients in there that i see any problem with other than calcium chloride i’m just curious what do you think of calcium chloride it’s been used for making pickles and such and uh it it has a nice taste when it’s added to food but a lot of people are sensitive either to magnesium chloride or calcium chloride and so it’s good to be cautious whether it can cause headaches and bowel symptoms of various types so if i’m not having any problems that i can sense then i guess it’s it’s probably fine uh yeah if it’s chemically pure it’s good as a food additive okay okay well hey thank you okay thanks thanks for your call okay okay so uh the number here if you live in the area is 923 32:19 3911 or the 800 numbers 1 800 5 6 8 3 7 2 3 or 1 800 km ud rad okay so the lines will be open till eight o’clock um so dr p you were gonna you were starting to talk about um the well i think between methylation and the compounds that would be useful that were brought out in the article i know they talked about things like curcumin from turmeric they mentioned resveratrol which i know that you’ve looked at in fairly good detail they also mentioned genistine and diazine which are other compounds that were useful in switching off that methylation do you have any other um yeah any other thoughts on the color mentioned the importance of light and how even light can help to uh reverse the toxic methylation that happens from stress um okay that to switch 33:21 off that excite excitotoxicity yes yeah because i know we’ve talked about that in the past haven’t me about that neurons becoming too excited and that’s just as just as bad as being inactive so in terms of uh in terms of methylation then it’s a bad process that happens to the genes and it can happen through various mechanisms not least of which can be nutritional but uh you’ve mentioned things like red light i know we’ve talked in the past great detail about thyroid hormone but is there any other things that would be counterproductive that you could use to counter the methylation in the genetics um some of the people who have been told that they have mutated genes are being told by their doctors that they need to eat lots of methyl groups choline and methionine in particular to make up for the weak gene enzyme but the American 34:35 medical genetics college of medical genetics recently said that that mutation doesn’t call for basically any any treatment it’s not significant clinically um but they didn’t mention that uh people with that so-called mutation have a lower incidence of cancer and this probably relates to what we’re talking about the epigenetic methylation of the genes of the people who have a slightly weaker methylation system are better off for cancer risk okay because i wanted to bring out two two compounds uh that actually anesthetics uh lidocaine and procaine kind of related to the related to the cocaine type structure so both lidocaine and procaine um have a 35:40 demethylation activity for is that right for the DNA yeah these are being studied in several types of cancer uh prostate breast uh pancreas lung uh and melanoma are the ones i’ve seen and its effects are just dramatic for uh reversing those changes that are characteristic of the cancer so it’s being considered as a an important new approach to cancer treatment but it’s so cheap right that no one is very enthusiastic about applying to the FDA it’s it definitely hasn’t got a patent on it still correct uh no and it costs maybe a quarter a day or something yeah oh dear okay well the other thing that in that bbc article they mentioned that nad being the the molecule that was responsible here and if i’m right in thinking that this compound can be 36:44 synthesized from tryptophan now i i don’t want to get confused here now i have i not heard you mention that excess tryptophan is not good for you um yeah um women in particular are are very susceptible to too much tryptophan uh they used to be the the victims of polagra much more often than men that’s because estrogen redirects the metabolism of tryptophan into serotonin rather than niacin or niacinamide and uh when corn is uh treated with with alcoholized to make hominy or tortillas uh the chemistry shifts it over in that pathway makes niacin out of it and and doesn’t let so much serotonin be formed okay because there was another um another chemical aspartic acid 37:53 i also saw that was a good source from which nad can be synthesized and that was from asparagus and asparagus juice in particular well you don’t want to take a plain aspartic acid or even with minerals because it’s an excitotoxin in itself how about asparagus juice as a source of it oh it’s fine yeah okay and another um amino acid that’s being promoted a lot in the internet world is um either arginine or citrulline to increase your nitric oxide that’s going exactly in the wrong direction epigenetically and uh the um vitamin b6 is needed to prevent cryptophane being turned into too much serotonin and to help uh turn it into niacinamide 38:54 and uh simply supplementing niacinamide is a very direct way to uh help uh reverse these epigenetic problems five years ago when the harvard people were starting a drug company i think it was called certus sirtis which was bought by a big drug company black so and they dumped it this year and went on to something else but they said that some of the chemicals that run covered might be useful in the future um yeah at the time the people promoting resveratrol through that company uh as an anti-ageing chemical were warning that niacinamide antagonized resveratrol and lowered the sirtuans and that therefore niacinamide would accelerate 39:59 aging but i think now they’ve changed their story and the facts over even at that time five years ago it was very clear that niacinamide greatly extended cell life there’s a tremendous increase in human cell longevity in vitro and it’s very safe so it it can be used in all of these epigenetic problems parkinson’s disease Alzheimer’s disease various types of cancer and so on and it’s interesting that all of these substances that have been known for some of them for thousands of years as anti-inflammatory uh drugs they all turn out to work in the same direction uh protecting us from over methylation and over removal of the acetyl groups from the histones 41:05 okay how did their dogs pee i mean got a couple more quarters so let’s let’s take the next caller you’re on the air and where are you from uh actually someone called in quick question i’ll ask for them uh what is the use of lidocaine and how how is it administered and what sort of doses are there and then there is another caller right not sure about the lidocaine for quick cancer was the question okay dr p um these studies have been done in many different ways but i’ve had several sort of random experiences with both procaine and lidocaine that were really just amazing to me uh for example a girl with lifetime a terrible eczema uh red and scaly all over she put a handful of uh i think it was rubbing alcohol mostly with with some novocaine in it and uh stroked it up her shin and with at the same speed that her hand moved up her shin 42:09 a wave of normal looking skin appeared right behind it and it stayed that way and uh i’ve seen people with terrible burns uh if they could get it on in the first minute or so the burn stopped and and didn’t develop uh it has antihistamine anti serotonin effects stopping inflammation in the tracts but what it’s doing all of these uh well-known anti inflammatory things are also undoing the uh limiting and harmful genetic changes that are caused by by injury yeah it’s almost it’s almost as if the uh perception the perception of pain itself accelerates the damage and the inflammation from that which caused uh the pain and inflammation 43:09 in the first place it’s it’s like if the nerves have increased the release of the inflammatory materials you know if you can block the the signaling of pain you can greatly reduce the symptoms of whatever the insult was in the first place interesting okay we do have another caller on the air so let’s take this next caller where are you from they hung up oh they hung up okay all right well if people would like to call back the numbers uh nine two three three nine one one or the toll free numbers one eight hundred k mud rad so the lines will be open till about five to eight here okay well going going back then uh to we mentioned the nad can be can be synthesized from tryptophan uh too much tryptophan is not good especially in women with estrogen related problems uh and then the other thing was the asparagus juice which also could be a source of synthesis from that into nad you’ve also mentioned um i read a couple of articles about how aspirin enhances the deacetylation of the histones and the histones for these coils within 44:16 chromosome that kind of bundled up bundled up the dna and then aspirin itself was shown to greatly potentiate the effect of the deacetylation deacetylation rather um and i know you’ve mentioned you talk about aspirin a lot as being a very useful very good anti-inflammatory very inexpensive and not at all to be considered as a life-threatening drug that will thin your blood and cause hemorrhage but um what do you think about the co-administration of aspirin along with that uh uh deacetylase inhibitor um i think it works by itself or with any of the other protective inhibitors and caffeine has some of the same effects and aspirin and caffeine have been used together in a lot of products so a combination all of these seem to work 45:19 synergistically rather than interfering with each other okay and there was a i think if you want to move on to the anthraquinones as a pretty interesting group of chemicals i know powde-arco has been one of these chemicals that has got a got a long history of anti-cancer use but talk about amodin as a as a compound this anthraquinone the reddish the chemical that gives the reddish color to those types of chemicals that have that laxative effects are both cascara and amodin and how they how they work if you look at the the molecule for powde-arco or is that the same as lapachon yeah lapachon yeah if you put vitamin k and emodin and lapachon in a row and tetracycline the antibiotic which is an anti-inflammatory they’re essentially the same 46:22 structure with a different number of rings but it’s like each one is an analog of the other and each one has properties overlapping with those of the other anti-inflammatory anti-cancer anti-stress okay can i hold can i hold you there there’s i think there’s three callers on those lines now so let’s okay let’s take the first caller you’re on the amway from hello i’m from arcada okay hi what’s your question you know i have a problem my a couple of years ago i scolded myself on my abdomen okay with um uh i was cooking chicken and it uh the oil from the the pan got on my abdomen and uh a blister form and this blister was bulbous you know and since that time i’ve had at intervals i’ve had blisters form again and again in the same location and they’ve even you know uh spreads 47:31 a little bit but if you if i put i also have the problem where if i put adhesive tape like a band-aid on my abdomen in that area the skin comes off you know it’s very very very uh loosely connected to the underlying membrane yes and and this has been you know uh the blisters aren’t a great problem it’s the uh quite frequently having to uh go through the process of healing from uh an open uh wound afterwards how long after the initial accident have you found these episodes again oh this this it started occurring uh like four months afterwards um the blister the actual blister and uh that went away and then one day i noticed i had i’d taken a shower and you know i i’d i noticed there was a blister forming and it got very bulbous 48:33 about the size of a silver dollar or bigger okay and uh i mean just uh you know and now that this happens so frequently that there is like scar tissue there yeah but it’s still blisters well dr p this sounds this sounds very much like a kind of genetic imprinting a memory um yeah and i think the uh nervous system is probably involved in helping okay helping with the memory and um there is all the skin doctors can say is we can replace the skin there yeah and i don’t think that’s inappropriate uh there’s a little known branch of medicine i think it was a german who originated uh i think it was called neural therapy or something like that but it is involved finding uh key points and injecting uh pro cane or local other local anesthetic to change the 49:35 nervous system and i’ve seen a great variety of good results from applying any of the local anesthetics topically to uh it apparently helps to uh retrain the memory of the tissue so that it stops uh producing the the recurrent problem such as an ingrown toenail or recurring boils in a certain location um there are a lot of fairly strong local anesthetic appointments sold over the counter yeah okay i i think benzocaine in a small area is effective and safe but you don’t want to use a lot of benzocaine on a big area the pro cane yeah and lidocaine are safer there we go you could definitely try that because it does sound like there’s some kind of imprinted uh memory in what happened for that yeah it’s it i tried to 50:37 look it up and there was several things i found on the internet but none of them suggest any type of treatment you know well and the big thing is that i would have an open sore there you know until that healed and it healed you know rather rapidly yeah uh except at um at times it would form a false crust a false scab which would come off yeah but uh you could definitely try that anesthetic cream and and try that as a next thing to do yeah all right thank you very much yeah you’re very welcome okay i think we have two more callers so let’s get the next caller on the end uh where are you from is that me yes you’re on the air where you from yeah so i just have a really quick question of when that the doctor mentioned uh about the the woman who was used um alcohol and something else uh a persian and the axilla just disappeared instantly what was the other thing 51:40 was it lidocaine drp or was it uh no that that particular one was just uh novocaine probate okay all right well thank you that’s that’s what i want to know okay you’re very welcome it will dissolve any water but uh little alcohol makes it uh dissolve faster okay well there is another caller so if we can get the next caller done in two minutes that would be good so where you from caller hello you’re on the air maybe not huh okay well let’s let’s just leave that it’s probably getting too late anyway so um yeah we were talking very briefly than drp we’ve got a couple of minutes before the end of the show i know that um emotin and um another laxative from cascara were definitely used um to suppress bladder cancer cell uh growth i saw an article about that uh do you know much more about emotin um it’s um about uh 10 or 15 years ago the uh fda was attacking it at the laxatives of that 52:43 class yeah such as aloe and and uh cascara as potential causes of cancer but as soon as they took it off the market uh the cancer industry started getting interested in it and it relieves or cures many kinds of cancer uh and it turns out not to have any of the harmful effects that the fda was claiming and its mechanism seems to involve uh not only the usual anti-inflammatory things but a real basic reprogramming demethylation and and uh inhibiting the histone deacetylase enzymes okay good well drp i don’t want to don’t want to keep you going thanks so much for joining us i just want people to find out a little bit more about you and how to get access to the articles that you’ve written so thanks for joining us okay thank you mary christmas thanks so much for 53:44 all your help during the year okay okay so for those people that have listened to the show uh dr raymond peat uh his website can be found at www.raypeat.com uh the website is full of articles that are fully referenced about a lot of interesting research that uh he has done himself and research which he has collated from other independent researchers uh far and wide so there’s a lot of very interesting information that’s very scientifically referenced and backed up it’s not none of it’s just hearsay so uh for those people that have listened to the show um thanks so much for joining us and for those people that called in thanks for your calls uh yeah it’s going to be the uh solstice tomorrow or the shortest day of the year and uh days are gradually going to get longer so right now’s the time you need to be thinking about your low thyroid activity and what you can do to help your thyroid through this darkest time until uh the beginning of the light coming back again uh and yeah for all those people that have listened uh thanks so much for 54:48 your input and we can be reached uh toll toll free uh after business hour during business hour sorry for consultations or whatever else uh you’d like to contact me about uh the number is 1-888-926-4372 and um Merry Christmas to all of you and a happy new year