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00:00 So you’re listening to Ask Europe Doctor on KMU-D Galba Bill 91.1 FM and from 7.30 until the end of the show at 8 o’clock you’re invited to call in with any questions either related or unrelated to this month’s topic very pertinent topic here of the misunderstandings in the approach to cancer treatment. Once again we’re very fortunate to introduce Dr. Raymond Pete onto the show who has just done some recent work on a newsletter amongst other things following his interests anyway in the approach to health in general and specifically the misunderstandings in cancer treatment. So hopefully Dr. Raymond Pete will be going over some of those mistakes and helping us to understand some of the misunderstandings that we’ve been led to believe are the way to go ahead in the light of President Nixon’s 1971 address to fight the war on cancer. We’ve probably made no real advances in cancer therapy unlike other diseases and 01:04 cancer is almost the number one killer now very close to cardiovascular diseases. So Dr. Raymond Pete thank you for joining us. Once again for those people who perhaps have never heard your name and what it is you’ve done and what you still do would you just give people an outline of your academic background? Oh I studied biology about 40 years ago at University of Oregon and since then I’ve been doing my newsletter and writing books and occasionally doing seminars for medical people mainly. And over the years I’ve been thinking about the medical culture and what makes it so wrong. When I was in graduate 02:09 school in I think it was 1968 or 69 we had a seminar on cancer biology and my part of it was the nature of carcinogenesis and each person had a segment of cancer issue and my part was to explain what things are carcinogenic and how they work. I listed 50 different types of things that are carcinogenic including inert objects embedded in the tissues, distilled water, and psychological stress and the professors were a little annoyed. Well 03:13 greatly annoyed because their whole point in doing the seminar was to work out the ways that mutations are carcinogenic and they wanted me to talk about the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and such causing mutations. And that was just one very small section of what I covered in the carcinogen section. And since then those biologists were still fairly in harmony with the medical view of cancer but since then with the cloning and stem cell research of the last 10 years biology has strongly turned away from that understanding of cancer. Those professors have retired and I don’t know 04:17 what they’re teaching now but the active research in cancer is more in tune with the biology of stem cells rather than mutations. So do you find that that’s a more accurate, do you think that’s a more accurate approach to understanding cancer? Oh yeah it was when I did that seminar but I was just gathering up stuff that was 30, 40 years old at that time but it was still outside the academic preferences. But since then because of the big changes in the gene industry they’ve looked for natural events to parallel their genetic engineering and so they’ve had to be open to people like Barbara McClintock who showed that stress mutates cordon plants and so on and so 05:22 that opened up the whole issue of psychological factors in the development of cancer and how stress affects immunity as well as cancer. Given that the current or the background of the 40 years up to the current point in time have yielded very little in the way of promising approaches to cancer treatment and or survival rates post surgery or treatment and given that there’s a kind of fairly large opinion that there is kind of conspiracy theory against people actually recovering and getting better and that actually is a huge multi-billion dollar industry that really wants to not actually find a cure so much as just come out with new treatments that can be patented and money can be made. Would you explain perhaps what it is about the current or the approaches up until now that have yielded such poor results and why that direction was chosen as a you know like a excise the tumor and 06:25 radiate the tissue when I know that you put such a lot of emphasis on the damage that radiation can cause and how negative that can be also to lowering our patients energy which is very important in their long-term survival. Yeah for decades people in the alternative health business have been asking that question how is it that doctors can forbid these experimental treatments to themselves or their family members if if something really exists as an alternative they would not let their relatives dire themselves but it’s such a deep cultural thing that they really believe it. They’re trained in medical school in sort of a boot camp atmosphere where they don’t have time to get 07:31 philosophical about what they’re learning but they’re drilled with these ideas of genetic determinism and it was only less than 200 years ago that it was discovered that people are made out of cells and a few years after someone discovered that people and animals are made of cells they discovered that cancer is made of cells and then with pasture and so on the germ theory of disease came up and the atomic theory of chemistry and physics and so on and everything fit into this being explained by the subunits that things are made of. Right it’s kind of a reductionist approach. Yeah and that happened to fit the idea that cancer is made of bad cells some kind of 08:33 difference in the cell when genetics came up just a hundred years ago genetics was used to explain what’s different about the cancer cells and so they’re a special kind of cell explained by a mutated gene which makes them completely alien to ourselves because they’re genetically different right from the start they’re different so it’s like a new being has come into existence cancer and the old tradition all the way back to the Greeks was to cut a tumor off or burn it off with a corrosive or with hot sticks or whatever and so that line of medicine was being talked to people and then they fit the idea of the alien cell into 09:36 that tradition of cutting something out and it was perfectly reinforcing it was something that is not part of us that has to be eliminated otherwise it’ll kill us and at the same time other people were studying metabolism and physiology and trying to understand what it how when the embryo turns into an adult and seeing that there are fields governing the relationship of one cell to another in the developing embryo like electromagnetic fields or well including yeah including electrical gradients but chemical fields they didn’t define the field they just saw that a thing had an influence on its environment and you 10:36 would cut a piece of an embryo or an even an adult animal and then you could see a wave of cell division spread out over the next hours and ring around the entry as a kind of messenger system or just a reaction yeah well some kind of a communication right that the injured cells would send out something that would cause first one row of cells and then the next one to divide to replace the injured cell and this idea of embryological developing fields and injury fields it was partly electrical the injured cells were found to produce a negative electrical charge and that helps to organize molecules and it 11:37 probably involves even light emission from cell to cell as part of the the field process and the idea of a cancer field was being demonstrated in the 1930s and 40s along with this field idea of developmental biology and they would show that if you found say a definite cancer in a piece of the intestine if you examined circumference rings around the the cancer itself you would find progressing away from that degrees of abnormality grading off to normal through inflammation and different degrees of deterioration until finally it would be outright cancer the center so the idea of a field and 12:45 gradients of trouble were all the way through biology but as soon as the molecular revolution came about with the great push from the government and the DNA doctrine started being used to explain everything and they said that information comes only from the gene to the the expressed individual cell the body is only a mortal product of the immortal reproducing genetic material so that when virologists demonstrated that there were reverse transcriptases that made it possible to have an RNA virus my professors wouldn’t believe it 13:49 because they said the information only comes from from the gene and the organism is a passive product they would say you’re going to be a Lamarck Lamarckian if you say that we can have RNA viruses but since then this whole change in biology has happened but medicine is still stuck on the idea of the alien mutated clone of different cells so it’s like that the argument between Louis Pasteur and Antoine Bachamp with the Louis Pasteur was saying that it’s the bug that is the problem and and Antoine was saying no it’s the to our of the system this the environment of the cell or the body that determines whether or not an animal or a human gets an infection with a bad bug and they didn’t they have that rival their entire life and then finally on Louis Pasteur’s deathbed he admitted to Antoine that really he was right it was 14:53 the toire of the body yeah but medicine didn’t agree to the technology Louis Pasteur had already done the damage yeah and and by the time the DNA molecule became stylish medicine had just totally locked itself into that way of seeing things and at that same time interestingly 1950 I think it was Reader’s Digest where I saw the article about a man who was injecting cancer into hundreds of prisoners in Ohio and hundreds of his patients at the cancer clinic in New York and he found that if he injected the cancer into a sick person it wouldn’t be thrown off immediately the way it was in a healthy person and if he injected that into a person who already had cancer it would 15:56 sometimes persist as long as they lived and so he said there’s something in the body that either favors cancer or or resists it and destroys it but the healthy subjects would basically get on top of it straight away or pretty pretty much yeah that that happened to basically be suppressed by the molecular biology that at that time didn’t want to accept that the bio that the body made the decision whether to let cancer grow or not well but it were they wanting just cancer to just be something that we have that our bodies had no control over it just because of our defective genes yeah once one cell becomes mutated the doctrine says that it produces the clone all of the offspring are going to be essentially that cell which is no longer you and it you have to destroy it or it 17:01 will destroy you and when you actually look at cancers very often polyclonal and full of even different numbers of chromosomes the inflammation field that at its worst is cancerous if within the cancer there are zones of bad and worse and as the cancer progresses it gets more genetic deviations and chromosomes are falling apart and so on because it’s under such stress but several people have analyzed the cancer more closely and have found that a tissue can be perfectly normal and still functioning and contain more than a thousand mutated 18:04 genes and a typical cancer has hundreds if not thousands of mutated genes before it starts going bad and 40 years ago people were demonstrating they had been storing bits of cancer tissue in deep freeze and when they would bring them out and thought them to grow in culture sometimes they would use a solvent like DMSO or dimethyl formamide or even some more biological things butyrates and so on and they found that what had been cancer when they put it in the deep freeze if they brought it out and thought it in the presence of one of these somewhat structuring solvents it would revert to a normal tissue and not be cancer anymore and around that time someone took parts of tumors from two 19:11 different colors of hamsters I think black and white or orange and black so they could be distinguished but they were just tumors and they isolated cells from each of the tumors and mixed them with cells from a normal embryo and the developing embryo would normalize what had been tumor cells and you would produce a perfectly normal hamster black or red or whatever showing that it had some of its inheritance from a tumor which given the right environment was able to produce a perfectly normal hamster. So that’s disproving the genetic abnormality theory that cancers are a defective gene because if you can inject a cancer cell into a growing embryo. Yeah, you think it would be cancerous? Yeah. 20:15 And Harry Rubin and Anna Soto and Carlos Sonenschein I think his name is have been making that point that the organism really is for most of the life of the cancer the organism is in control and at some point the organism loses control and that’s when it becomes functioning cancer. Okay, before we carry on let’s just let people know what’s happening now you’re listening to our screw-up doctor on K.M.D. Galbival 91.1 FM we’ve got Dr. Raymond Pete on the show with us and he’s talking about the empirical approach to cancer and how things are changing in the field of biology thank goodness. My name is Andrew Murray and my name is Sarah Johanneson Murray. Okay so if you live in this area the number to call in from 7.30 to 8 p.m. for phonins is 9233 9-1-1 or if you live outside the area that’s all free 21:19 numbers 1-800 K.M.U.D. Rad. So Dr. Pete carry on with what you’re saying about the environment and how this is changing the way that modern biologists are looking at cancers. And also sorry Dr. Pete before you get started there I don’t want to interrupt you later but also what can we do to help create an environment in our body that will be a preventing cancers so that if they aren’t just defective genes and there’s nothing we can it’s completely outside of our control that’s a bogus theory then what can we do to help prevent cancers from thriving in our bodies. Well getting away from that idea that that it’s a random mutation the alternative is to realize that everything you’re doing is either anti-carcinogenic or carcinogenic. For example if you avoid sunlight or put on 22:25 sunscreens because you are afraid of getting skin cancer the avoidance of sun is very carcinogenic. There you go. They just said in England there was a report came out just just the other month I think January that the appearance of rickets is becoming more and more prevalent because people are using Sun factor 50 on their children in an attempt to protect them from skin cancers and actually they’re getting rickets again now so that was quite shocking news and so there I know in England now the the wave takes a little time to travel from from the from the West Coast here in America over to England but they’re all making sure that vitamin D and calcium are being consumed and that people are encouraged to get our healthy doses of Sun anyway I didn’t want to put too much and just for our listeners to understand that rickets is a disease where your kid becomes knock-kneed vitamin D deficiency 23:27 yeah sorry a vitamin D deficiency where your knees are basically it’s a bone deformation and your bones don’t form properly and knock-kneed is kind of a common symptom of I think am I right in saying that it’s a knock-kneed deformity doctor it didn’t go both legs too right both ways yeah anyway I thought that was quite interesting so I’m sorry to interrupt you boys are more likely to be bull-egged and girls knock-kneed because the thyroid influence causing the joint to deform in different directions that’s interesting okay it isn’t just the vitamin D the penetrating light for about 50 years now people have been studying the effects of red light and one of the probably the basic effect of penetrating red light is to activate the respiratory enzyme the mitochondrial 24:32 oxidase enzyme is restored by red light and that’s pretty well destroyed just by 12 to 15 hours of darkness in rabbit experiments and so the reason mortality goes up at the end of winter is because nights are longer in the winter and with using lasers or incandescent lights or sunlight doesn’t matter what kind of light you get that penetrates you red light will go all the way through your body without a terribly great intensity but sunlight is very good even intermittent exposure over a period of 12 to 15 hours of good bright light will pretty well restore the energy producing enzymes in the mitochondrion and this enzyme is the 25:39 crucial thing that makes a difference in cancer bar bird 1929 demonstrated that cancer differs metabolically from healthy cells in being able to turn glucose into lactic acid even in the presence of oxygen because something has gone wrong with the mitochondrion in its use of oxygen all that you have to do to create the metabolism is to knock out the cytochrome oxidase enzyme and that happens to be a very fragile enzyme that barberg was studying and he didn’t finish the explanation of how it works but but he he was the one that showed that cancer is 26:41 a metabolic disease not a genetic disease and everything that is carcinogenic happens to weaken the function of that crucial enzyme so that the wrong kind of fat in the diet the wrong balance of estrogen to progesterone a deficiency of thyroid hormone or the wrong kind of radiation ultraviolet or x-rays will destroy that as far as they can reach it ultraviolet only that’s in the skin so the sunlight is still on balance because the red light restores the enzyme that ultraviolet is destroying it so you don’t if you avoid sunburn the sun is going 27:44 to be a pure benefit so especially this time of year when it’s much easier to get more sun without burning are you talking about like intermittent exposure like you said over a 12-hour period in a day yeah the ideally from animal experiments the this enzyme tends to get damaged just by eight hours of darkness so we we shouldn’t be in total darkness for longer than it takes to sleep and then look I was another question is these low-energy light bulbs oh yeah those vary from incandescent bulbs yeah those little fluorescent things are going to cause an epidemic answer right so that basically has to the red light is coming from from incandescent bulbs only on sunshine a 28:47 sunlight yeah and the incandescent bulbs have to be several hundred watts to really be protective so I know you’ve recommended for people that are in have office jobs to have a 250 to 300 watts of light from an incandescent bulb shining over their workstation but how much of their skin would you recommend that they have exposed to that 300 watts as much as possible but for people with brain disease and water neuron disease and such just shining it on their neck and head and back if possible that’s the crucial thing but getting the the whole body exposed is really the best thing because the even though you’re on your feet parts covered up with clothes aren’t going to be exposed you’re sending remedial signals through your nervous system that help to stabilize 29:48 those enzymes and cells that aren’t getting the direct light exposure but ideally we should have a light exposure all over right so bald men with short hair get more if they work in an office that a woman with long hair covering her neck basically so the more skin exposure the better yeah okay so in terms of inflammation we all heard we all hear and I think we all pretty much understand that inflammation is not a good thing the body does everything it can to keep inflammation down given that inflammation not necessarily be understood in terms of heat inflammation but irritation that just causes an inflammation that that inflammation is a very important part of cancer progression isn’t it yeah everything that is stressful promotes inflammation right and even things like 30:50 hives some people get hives just from getting cold or from exercising or from not eating soon enough just dropping your blood sugar works the same as cutting off the oxygen supply it let it keeps that crucial oxidative enzyme from getting the the energy from the glucose and carbon dioxide which should be produced from burning the carbohydrate and in the absence of sugar oxygen or carbon dioxide that enzyme is going to fail and that causes the cell to produce lactic acid defensively lactic acid then triggers chain reactions causes fat to break down and if you have eaten unsaturated fats that’s going to produce 31:52 the prostaglandins which cause chain reactions of more inflammation more lactic acid production and one thing leads to another but basically it’s it’s keeping your energy up so that you can oxidize or respire to produce energy efficiently so frequent meals small frequent meals will help help to prevent that chain reaction of inflammation we do we do have a caller on the line so let’s let’s take this first caller actually I’m asking the question for them because it was simple and okay combined with another one which is what about red LEDs tanning beds and far infrared saunas red LEDs are demonstrated to reverse many of the changes of cancer they’re being used to treat cancer experimentally but lasers incandescent light and sunlight as well as LEDs activate 33:00 that enzyme very efficiently and most of the work has been done with the 630 I think it is helium neon laser frequency or the LEDs in that range but between 600 and 700 nanometers wavelength the the light is restorative to that so how about a far infrared sauna there there is some benefit from some of the mostly around 7 to 800 nanometer wavelengths but just the heat is beneficial but the really specific restoration of that crucial enzyme happens in the far red or from orange to red so the far infrared is too far too far and then a 34:03 tanning bed would be just pure ultraviolet with no beneficial and therefore harmful correctly well yeah basically you’re getting your vitamin D but without the protective red and orange light they’re gonna have a slight immune suppressive effect as your white blood cells run through your skin they’re subject to a slight sunburn themselves so until you get so tanned that you your white blood cells aren’t exposed to ultraviolet it’s better to get your suntan in in the real sunlight okay you’re listening to ask your doctor K media guvville 91.1 FM and from now until 8 o’clock you’re invited to call him with any questions either related or unrelated to this month’s topic of the approach and the misunderstandings in the approach to cancer so dr. Raymond 35:06 Pete’s joining us and we’re live so dr. Pete getting back to excitation cell excitation and cancer we normally look at the an excited state of a cell to be a beneficial state correct um well I mean energetically sorry I mean in the energy of the the energized cell is really relaxed if you imagine your muscles that are ready to work they’re soft and flexible and have energy reserved so that you can do a lot of work with them but if you work to fatigue they swell up and start tending to cramp that’s because the presence of adequate energy relaxes nerves and muscles and other cells and if you are 36:12 deficient in the production of energy because your mitochondrial enzyme is impaired or because your thyroid is low and not activating that enzyme system it doesn’t take much stress to de-energize the cell and just like your muscle that you overwork the cell that has had more stimulation than it can meet with its energy production that cell is going to swell up like a tired muscle and in that state it’s releasing lactic acid and histamine and prostaglandins and in the case of an overworked muscle it’s usually just that your muscle is sore for a couple of days but if you’re chronically low energy not getting enough light exposed to things that are impairing the respiratory enzymes then 37:20 you’re going to be susceptible to in various tissues a breast or uterus or liver or kidney or brain that is experiencing hormonal or nervous or other stimulus mild chemical toxins for example will stimulate and excite cells and if you’re near that threshold where your cell is barely producing enough energy to return to its relaxed state it’s going to shift over to glycolysis and produce lactic acid and the lactic acid then sets off chain reactions that make the swelling worse. So is that basically how how you would describe a seizure and someone having a seizure as well? Yeah and the cells over excited it’s too excited? Yeah yeah and it can’t relax a cramp is the same thing. Right so 38:26 a truly energetic cell is a perfectly relaxed cell. Yeah and a lot of people if they tend to have seizures they’re more likely to have seizures at night and more likely to get cramps at night because in the darkness our respiratory enzymes are gradually being impaired and so we’re closer to the threshold where excitation can’t be turned off by producing energy. Okay going moving on to perhaps a controversial point I think that most people don’t understand correctly but looking at a cancer directly if somebody gets a diagnosis of cancer and they haven’t actually had any surgical intervention but they’ve been visualized as having a tumor somewhere. What’s your understanding of the rationale that cutting into or around that area or 39:29 biopsy is actually pretty pretty dangerous? Well just the evidence yeah it’s very seldom been looked at but a professor at University of California about 60 years ago compared people who declined medical treatment and those who got the best available and they lived longer if they declined the treatment and there have been a few other little studies like that. There’s a website a man named Gershom Zajac, Z-A-K-I-C-E-K who gives some of the evidence for how cutting out a tumor activates metastases that had been sitting harmlessly and there’s quite a lot of 40:32 evidence for that. Even some doctors you can find people on the internet professors who are acknowledging that cutting out a tumor very often causes metastatic growths to spring up and there have been published studies on that showing that people get references much sooner if they have surgery than if they don’t. Okay we do have another call on the line so let’s take this next call. Are you on here? Hello? Follow up on that last. How about the cutting out of polyps during routine colonoscopies? Do you have comments that you care to make about that and I’ll take my answer up there. Thanks so very much. Thank you for 41:33 your call. I think that’s pretty harmless in fact I think polyps if you didn’t look for them I think they would fall off by themselves and so I think cutting them off the body doesn’t really notice that much has happened because they’re they aren’t deeply entrenched they’re ready to fall off all by themselves. What about the cutting off of moles? That’s one of the things that’s well established to cause others to pop up. Zayacic talks about that on his website. Would you just I think most people that are listening now would probably want to be scribbling down this name again so I know it’s a pretty ethnic European or whatever but would you spell the name out again? Yeah the last name is Z-A-J-I-C-E-K. Okay Zayacic. The initial is G. Okay good so people can go and check him out on the internet and Google search him. Okay so intervention 42:38 in terms in terms of what you’re saying so far that the body itself when it is energy depleted either from poor diet or a radiation exposure or environmental damage in you know toxins in pesticides or just air quality poor air quality or living in buildings that don’t have access to fresh air and sunlight. It’s all a way of dragging the organism’s energy down to a point where the body can lose the battle against things that are slowly being incorrectly formed but normally get dealt with and in the presence of enough metabolic energy that kind of thing doesn’t ever allow itself to become over overwhelmed. Yeah and the I think the idea of the bystander effect that they’ve been seeing in in vitro studies with cancer cells for 50 years they believe that radiation caused cancer 43:40 because it mutated the gene by radiation hitting DNA and breaking it but in the last 10 or 12 years they’ve noticed that if you irradiate cells in a dish and then take those cells out and put new cells in the dish the new cells mutate right and or if you mutate one cell with a beam of radiation it sends out substances like serotonin and nitric oxide and carbon monoxide just just the same way the fish the fish did the same thing yeah yeah okay that won’t mutate other cells and in your body that same thing happens you don’t have to mutate a cell by a gene by hitting it with radiation you just have to stress it with these substances that are emitted so that your whole body is experiencing bystander effects going in all directions like a study in Seattle found that 44:46 a set of endyl x-rays would cause a pregnant woman to have an underdeveloped baby even if they shielded her abdomen with heavy lead aprons it was the bystander effect from what was happening to her face and brain and the x-rays poisoning everything else in her body we do have another call on the line dr. Peter so let’s see this let’s hear this next caller actually he was shy so I’m asking what about tax all I don’t know what about tax all please I think it has some anti-inflammatory effect which I think probably account for the good it does but there are some less toxic things that I think do more good so tax all is from the u-tree yeah the compound from the u-tree I think there are probably about a thousand herbal compounds anti-inflammatory things could 45:51 you comment on the seac formula I don’t know it specifically but I’m I’m sure it has some of those same anti-inflammatory effects yeah it also has some it has a lot of liver herbs in it so that helps your liver clear you know excess hormones like you mentioned that if you have an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone I’m imagining that be due to the improved liver function you’d be clearing more waste from the system and excess hormones yeah let’s not excuse me let’s let’s not ignore the estrogen which you’ve also implicated as a big cause of inflammation and that just coming back to inflammation and it always comes back to inflammation that that is the major cause of any mutation arising yeah I mentioned that the the crucial respiratory enzyme right is protected by progesterone and inactivated by estrogen but the one 46:56 of the oldest bystander effects known at least 50 years ago they discovered that if you were a radiate any part of an animal it’ll go into heat as if it had been given a shot of estrogen it can be its foot or its head or any part with the bystander substances spread out and any inflammation activates the aromatase enzyme which makes estrogen so in studies of monkeys trying to measure the output of estrogen from its ovaries they found that its arms were producing at least as much estrogen as the ovaries so a person isn’t protected against estrogen just because they have menopause or have had ovaries removed every part of your body that’s irritated or stressed or depleted of energy is 48:04 going to become an estrogen factory and that’s in men and women but we do have another caller here actually another shy person so assuming you were going through chemo and radiation and you were excreting those from your body what danger is that to people around you they’re starting to recommend that people who are taking radioactive iodine as a thyroid treatment not fly or ride on buses because they’re radiating people around them so what about like if someone’s having radiation for lymphoma if you get it at the factory it’s not going to hurt anyone else it’s just gonna hurt you it would just have to be right like the radioactive iodine that people might take yeah they actually have that in their system and they’re you’re they’re radioactive yeah okay how one okay what do you have any any comments to make on metastases of cancer that 49:07 haven’t been surgically intervened with it and how that metastases would would would occur oh well they’re great for business because you now they’re saying that maybe breast cancer starts in utero but first they were saying you if you cut off the breasts when the woman is 20 she can’t get breast cancer true but now they’re saying that maybe that’s even too late for for some cases that it might have really started in infancy or before wow and so the idea of metastatic little aliens it’s tremendous business because you can never prove they aren’t there and if you injure a person enough you’re gonna find some even if they 50:08 weren’t there I mean it wasn’t there a study done that showed like over 90%!o(MISSING)f people that were over the age of 50 correct me if I’m wrong care a hundred percent a hundred percent people over the age of 50 that died in accidents or had autopsies done they all had some form of abdominal cancer yeah that was what Kerry Rubin was told by a pathologist friend of his but since then there have been a couple of similar studies that even looking at people over 35 they find a very high percentage of them if you look at just two or three organs breast uterus prostate very likely to find cancer in a high percentage but by the age of 50 everyone can have a diagnosed so I think that means be careful about getting a diagnosis then this is a couple of times when I was 51:09 about 30 or so I told me with a very grave expression that I had a precancerous leukoplakia I should have it biopsied but since I had already experienced that lumpy development inside my cheeks whenever I was deficient in vitamin a instead of going to a cancer specialist and having a biopsy I took vitamin a and each time a dentist told me that I have cured it in a week and and then since I knew that leukoplakia of the cervix is biologically almost indistinguishable from leukoplakia inside the cheek I told women who had abnormal pap smears yeah and and biopsies showing so-called carcinoma in C2 I told 52:12 them about that and they tried applying vitamin a topically and such and I kept track of three dozen women who had that experience all of them told their doctors when they went back two or three months later with no evidence of abnormality doctor lost out good hysterectomy but the doctors in every case didn’t want to know what they had done okay sir you’ve mentioned vitamin a before haven’t you first cervical well people when they get told to have cervical dysphasia natural sources of vitamin a are eggs and liver I mean there is beta carotene but that then relies on a conversion and that conversion back to be you’re saying is not very efficient between beta carotene and vitamin a yeah if you’re deficient in either thyroid hormone or vitamin b12 you don’t convert it from beta carotene into into vitamin a okay well I know 53:20 we’ve got three minutes left so we’re getting close to the top of the hour and we need to make sure that we’re we’re done by eight o’clock so let’s spend the next couple of minutes I’m just letting people know a little bit more about you dr. Pete and how you can be contacted I know that you’ve in the past always been willing to let people know that your website exists and that they can visit that and there’s lots of articles that are fully referenced lots of kind of yeah brain-stretching articles that help you think about things that we’ve been brainwashed into believing are happening one way to see them in a different way it’s always a very good exercise to see more than one side of any particular argument so dr. Pete’s website is raypeat.com r-a-y-p-e-a-t .com and he’s also just said that we can give out his email address folks so people would like to contact Ray Pete these they have the option to the first time in oh two and a half or three years that you could contact him through his contact page on his website but no I took that off because I was giving too 54:22 many book orders okay good okay well listen folks dr. Raymond Pete’s email address if you want to shoot many questions it’s r-a-y-p-e-a-t at gmail.com so Ray Pete at gmail.com good luck dr. Pete funny gonna get lots of people contacting you if you live inside gosh what are you pointing that for okay anyway so we’ve got two minutes to go before the end of the show we’re very near to this so we can be reached toll-free on 1-888 WBM herb for any other questions during normal business hours Monday through Friday thank you so much for joining us dr. Pete and sharing your wisdom people can go visit his site raypeat.com and his email address is raypeat at gmail.com so until next month until March 16th thank you for listening good night good night