Ray Peat Rodeo
A picture of Marcus Whybrow, creator of Ray Peat Rodeo From Marcus This is an audio interview to do with Ray Peat from 2019.
It's part of my effort to archive and augment Ray's complete works within this website, Ray Peat Rodeo. You can donate to the project on GitHub sponsors, cheers🥰.

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00:00 Well, welcome to the Get Fit with Jodell show. I am as usual Jodell and I am so excited to have Dr. Ray Pete with me today and he’s someone you’re about to come to love just as I do and he graciously is sharing his time with me today over the phone. You will be amazed at the knowledge that he is about to drop. I’m sure the laundry list of credentials this man holds as well as just his passion for helping people. Well, let’s just say it’s more than you or I could ever dream of holding. So Dr. Pete has a PhD in biology from the University of Oregon specializing in physiology. He was taught at the University of Oregon, Urbana College, Montana State University, National College of Naturopathic Medicine, the Universidad Veracruzana and the Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico so hopefully I pronounced those right and Blake College 01:04 as well and over the years has worked with many private clients with nutritional counseling. And he started his research in 1968 so long before any of us so-called nutrition nerds who make videos on YouTube, myself included, were even born mainly regarding progesterone and the hormones closely related to it as protectors of the body’s structure and energy against harmful effects of estrogen, radiation, stress and lack of oxygen. And not done yet. He also is an editor and writer of his famous newsletter he puts out as well as the author for some fantastic quick reads when you have a moment, one of which is my favorite nutrition for wisdom. He’s also an artist and some of his artwork as well as his amazing blog post can be seen at reypeat.com. So Dr. Peat, I’m so excited to speak with you today. How are you doing? Very good. Thank you. Oh good. So will you please tell my listeners briefly what got you into this passion you have for 02:08 all things related to stress, hormones, thyroid and really helping people feel more optimal? In the 1950s and 60s I was interested in psychology and language and I started a school in Mexico Plague College and that was just a general liberal arts school for both United States students and local Mexican students. But in the process I noticed that lots of the local people in Mexico were eating a very bad diet and a couple of my friends had family members who were very sick and having read Adele Davis’s books I suggested some of her nutritional therapies. 03:08 For example a friend’s nephew had been in the hospital for two or three days with diarrhea that they couldn’t control and the third day I think they said she wouldn’t live the night and at that point my friend decided there was no harm in trying the vitamin B6 supplement that was one of Adele Davis’s recommendations for diarrhea. He gave the little kid this 10 milligram tablet of vitamin B6 and within the hour her diarrhea had stopped she was recovered in just a couple of days. No more problems just a single vitamin did what the whole hospital staff couldn’t manage with intravenous treatments and so on. 04:11 So I realized that a lot of information wasn’t getting into the medical system I decided after coming back to the US to study biology instead of just the humanities, language, psychology and literature and in graduate school I ran into the same dogmatism and ignoring the really important practical information I had planned to study brain biology but I saw that the professors were locked into a dogmatic view of how a nerve works and looking through the whole University of Oregon I found that the reproductive physiology department was actually 05:16 doing open research trying to discover what causes the infertility of aging and what the real factors infertility and maintaining pregnancy are. So I shifted from brain biology to reproductive physiology and in examining what the factors are that make it possible for a fertilized opum to develop the whole organism and a nervous system I found that the brain is governed and formed by the same factors that govern the question of fertility or infertility. It’s a very simple sort of a spectrum that the same things that cause infertility cause 06:22 bad development of the brain. The brain is really the most sensitive part of the organism and the same factors that make it healthy make it possible for the opum to implant in the uterus. So I concentrated on the factors that are regulated by those hormones of fertility and I realized that the drug industry at that time already for almost 30 years had been propagandizing the public with the idea that estrogen is the female hormone and in our lab we saw that estrogen was the contraceptive hormone not the hormone of fertility and 07:24 pregnancy. But the drug industry, the pharmaceutical industry knew that estrogen made a good contraception pill. It was actually causing abortions but they didn’t want to call it the abortion pill. So they called it the anti-conception pill and the real hormone of fertility and brain development turns out to be progesterone which works by providing energy to the developing embryo in the form of oxygen and glucose primarily making energy most efficiently by oxidizing glucose. And estrogen is just one of the factors that interrupts that process. So estrogen creates a local sort of inflammation in the uterus, a kind of wound that will allow 08:32 the opum to be embedded in the tissue but if the estrogen stays dominant it kills the opum. So the function of progesterone is to knock the estrogen out of the tissue and shift that wound physiology or local stress inflammatory physiology into a supportive oxidative sugar-rich environment. Wow, that is, it’s not at all what we’ve been taught. You know, even from a young age I was always taught the importance of estrogen but now we can clearly see based on what you’re saying that it is like propaganda what you mentioned. So a lot of your work is done around these specific hormones like progesterone but also the reason I really got interested in your work is because you talk so much about stress and how it affects our system and I mean would you say that stress is really the driving factor 09:34 behind most disease and that it contributes to the rise in estrogen? The way I define stress I would say that it is the factor in all disease. If you define it as a mismatch between organism and environment then even the so-called genetic processes are, for example, if you have sickle cell anemia in your genes it happens that in Africa that’s a defensive gene and if the people are eating a certain type of diet that maintains an oxidative condition in the cells there is no sickle cell disease. It’s simply a defensive mutation in that environment. But when you don’t have that environment then it shows up as a disease that when you’re 10:37 under stress the cells change shape and cause pain and sickness and possibly death. So the genetic diseases turn out to be a disease of stress when the environment isn’t properly supportive. So you can see even genetic and infectious diseases as a matter of stress. If you have good nutrition then the various bacteria in the environment what causes dysentery for example because your immune system takes care of them and stops the whole inflammatory process. And inflammation is the basic factor in why stress causes disease and it’s almost entirely 11:40 overlooked as a factor in stress. Now it’s coming to be recognized as a matter of all kinds of disease, heart disease and obesity for example are seen to originate with a stress physiology. But what they’re missing is that stress leads to inflammation and that leads to the various specific diseases. And when you say stress you’re not really just talking about like day to day living stress you’re talking about environmental stressors like radiation, you’re talking about pollutants, you’re talking about the emotional stress, the mental stress and all of that environmental stress together right? Yeah it’s when the environment is putting demands on you that you don’t have the internal 12:43 resources to meet smoothly. For example an 18 or 20 year old person who is well fed can meet all kinds of changes of weather and climate and physical demand, work, exertion and so on without any stress at all. That same activity would kill someone who wasn’t well nourished or maybe who was 80 or 90 years old. So it’s the matter of what kind of resources you have internally in proportion to the stress. Can you help us understand like these stressors of our modernized society like I mentioned like radiation and even artificial light and things like that that can stress our system. What are all of the things like in our modernized society that have led to this stress as the main driving factor behind disease? 13:48 The drug industry but all kinds of technological industries have tried to cover up the fact that they are causing not only the disease of the people exposed to their products and even the offspring descendants of those people that they are exposing. So there is a big propaganda movement over the last 100 years to try to convince the public that pollution is not harmful. 50 years, 60 years ago the government had a campaign to tell people that radiation was good for you. You’ve probably heard that hormesis is the idea of radiation hormesis or poison hormesis. 14:52 That the little poison is good for you. That is a perversion of the idea of stress. A teenager meeting a challenge seeing for example a tennis game competition or swimming a certain distance and so on. Meeting a challenge that is interesting actually builds your body and abilities of having a goal to build something. You develop your skills in doing it so you are becoming more in meeting that challenge. That is not a stress. A stress is something that the man has put on you that you didn’t ask for and you don’t have the ability to do easily and with pleasure. So when pleasure isn’t involved in the action it is probably going to be harmful to you 15:59 in some way. So just doing a boring and stupid job many people spend their lives doing that is poisoning your tissues constantly because you are not getting pleasure out of the activity. I read that in Hans Sellier’s book Stress Without Distress. That was one of the main sentences that I underlined when I was reading that book was how the stress that we are under has a lot to do with the fact that many people live these lives trying to appease their parents or this job that they think they should do but they really don’t like and at the end of their life they are left frustrated and more stressed than ever and they usually die of disease because of the chronic day in and day out life of something they didn’t choose and they didn’t want to live and it was miserable existence and they didn’t serve a purpose. I don’t think people think about how that is a stress or two just doing a job that you 17:01 don’t love. Did you ever hear about the rat studies in which they have reached their environment, gave them toys and things to play with and explore versus the rats that lived in ordinary little rat cages and what happened to their brains? In the early 1960s at the University of California, Marion Diamond and several other people they found that the environment richness caused the brain to function better. The rats that had a playpen rather than a little box to live in solved problems better and they wondered why the brains were functioning better. They found that their enzymes had changed very distinctly and when they let those animals 18:09 reproduce their babies had bigger brains and were again more intelligent than the parents so it’s an inheritable brain improvement that happens just by having an enjoyable daily routine or lack of routine daily little novel experiences entertaining things to discover. The rats had playground equipment like swings and slides and balls and things and more recently it has been found that the enriched environment rats not only had bigger more intelligent brains but their whole bodies were producing more progesterone and more recently still 19:10 they were found to have lower levels of estrogen. Back in the 70s Marion Diamond found that if you gave animals a supplement of progesterone their brains were bigger and if you gave them when the mother was pregnant if you gave her estrogen their brains were shrunken because it stopped the growth by causing rats. Wow. So what you’re saying is this enjoyment is what I call vitamin P, pleasure, passion, purpose and I feel like there are a lot of people that are just doing a job and not living a passion or a purpose but that’s one thing that drew me to you is you can tell that what you’re doing is a passion and it certainly serves a purpose. And I found you almost two years ago when I went through a really bad toxic mold exposure and my thyroid was hugely affected by that exposure so it was a huge stressor on my body even though I live a life that’s pretty happy and I love my job and everything 20:15 but my stress came from that environmental stress of like it completely tore apart my body completely broke down my thyroid just from that toxic mold exposure that took about a year and a half to bring my system back to full health from. So how does the thyroid, I know you talk a lot about the thyroid and you’re pretty passionate about it how does the thyroid get affected by chronic stress or even acute stressors like a toxic mold? I was talking about the polarity and fertility and brain development of estrogen and progesterone in the background the oxidative sugar metabolism that is controlled on the cell level by estrogen and progesterone in the background it requires thyroid hormone to work you don’t have any oxygen metabolism without thyroid 21:16 so that’s the without which not the progesterone operates and when someone cultured took a slice of thyroid gland put it in a cultured dish and added hormones to it they saw that if you added progesterone the thyroid gland secreted the active thyroid hormone it activated enzymes causing the fibro globulin or colloid that’s stored in the cell caused it to break down into the active thyroid hormones and when they added estrogen to the cultured dish it blocked those enzymes and stopped the secretion but it allowed the cells to go on synthesizing the fibro globulin without being able to produce the hormones 22:18 so that single experiment explained why girls in their teens and women around menopause so often have a swollen thyroid gland those are the times when estrogen has the risk of becoming dominant if you’re under stress you can’t produce enough progesterone and in that condition the thyroid gland keeps producing the colloid or globulin but it can’t convert it into the active hormone and so your pituitary keeps driving the gland harder trying to make it produce hormone and all it does is make the gland swell up and so many women have had their thyroid gland destroyed either with surgery or radiation when all they needed was something to either lower the estrogen or give them a progesterone supplement 23:21 wow that’s, yeah I was just amazed at how like my thyroid being damaged led to things like I had never had cellulite before and in three months time of an exposure to mold the back of my legs went from completely smooth to completely cellulite ridden what was the mechanism behind that? well the, when your thyroid isn’t adequate regardless of how much estrogen is in your tissue your cells act as if they are under the influence of estrogen something I found in my research at the university was that estrogen’s effects can’t be distinguished biochemically the metabolic effects can’t be distinguished from the effects of radiation x-rays or suffocation, the elimination of oxygen 24:23 or poisoning with cyanide or other things that poison your oxidative system and interestingly at that time people had already identified polyunsaturated fatty acids as the source of age pigment and estrogen and radiation and oxygen deprivation all accelerate the formation of age pigment causing the polyunsaturated fatty acids to spontaneously oxidize and turn into a pigment which in itself consumes and wastes oxygen so that got me interested in what the chronic exposure to polyunsaturated fats in the diet is doing to people and poisons such as your mold poisoning, all these poisons have different sources 25:28 chemically or physically, they all end up acting like estrogen in that they poison your ability to use oxygen wow I didn’t even think about that, like I didn’t even think about it really being like an estrogen in my body and that makes complete sense because estrogen does put weight on your body and I changed nothing in fact I exercised the same, I ate the exact same and yet I kept putting on weight and I was like this is not me, like I’m a nutritionist, I know how to heal my body I know how to feed my body and yet nothing was working, it was like I was fighting a losing battle so that’s so interesting that the mold actually acted like an estrogen are there other things that also act like estrogens in our body too? I know there’s xenoestrogens and like obesogens and things like BPA plastics and stuff but maybe there’s other things that people don’t think of that are acting like estrogens in the 1930s soot was found to be highly estrogenic and that explains why smoke is such a carcinogen 26:36 it simply is a very intense estrogen, from a gob of black soot you can extract many different estrogens that work just like the manufactured synthetic estrogens and some of the research companies were using soot derivatives to discover new estrogen products Tomoxifen, the anti-estrogen so called which itself has some estrogen effects it grew out of that research of why soot is estrogenic and any urethane, anything that stimulates the cell so intensely that the oxidative system can’t keep up 27:37 or anything that interrupts the use of oxygen my recent newsletter on particulate especially nanoparticles much smaller like a tenths the size of a bacteria are smaller these things are some of the mature naturally in sands, jordans and such but industry, smoke output, traffic, the friction of tires on pavement the condensed materials from the smoke of vehicle traffic and not only these somewhat natural powdered materials put into the atmosphere but the industry has discovered that nanoparticles are very convenient additives to, for example, thickened shampoo and toothpaste 28:43 even the thickened food and it’s permitted to use them as food additives but when they’re absorbed through the lungs or through the intestine or even through the skin they ender cells and as an insoluble particle if they have just the right shape they act as a constant stimulating irritant to the cell and that sort of disproportion between stimulation or irritation and the ability to supply energy that has an estrogenic and potentially carcinogenic action Wow, and some of these toxins in our environment you’re talking about would those also be in supplements? Oh, that’s a horrifying thing that some of the titanium dioxide and silicon dioxide 29:50 some of it is larger particles which are not so toxic but still not safe but these, even though they think they’re putting in a larger granular material these very often contain the nanoparticles that are extremely toxic and if you look at ingredients of vitamins, minerals, all kinds of supplements and drugs you very often see one or the other or both titanium dioxide and silica Yeah, something to watch out for for sure so that’s why I really like Georgie’s supplements, the Idea Labs because he uses ingredients that are none of those contain any sort of silica or anything that’s really potentially harmful so I appreciate his stuff and I know that you probably do as well An example of what the particles are known to do for just about 100 years 30:58 vaccines have been found to be more active in promoting immunity if they contain aluminum hydroxide which forms these very tiny particles which activate inflammation, a generalized inflammation produced by those particles arouses your body to become immune to whatever germ antigen happens to be present at the same time so the medical industry has known for 100 years that nanoparticles promote inflammation but they’re very reluctant to acknowledge that we should be taking them out of our food rather than putting them in Yeah, so there’s that stressor again and then stress is again going to elevate the estrogen as well 32:00 and people wonder why we’re getting fatter as a nation so that’s interesting too and talking about that like okay so let’s talk diets are there diets out there that are actually estrogenic too are there certain diets that are kind of popular these days that could actually be hurting people as far as promoting estrogen versus helping them? Yeah, the polyunsaturated fats are made more active by estrogen but they in themselves intensify estrogen activity even without estrogen you’ll get estrogen like effects from any free radical entry for example but you have this very strong interaction the estrogen that you have is made more intense by the presence of especially the omega minus 3 fatty acids but both minus 6 and minus 3 polyunsaturated fats promote the effects of estrogen 33:10 and it’s been known for about 40 years that their carcinogenicity involves interaction with the estrogen system And so what are the most offending pufas or polyunsaturated fats which would you say are the most offending that people are regularly consuming? Well, on 1950 the food industry had a lot of cotton seed oil that otherwise would have been wasted because it was no longer needed for the paint industry when petroleum chemistry started producing paint bases so these seed oils were turned into an American basic food material in the 1950s to dispose of industrial waste really 34:13 but it became a big industry telling people that they were essential nutrients and not only essential but they were somehow to be therapeutic preventing heart disease so they called it the heart protective diet high in the omega minus 6 fatty acids but a big study with veterans found that not only cancer but heart disease itself was increased by eating the so-called heart protective diet with the so-called essential fatty acids that was the turning point where people started turning against the N minus 6 fats as the essential fatty acids and turning towards the N minus 3 characterized by fish oil for example but produced by algae 35:16 Since about 1970 there has been recognition that the soy oil, cotton seed oil, safflower seed oil, canola all of the N minus 6 rich oils are carcinogenic and cause heart disease and all other degenerative diseases but the industry, for example the fish industry had a lot of polluting waste The Environmental Protection Agency criticized, said they had to do something to stop polluting the bays and surrounding landfills with the fish waste That was about the time that fish oil was discovered to be health food 36:18 There is one advantage the minus 3 oils have over the minus 6 oils is that they are extremely unstable and they block the effects of the N minus 6 as far as producing pro-inflammatory plastic lanterns goes So you do get an anti-inflammatory effect for the first few months from fish oil because it interferes, poisons the enzymes that make the plastic lanterns that produce inflammation But the extreme oxidative instability of the N minus 3 oils means that for example acrolium it’s one of the toxic byproducts of various food preparation processes 37:26 but it’s the worst breakdown product of the fish oil category, N minus 3, at the essence and there are several others that the breakdown products that are reactive, aldehydes, hydroxy known enal and several others come both from the N minus 6 and the N minus 3 fatty acids and acrolium for example is known to poison sperm cells and oocytes the development of the opum is impaired making the, tending to increase the risk of birth defects both in men and women the acrolium and related breakdown products of the polyunsaturated fats 38:27 are poisoning the next generation as well as the person who is accumulating them and in the growth process the placenta is a purely powerful filtering against anything toxic Even getting into the developing embryo the energy that provides the growth of the embryo is primarily glucose and so a slightly diabetic mother is tending to accelerate the growth of the embryo because glucose is the main growth energy but if you give the mother supplements of fish oil some of this enough of it gets through the barrier of the placenta to slow the development 39:35 cause a reduced birth weight and reduced brain function despite the evidence going back more than 40 years in animal studies showing this toxic effect on the developing brain they’re still adding it to a baby formula and promoting it as a brain growth factor rather than a brain poison when a baby is born a healthy baby shows signs of being deficient in the polyunsaturated fatty acids and that’s taken as opportunity to sell fish oil for baby food but as the baby grows it starts assimilating and building some of this polyunsaturated fat into its brain 40:42 but as it grows its brain is enlarging and so from birth to age 20 there’s only a slow accumulation of polyunsaturated fat in the brain but when the growth process slows off around the age of 20 the food fats tend to accumulate in the fatty tissue and in the brain which is most of the substance is fat rather than protein in the brain and so from the age of 20 to middle age there’s a steady increase of the N-3 fats in the brain and in proportion to the amount of poofa in the brain especially N-3 the metabolic rate, the oxidative metabolism slows down 41:47 so a baby’s brain is oxidizing at a very high speed and the first few years of life kids are extremely capable of learning by the first grade a kid knows about 6000 words of their native language but if you ask someone to learn that many words of a foreign language it’s going to be a lot slower at an older age at the age of 20 learning and oxidative metabolism both start declining at a faster rate and go on for the rest of the person’s life with the decline of cognitive ability corresponding to the decline of oxidative metabolism 42:49 and being in proportion to the accumulated polyunsaturated fats in the brain they’re stored in the form of esters with cholesterol one of their functions that is harmful is that they interfere with the natural function of cholesterol in the brain which is a normal stabilizing factor in the brain I think if people will realize that the first food for baby is actually breast milk which is 50-60%!s(MISSING)aturated fat they would see that if there was a creator that was willing to devise that our first food is saturated fat they’d see that the polyunsaturated really don’t have a place for us, correct? The amount of poofa in a mother’s blood corresponds pretty closely to the amount of estrogen 43:51 so if she has too much estrogen she won’t produce enough milk estrogen has been used pretty widely to stop lactation for women who don’t want breastfeed but in proportion to the estrogenicity the woman is experiencing her blood will be enriched with polyunsaturated fats Okay, one other thing then, so we talked diet and certain foods but what about people that are actually doing that diet of intermittent fasting to where they’re fasting regularly and not eating? What kind of stressor is that on the system? Is it something that’s beneficial or not? If you’re eating a very bad diet, not eating it is beneficial in the sense that you’re not poisoning yourself during that time 44:55 but you have to consider the context such as how good is the diet that you’re not eating and the hours of darkness usually are the hours when people are careful not to eat if they’re in that system and blood sugar normally falls during the hours of darkness and that is compensated by a rise in the free fatty acids in the bloodstream and that’s the same pattern that happens when you’re under stress in the daytime any time you are having more stimulation or irritation or burden of work demand for example 45:58 then you have stored glycogen as energy to meet it when the glycogen is depleted you are forced to mobilize free fatty acids from storage and to start oxidizing those for energy and that requires more oxygen per unit of energy produced and so it tends to create a deficiency of glucose that leads to a waste of glucose because the fat metabolism is a strain on the ability to deliver oxygen to the system and when you aren’t getting enough oxygen to the system your body recognizes that the problem is that you aren’t oxidizing glucose and so it starts turning protein to glucose 47:01 and it turns out that lactic acid rises even in the diabetics for example whose problem is exactly that they can’t oxidize glucose lactic acid which is a waste of glucose it appears in the blood when you’re under stress the rise of lactic acid is a good indicator of how much stress you’re under but every night as you mobilize free fatty acids as your stored glycogen runs out you start going into this stress state producing lactate and that causes progressive damage of the mitochondria and aging if you look at the loss of bone matter in women especially in the 30s and 40s 48:07 the bone that’s being destroyed shows up in the urine as calcium most of the days bone destruction which is just one sign of the aging degenerative process most of the calcium shows up in the morning urine showing that the aging and degeneration happens during the night and that stress physiology during the night is because we have run out of glycogen and the longer you go without eating the more you can rely on the inefficient fat oxidation residents out of glycogen and out of glucose and a lot of people might be interested to hear that you are not really a fan of fat burning for energy so talk to me about that. I love your philosophy behind it but I want to hear it straight from you 49:14 if you look at the difference between a woman’s blood tests and a man’s most people would say since men have bigger muscles and bigger bones you would assume that men have more growth hormone in their blood than women do but someone recently saw that the methods used in testing growth hormone that showed women having maybe twice as much growth hormone as men that was a mistaken technology they found and 80 times greater growth hormone in women than in men this is an effective estrogen estrogen causes chronically high mobilization of pre fatty acids in the blood and that is compensated by this extremely high production of growth hormone that is why women are to a great extent protected from that chronic exposure 50:27 but that is an effective estrogen dominance and so to the extent that you can minimize that you can reduce that fat oxidizing chronic degenerative process and so in that manner you are more of a fan of the glucose system so you actually advocate for people taking in things that will build their glycogen and consuming carbohydrates because carbohydrates make carbon dioxide in our body and can you tell us these are maybe some ways we can start mitigating some of the stress and maybe how many people have been on these low carb diets and have become part of the problem and maybe what they could do to mitigate some of the stress and maybe it starts with having some forms of sugar, yes? Yes, at the end of the 19th century first the doctor in Paris and then one in England cured several of their patients by feeding them as much sugar as they desired 51:41 and the traditional method they saw patients wasting away with diabetes and craving sugar, they called it the sugar disease and so they would lock away the sugar and feed them fat and meat and they wouldn’t assimilate it properly and they would die and these two doctors found that feeding them as much sugar as they craved which would be about 12 ounces a day of highly refined pure sugar just added to a regular diet cured their patients and if you look at the function of the beta cells in the pancreas that make insulin, free fatty acids kill those cells and the free fatty acids are mobilized when you aren’t having either sugar in the blood or the ability to oxidize the sugar 52:46 so the presence of free fatty acids is constantly killing the beta cells which are constantly regenerating as far as there is glucose available but glucose is a factor which supports the regeneration and differentiation of new insulin producing cells and so what the French and English doctors 140 years ago discovered was that the function, all of their normal sugar regulating functions came back when they interrupted that destructive process of what happens when you’re craving sugar because you are using it inefficiently I’m just so happy to hear you say that because it’s so common sense if people will think about it since every cell of our body requires and especially the brain runs off of glucose 53:53 that’s its preferred fuel but the mainstream now you’re hearing is keto and low carb and all of that and yet the people that are coming to me off of keto and low carb are saying I’m exhausted, I don’t feel well, I can’t handle stress, I can’t work out anymore I love eating low carb but I don’t know if it’s working for me anymore what would you say to that? The brain and muscles as well as the liver have to store glycogen to work and if you’re forced to make glucose to put back into those stores you’re doing it at the expense of some part of your body turning muscle tissue into glucose for example will keep you alive but it’s degrading all of your functional tissues to use them to make glycogen and without glycogen your brain basically it’s what happens when a person is deprived of sleep 55:03 if they’re kept awake they start becoming confused, can’t think properly and finally would die if they didn’t get back to sleep but the sleep is a process that allows the glycogen to be restored so that the brains can start functioning on a pure glucose regime I’m living proof of that because anytime I’ve ever done even for a healing phase like of keto or carnivore I did carnivory for a while just to try to heal because I was at a loss of how to heal from the toxic mold and my sleep always suffered but the minute I added carbs back in it was like all of a sudden my sleep would just dial itself back in so isn’t that so interesting that our body really is telling us in so many ways, go ahead mentioning the meat eating, that’s a very important side of what’s going on when you’re messing and interfering with the glucose metabolism 56:14 the parasite gland is activated to secrete its hormone by phosphate and meat has an extremely high concentration of phosphorus relative to calcium beans and grains are similar, extreme phosphate excess, green vegetables and milk which is made from green vegetables ultimately the cows harvest the magnesium and calcium rich leaves and put that into the milk so milk has a very favorable high calcium to phosphate ratio and that suppresses calcium, suppresses the parathyroid hormone while phosphate activates it, vitamin D is needed for a calcium to do that and the parathyroid hormone when it’s high it mobilizes calcium out of your bones 57:20 that happens primarily during the night and is accelerated with aging the action of taking calcium out of your bones happens to put it into the soft tissues into your muscles, blood vessels, heart, brain, everything, all the soft tissues tend to calcify as your diet is not getting enough calcium and magnesium and vitamin D but getting too much phosphate relatively and this mismanagement of calcium goes into the mitochondria it does almost exactly the same thing that the polyunsaturated fats do in fact the high parathyroid hormone activates the rancidity of Pufa N-6 and N-3 fatty acids degenerate when your parathyroid hormone is high 58:30 and low thyroid function increases your thyroid stimulating hormone and the whole process of being hypothyroid and activating your pituitary that synergizes with the parathyroid hormone so you really can’t think of thyroid function and parathyroid function separately apparently that’s why the glands are located in the same place because they’re handling the same physiology the TSH activates your parathyroid hormone and both of those are reflecting an imbalance in your diet too much Pufa, too much phosphate and that’s exactly what a lot of the fat diets are emphasizing meat and nuts and grains for example rather than green vegetables, fruits and milk 59:41 it’s almost like I had to listen to my body because when I did the carnivore approach I felt better but there came a point in time when my body was telling me you have to start eating differently you have to stop eating so much meat and you have to add in some seasonal variation of carbohydrates so that’s what I did and that’s when the healing really began so I felt like the carnivore approach helped me initially but then I felt like I knew inherently what I needed to do and you mentioned avoiding the Pufas and also increasing our sugar consumption but as far as lifestyle dietary, environmental things, what can we do to start mitigating some of this stress and people can really begin to heal, what would your recommendations be? Frequent snacks, not letting yourself go too long without eating is something that’s helpful having some fruit and milk or cheese at hand so you don’t get too hungry 01:00:53 but getting enough sunlight is helpful, the long waves, the red and orange waves that penetrate right through your tissues reduce the free radicals that are produced by Pufa and too much phosphate and so on and the ultraviolet makes the vitamin D that helps you handle sugar and calcium and what about lifestyle strategies, what do you recommend for people as far as mitigating the stress lifestyle wise? The most important thing is to figure out what is important in your life and work towards doing what you really think is important and considering the necessities, the horrible work that you might have to do consider that as only a stepping stone to doing something more sane and productive 01:02:03 I love that, find beauty appreciation in everything because even if it’s a job that you can’t get out of that you don’t love at least you can know that it’s providing for your family and you can look at it with a positive attitude If you can have some kind of a perspective in the long range that is meaningful for your life that can make the stress attached to the immediate things disappear as long as you’re well fed and have the energy to maintain that long range vision Since you talk about the importance of the thyroid and how important it is what in order to help our thyroid function more optimally, what would you recommend? The most important thing is to completely eliminate all of the liquid vegetable oils and to drastically reduce the seeds and nuts and natural foods that contain a lot of them 01:03:15 and to avoid the fatty fish and the low fat fish, cod and so on Oysters squid are very low in the omega 3 fats and so they’re safer Very good, well I’ve held you here quite enough time I guess, we’ve been a little over an hour but before I let you go, how can people learn more about you? I know there is even a website that’s called the Rapeat Forum where there’s a lot of people picking up what you’re putting down but I don’t know that you’re actually there, right? No, I’ve never participated in that But as far as I know they can go to Rapeat.com and they can find all your blog posts there as well Can you tell them about your newsletter as well? It’s published every other month so a 12 issue subscription is for 2 years 01:04:20 and that’s $28 by email Yeah and I’ll be sure to include the information for that in the show notes as well Dr. Pete, you’ve been more than generous with your knowledge and your time and I just really appreciate everything you’ve done I wanted to say if you would be willing to share with my listeners your age because I really am so impressed with how many years you’ve been doing nutrition How old are you? 82 82 and you are, I just wish I had a penny sized amount of the knowledge that’s in your head so hopefully you’ll keep podcasting with me if we can do this again, I would love that because I have more and more and more and more I want to talk to you about Can we do that sometime? Oh sure Oh great, thank you so much So you guys check him out Rapeat.com and be sure to send him an email I know sometimes he’s able to check emails if you have a pressing question but otherwise be sure to sign up for that newsletter because he’s got some great topics that come out 01:05:25 in those that are just a plethora of information Thanks again Dr. Pete Did I mention that to get the newsletter it’s Rapeatsnewsletteratgmail.com Okay great, and I’ll put that in the show notes and I think there’s a way they can pay through PayPal to do that too Wonderful, thanks again, thanks for listening everyone and stay tuned for the next time, bye for now F-bomb keto crunch and my daughter and my father love these These are little cheese crisps and they’re made from dairy that’s without growth hormone no artificial flavors, no gluten and they’re a nice healthy fat so it’s pretty cool Check them out dropinfbomb.com and use the code getfit to save 20%!o(MISSING)ff your purchase that’s getfit to save 20%!o(MISSING)ff your keto crunch purchase 01:06:26 You better hurry because the last time I checked they were sold out so I’m assuming they’re going to be getting some more but keep checking back because these are wonderful it’s not for you than for the little one in your life to take on the go with you

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