Ray Peat Rodeo
A picture of Marcus Whybrow, creator of Ray Peat Rodeo From Marcus This is an audio interview to do with Ray Peat from 2012.
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00:00 Once again we’re very pleased to have Dr. Raymond Pete with us. His latest research article is what we’re going to be opening up in this month’s show. His article is entitled Demystifying Dementia, Protective Progesterone. I know he’s a big fan of progesterone and the other anti-aging anti-inflammatory related compounds. So Dr. Pete thanks so much for joining us. Okay so I think as usual for those people who perhaps have never listened to the show before or maybe don’t know you, would you please just give us a rundown of your academic professional background? From 1968 to 72 I studied biology at the University of Oregon for a PhD and worked on aging of the reproductive system and physiology more generally. And one of the things I noticed during that working on my thesis 01:05 relates to what we were talking about last month and the relation of hormones to electromagnetic fields and dementia. I had been interested in radiation for a long time before I went to University of Oregon and was aware of some of the biological interactions. But working on my thesis I noticed that the effects of estrogen on biochemistry are in many ways exactly the same as those of ionizing radiation and also paralleled the effects of too much polyunsaturated fatty in the diet or deficiency of vitamin E. And that synergy between 02:06 estrogen and radiation and the fatty acids is behind this month’s newsletter. Yeah I just wanted to talk a little bit more about what you’ve mentioned just there in terms of energy. I think if most people hearing tonight show if there’s something I think we want to get across there’s several points and one of which is the need for metabolic energy in our bodies and every organism ultimately is using energy to convert chemicals into other chemicals and basically all the cellular processes require a currency of some kind of energy and ultimately ours is oxidatively burning glucose that’s the best way of doing it isn’t it? Yeah under stress we can force our physiology over to burning fat instead of glucose and that causes several changes it produces less carbon 03:13 dioxide and it’s likely to produce a lot of breakdown products that can cause inflammation. And the carbon dioxide is useful again I think most people listening if they haven’t perhaps heard before carbon dioxide you’re very pro carbon dioxide and actually kind of warning against getting too much oxygen I think that’s something we think of as being life-giving but ultimately the oxygen is not particularly good for you is it? No most people have heard about the glycated proteins that people get in diabetes or for aging they call them the AGE. Right advanced glycation end products? Yeah and those stick to certain parts of protein molecules and it happens that carbon dioxide also has a spontaneous ability to attach to those same groups and if carbon dioxide is abundant you 04:15 can’t get glycation because carbon dioxide is protecting that. And it’s also the higher carbon dioxide in the blood will help you utilize your oxygen better I mean within normal levels obviously you have too high but level carbon dioxide will probably cause problems. Yeah it delivers oxygen to the cell. So it’s still stressing the importance of oxygen it’s just a higher carbon dioxide will allow the cells to absorb more oxygen. Yeah for example in the brain in proportion to how much glucose you’re oxidizing and how much carbon dioxide you’re producing it not only releases the oxygen from the hemoglobin so it can get into the cell but it relaxes the blood vessels so the more blood brings oxygen that’s a general feature of carbon dioxide it tends to relax things. So when our metabolism is working healthily then we will be burning sugar for fuel and not fat under stressful situations we burn fat and 05:20 if that fat is a polyunsaturated fatty acid from nut and seed oils then the it becomes quite a stress on the system. Yeah and it happens that starvation or radiation or estrogen will all shift our oxidation from sugar to fat. Right which is why fasting again is not a good thing to do is that you don’t advocate fasting even though I think a lot of people or new age groups or cultures will say that fasting is a fairly important part of a yearly process. Yeah one of the special problems of fasting if you’ve been eating polyunsaturated fats in the past is that it gives you a pure diet of polyunsaturated fat with a terrific amount of oxidation byproducts when you go into a starvation state. Yeah okay that’s the whole point of it you’re going to metabolize the free fat or metabolize the fats that you have 06:22 rather than the sugars during fasting and all those free fatty acids that are liberating liberated rather are going to be very damaging because they specifically spoiled the ability of the enzymes to produce energy from anything especially from sugar and the failure to produce energy is almost exactly the definition of stress anything that makes you lack energy is stress it turns on the whole system of responses to stress. Okay doesn’t that doesn’t the body go into stress after eight hours of not eating? If you’ve got a tremendously efficient liver some people can go much longer than that but as your liver gets less efficient many people can only go an hour or even less without suffering 07:22 the symptoms of starvation. Some people wake up every one or two hours during the night with nightmares or pounding hard which happens when the liver runs out of its trigger supply. Okay so getting back to and not losing the thread of the metabolic that the metabolic energy point behind Alzheimer’s would you open that up a little bit and explain why this energy failure leads or is in part responsible for Alzheimer’s? Well the features that people consider to define Alzheimer’s in the last 10 or 20 years have been the amyloid plaques and the neurofibril tangles and it happens that the folding of these proteins that form amyloid fibrils the folding is intensified by free fatty acids if they’re 08:28 polyunsaturated and that those are released into the bloodstream when your when your liver runs out of sugar basically or you’re starving. Yeah and so chronic starvation and chronic exposure to polyunsaturated free fatty acids or chronic exposure to stress. Yeah that’s a major factor in creating the amyloid and the amyloid has sort of a chain reaction effect creating the tangles and the phosphorylation of top protein and the whole structural change that they identify as typical of the Alzheimer’s brain but any injury to any tissue anywhere in the body happens to activate the enzyme which creates estrogen it’s like when you injure a tree it causes sprouting by turning on hormones in response to the injury that’s how estrogen works. Many enzymes get 09:32 turned on but especially aromatase which is the basic former of estrogen itself and so in stress or any injury aromatase appears and begins making estrogen right inside the tissue and that happens in the Alzheimer’s brain. You’ve mentioned also that the for people that are not listening that are not scientific perhaps the mitochondria you’ve mentioned these in the past and for people that aren’t particularly scientific these are the kind of factories if you like of energy production within the cell and every cell has mitochondria and these these are also damaged by estrogen. Yeah and not only is estrogen damaging them in at least six or eight different ways it shifts from the ability to oxidize glucose it impairs the very enzyme that 10:39 uses oxygen several different places in the mitochondria but besides poisoning the energy it also blocks the ability to turn cholesterol into steroid hormones. The brain is one of our biggest steroid forming glands in the body and it’s concentration of steroids, progesterone, DHEA and pregnenolone especially DHEA and progesterone is about 10 times higher than in the bloodstream. It’s probably the largest consumer of oxygen as well right? Yeah and the production of these neuro steroids is one of the major uses of oxygen and so testosterone is produced in the brain as well as absorbed from what’s circulating in the 11:42 blood and when the brain is injured besides not making these hormones as effectively as it should because of the damaged mitochondria the aromatase enzyme begins turning testosterone in the estrogen and last month we talked about how the electromagnetic field exposure lowers testosterone. Any injury does that, ionizing, radiation, concussion, starvation, whatever. And these poofers you’re saying also another? Yeah and so as the testosterone goes down the estrogen is going up and that causes other hormones. The brain is a source of signals to the other glands in the body. The gonadotropic hormones, FSH and LH 12:47 regulate the ovaries and testicles. So basically we can look at estrogen as just a very big player in mediating inflammation and causing a lot of inflammation and it’s basically would be lumped together with prostaglandins and estrogen would be the opposite of what testosterone and progesterone does in the healthy brain. Yeah in many ways, probably dozens of different ways. I don’t think people consider estrogen to be such an inflammatory mediator. I think we consider estrogen to just be a normal hormone like progesterone and testosterone but actually they’re contradicting each other constantly, male and female bodies. Yeah that’s because the estrogen industry has done such a good advertising job. And when you’re exposed to radiation whether it be from x-rays or whether it be from satellites and cell phones it all increases your 13:47 estrogen which then blocks the testosterone in men and the progesterone in women and causes a cascade of inflammation. And it’s now generally and widely accepted that the Alzheimer’s brain is inflamed but they don’t like to talk about the connection between the inflammation and high estrogen production in the brain and the loss of progesterone and testosterone. Okay you’re listening to Ask Your Ape Doctor on KMU-D Galboville 91.1 FM and from 7.30 until the end of the show at 8 o’clock you’re invited to call in with any questions either related or unrelated to this month’s topic of dementia and progesterone and again we’re very welcomed very pleased to welcome Dr. Raymond Pete to the show who’s basically giving us the byproduct of his research and his latest newsletter, Dementia and Progesterone. Okay so to carry on with Alzheimer’s given that that is the topic of this show 14:48 the amyloid and the neurofibral tangles that you’ve mentioned are diagnostic in the brain. The best things in terms of energy production and or protection, what have you found is probably the most important? It’s hard to say what’s most important because there are so many things working together and each person has their own angle on the problem metabolically but keeping your exposure to the polyunsaturated fats as low as possible keeping the endotoxin exposure low and avoiding excess iron retention because all of the inflammatory things following from estrogen and serotonin over exposure it causes the release of iron from the 15:48 breakdown of the hemoglobin molecule. And the iron is a catalyst to the lipid peroxidation that is exaggeratedly high in demanded brains. That brings me on to you talk about lipid peroxidation byproducts. You mentioned a compound which I did take some time to look up and maybe we’ll talk about that in a little bit. Acrolean is being 10 to 100 times more potent than some of the other lipid byproducts that you’ve mentioned in the past from fish oils. So talk a little bit about acrolean and how damaging that is. It’s a very tiny fragment that comes mainly from the omega minus 3 fatty acids. I think because it’s so small and chemically active is why it has greater effect by 16:50 any times than the longer chain aldehydes and oxides. It’s much more potent catalyzing the reactions though and apparently it lasts a lot longer. Yeah and the fact that it comes from the oils that are being proposed as even cures and treatments for Alzheimer’s disease, fish oil supplements and other omega minus 3 fats are the main sources of acrolean. Okay, I think we’re just trying to get rid of some buzzing here and I think it’s some part of the electrical equipment. Anyway, that’s fine. I think we’re all okay with that. So I know you’ve said also that testosterone opposes the effects of estrogen and cortisol. Yeah, one of the ways testosterone works is to lower the 17:51 luteinizing hormone and people are now thinking that this is going to add a tropon. Fatuitary hormone itself has a big role in forming Alzheimer’s disease. For example, they’ve created transgenic mice that can’t produce any of the LH pituitary hormone and they are free of Alzheimer’s disease and they’re crossed with a strain that is bred to produce dementia. If they don’t have the luteinizing hormone, LH, they don’t get demanded and other mice have similarly altered genetically so that they have no aromatase enzyme and can’t produce estrogen when they’re crossed with the demanded strain. They can age 18:55 normally without dementia and they happen to have twice as much testosterone in their brain as the normal mice that can produce aromatase. So the estrogen is being produced at the expense of the testosterone when the part partly because of the presence of the LH partly just from the intrinsic injury of radiation or starvation or whatever. Because even extra exposure will it will increase estrogen and serotonin and then in turn those will block the effects of testosterone and progesterone. Yeah, and any kind of radiation electromagnetic fields from a radio and television and telephones and so on or x-rays, dental 19:57 x-rays, medical x-rays or still the lingering fallout from the atomic bomb tests of the 50s and early 60s, probably that’s a factor still in the increasing incidence of Alzheimer’s disease because radiation exposure usually takes at least 10 years and up to 40 years to produce cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. And you were telling us that even though they stopped the atomic bomb testing in 1962 or 1963 and it only peaked around 1965, all the accumulation of the radioactive isotopes that were in our environment, you said that there was a large increase in Alzheimer’s disease in 1980. So it seemed to take 15 years. Probably other things were happening at the same time that the increasing 20:57 consumption of polyunsaturated fats continued through this same period. Which are the nut and seed oils just for our listeners of corn oil and cotton seed oil and a lot of others. The consumption of milk decreased during this time and there have been several studies that showed that milk drinkers have less Alzheimer’s disease and so the declining milk happens to coincide with increasing polyunsaturated fats and the previous exposure to large amounts of radioactive isotopes that were absorbed into the tissues doing their damage when the person was younger. To bring this around again to the beginning, it’s a basic energy deficit in the body whether it’s poisoning from poofa or 21:57 radiation or a byproduct of an increased estrogen in the body. Or excess iron or bacterial imbalance in the intestines causing endotoxin? These things have a fairly common denominator in terms of the thing that you can do. I know you’ve been a great proponent of thyroid hormone as well as progesterone and the thyroid hormone, the bottom line of that is it’s enabling metabolism to be corrected by producing energy more effectively allowing the cells to produce energy the way they should. It increases the cytochrome oxidase enzyme which is the one that is very sensitive to stress, estrogen, carbon monoxide, basically all of the toxins and stresses. 23:00 So it has a direct effect on improving and or increasing that? Yes, thyroid is the main thing responsible for increasing it. It causes the genes to be expressed. It causes the copper to be absorbed that the enzyme uses as a cofactor and light is another major factor because with the stress of metabolism the copper can get detached from the enzyme and the exposure to ordinary visible light, the red long waves of light that will pass right into your brain. These happen to lift the copper atom just enough to restore its position in the cytochrome enzyme. Should it energize the copper ion? 24:04 The copper is reactivated by the red light that’s absorbed in the tissue and that research was done about 40 years ago but just in the last year a group in the US did memory studies and they showed that just shining some red light on the head improves memory. And right now we’re experiencing the lowest light of the entire year and we’ll continue to experience dark days. I think everyone is a little demented in the winter. Metabolically as well as psychologically? Well let’s hold that thought for a minute. I think there’s a couple of callers on the line so we’re just coming up to the 7.30 point so let’s see if we’ve got the first caller. You’re on the air? Oh hi, is that me? It is, it’s your turn, go ahead. Hello folks, I’m very much enjoying your talk. Dr. Pied, I have three very tightly related questions regarding light. 25:09 You’ve written about the importance to health of receiving balanced light and now I heard you speaking about red light. I guess I was interested in how many hours a day you consider it healthy to expose oneself to natural daylight and what during what hours of the day is the healthiest. And I guess the third question would be do you have any exceptions to that or cautionary words for those of us who still have high polyunsaturated fatty acids stores in our tissues? The ultraviolet damages cells are primarily by interacting with polyunsaturated fats. A couple of advisements also interact with ultraviolet light but the worst damage is done by the oxidation of unsaturated 26:10 fats and so aspirin is very protective against sunburn. Progesterone and the other things that stop the breakdown of polyunsaturated fats will protect to a great extent against ultraviolet and sunburn or against itemizing radiation. You don’t want to count on taking aspirin and progesterone. It’s better to avoid the radiation itself. Don’t have your dental x-ray dentist can work on your teeth without x-rays. They can do root canals without x-rays. Don’t just say it’s okay you’ll have progesterone and aspirin afterwards. The exposure to red light if it comes within an hour of the ionizing or ultraviolet exposure does something very similar to what it’s doing in repairing the energy of mitochondria and improving the memory and so on. It stops the electronic excitation that 27:15 continues causing chain reactions of oxidation of the polyunsaturated fats. They’ve given experimental animals killing doses of gamma rays for example but if they shine very bright red light on them in the first hour they aren’t killed. What would you recommend as a healthy level at this dark time of the year especially if you’re on the Pacific Northwest? I don’t think we’ve seen the sun in days. I think it’s best to keep as much incandescent long wave light on your skin as much of your skin as possible for as many hours of the day as possible. Just turning it off for eight or nine hours while you’re asleep and avoiding the too intense light during the middle of the day and in summer is important 28:18 because of the circulating oxidative products of the polyunsaturated fats poison your whole body. It’s the same effect if you x-ray your hand, your brain and ovaries and such will experience an estrogenic effect. It’s not localized it doesn’t stay just where the x-ray was. No they circulate same with sunburnt and absorb the poison all through your body if it’s too intense and not contracted by progesterone or aspirin or such. So depending on the time of year before 10 or 11 a.m. and after 2 or 3 p.m. Yeah and just enough to get your vitamin D requirement which is quite a bit but you don’t want to get sunburnt. So if you’re burning it’s too much up until the up until the burn point it’s good for you. You’ve recommended in the past 250 watt heat lamps as a good source of 29:24 red light. Yeah and even two or three of those this time of year right up until almost bedtime it’s good to have 300 or 500 watts finding pretty much at you. Yeah well that free radical quenching effect of the mice is pretty incredible. Okay well I think we’ve got two more callers so let’s let’s work our way through these. Next caller on here. Hi it’s Sandy in New Jersey how are you? We’re doing good thanks for joining us. Hi Dr. P it’s Sandy Soto I haven’t communicated with you in a long time and I wanted to ask you about I’ve been looking into accelerated learning and I’ve been reading also about smart drugs only because I just happened to come upon that and I’m trying to learn some new skills and figure out some ways of increasing my my learning ability as well as my intelligence and I know that you guys mentioned something about 30:24 having taken vitamin B1 before a test when you were in university so I just wanted to ask you about different ways of increasing intelligence and maximizing learning. The most intense effect you can get from the right combination of thyroid T3 and a big dose of vitamin B1 if the rest of your nutrition is good. I’ve told several people to try that over the years and no one has scored under 800 on the graduate record exam or the other standard ice exams where that’s considered just about a perfect score. What they did is taking about a hundred milligrams at the start it lets you have access to just about everything you’ve ever known or thought. A hundred 31:27 milligrams of B1. Yeah and liver is a great source of all your B vitamins. Yeah you have to back up your physiology. Thyroid and B1 can’t do it all by itself. All right cool. Okay so I guess that answers the last questions, the last person’s questions. I wanted to bring out another interesting point that you brought up Dr. Pete and that was it’s kind of going back to the non-INAs and radiation that we were talking about last month. You know the cell phones but also the electromagnetic fields and you said that there was a study done on sewing machine workers and how they had a three times risk of dementia or Alzheimer’s because they were exposed to an electromagnetic field from the motor of the sewing machine. Yeah I think that was people who were working eight or ten hours a day for a long time in a like in a sweatshop situation. So even 32:31 something that people think is harmless like a motor can cause an imbalance in the estrogen and the progesterone levels. Yeah and very small fields have been used therapeutically like an electric clock near the head has been tested on people with Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis and very very small fields can have an official effect in certain circumstances. Michael Persinger has done some very good neurological studies and he has a video on YouTube explaining some of the energy levels involved in nerve interactions with electromagnetic fields. Okay we’ve got actually two more callers Dr. Pete so yeah let’s take the next one. Actually I’m asking a question for the first one he heard you mentioned the that the liquid oils are bad nut and seed oils could you 33:36 expound a tiny bit on that I guess he’s the first time. Okay so polyunsaturated fatty acids which are also known as omega-3 and omega-6 oils are found in all nuts and seeds. Coconut oil is a very saturated fat so it does not contain any of these polyunsaturated fats so we’re talking about hemp seed oil, cotton seed oil, corn oil, safflower, canola, sunflower, sesame, peanut, olive oil is not considered a poofa as we like to call them because it has about 10 percent it’s only yeah only has 10 percent poofa and the other 90 percent is mono unsaturated so not if you have just a normal amount in your salad dressing it’s not going to cause too much trouble but I mean all these fats butter and meat fat all has a tiny bit of poofa in it. What percent does that have in it Dr. Pete? Two or three percent. Right so we will all accumulate poofas even if we 34:39 eat a completely saturated fat diet. And what about the hyaluronic safflower and what is bad about those? Because they still contain quite a large percentage of the polyunsaturated even though they say they’re higher in the mono or the oleic acid is also the mono unsaturated. When I was working in the Hamster lab at the University and got interested in the unsaturated fats I bought a bottle of I think it was corn oil and put a rubber tube in the top of it with rubber stopper and put the other end in a bottle of water and I was doing respiration experiments at the time on tissue with a barberg apparatus that as the tissue respired it would suck water up the tube and this bottle of corn oil who’s respiring about as fast as my tissues sucking water up as it oxidized. That quickly yeah. So they’re very prone to oxidation and going rancid even if they 35:43 are not rancid before you eat them they will go rancid inside your body and it also includes fish oil. Fish oil is much more unstable oxidatively than even the ordinary corn oil. And it’s the byproducts of that breakdown that we’ve mentioned that you’ve mentioned that the acrolane is another very powerful acrolean and all the lipid oxidation it’s very harmful free radicals basically it’s causing a massive free radical reaction in your body that can last up to four years because it takes four years for your body to break down a fat cell. I know we have another color in the line but the other thing I wanted to say is that the hyaluronic safflower oils coconut and of the hydrogenated naturally hydrogenated palm oil make great substitutes for the frying oils. Okay so let’s say it’s next call you’re on the air. Yes you know I was curious if Dr. Pete or either one of you have heard of earthing technology where you have 36:46 different mats and different devices that are plugged into the the source on the plug-in. Yeah I just read an article the other day about earthing and I was pretty pretty it pricked my interest for sure. What was your question? Supposedly this earthing technology I actually have a map that I use when I’m using the computer and the ground frequency of the earth basically overwhelms any of the electromagnetic waves coming from these devices. Does that make sense at all? Dr. Pete have you heard of this grounding technology? Yeah the particular thought that they have is that it removes an excess of electrons from the body but actually the earth is also a source of electrons and I’m fairly sure that there is benefit from having some kind of a more or less direct contact with the 37:52 earth. I’m not sure the argument in that book is exactly right but I think the point is is good. So what do you think about this? I’ve used a meter I’ve you know like been next to a computer put my hand on a laptop and then actually put my hand on the grounding mat and it did seem to change the frequency immediately you know back down to a normal frequency more similar to the earth so I don’t know if it’s working or not but it seems like it could possibly be beneficial. One thing it does is to prevent the the buildup of fields and grounding everything in the house is probably a good idea but still staying away from the machine as far as possible is the best thing. So you know using like Apple 38:56 TV which is obviously you know a wireless frequency going through the house those things are I’m assuming are really bad for us. It’s just adding to our load of non-ionizing right radiation okay you know it’s just it’s more more that you might not need if you can be connected to a wire. Yes rather than using the wireless convenience though but I guess our health is more important. Anyway okay well thank you. Thank you for your call. Thank you so was that the end of the callers or no okay I think we still have another caller let’s take this next one. Hello hi Ronja. Hi I have a question about oils again I attended the Westinay Price Foundation conference recently I don’t know if you’re familiar with that program and kind of the basis of it is a fermented cod liver oil plus butter oil 39:56 together and there was also so I’d like your thoughts on the cod the fermented cod liver oil and there was a speaker who gave evidence about how coconut oil being a medium chain fatty acid prevents and reverses Alzheimer’s and the dosage was one tablespoon three times a day and there was evidence given about how it reverses Alzheimer’s so I’d like your comments on Westinay Price if you’re familiar with that work on the cod liver oil and the coconut oil for Alzheimer’s. Yeah the the butter is good and I think it’s better to eat the whole liver rather than just the oil because there is a lot of polyunsaturated fat in the 40:59 oil and you’ll get the same vitamins in the actual liver rather than in the oil of the liver and many more vitamins besides you don’t get the K vitamin K is in the liver but not in the oil and the B vitamins are not in the oil either that you would get in the liver so what do you think about the Westinay Price protocol well it’s better than than most things going around okay all right we do have another caller so let’s perhaps rather get into that you’re on the earth oh hi you’re on yeah I don’t know if you’re coming or not but have you told me to mention with vegetating doing juice of cannabis vegetative leaves the juice of the leaves yeah juicing vegetative leaves of the cannabis leaves of the 42:00 vegetative stage helps dementia victims have you helped that have you covered that yet no earlier we were talking about avoiding the unsaturated fats and the saturated fats help to protect you against even the stored unsaturated fats in your tissues and so that’s one of the things that the coconut oil is doing it since the unsaturated fats are poisoning your energy producing system and blocking the thyroid action usually you can notice your metabolic rates speed up when you take a tablespoon of coconut oil and that only lasts for an hour or so after a tablespoon full so if you do it with each meal you’re getting in effect a thyroid activation which restores your energy production for a 43:01 while so coconut oil and sugar and thyroid are things that help to offset the polyunsaturated fats do you know have you heard anything about the what that last caller was mentioning about the juicing vegetative leaves and I’ve heard about using the various forms of the cannabis chemicals but not the main okay all right well we have another caller so let’s get this next next caller hello hi you’re on the air yes I had a question for dr. Pete and a great show it’s about a heating pad you’re talking about electromagnetic fields in my good place on a heating pad I wonder if you could answer that dr. Pete yeah definitely that’s putting out 60 cycle fields very 44:03 strong and close to your body so it’s better to use your heating pad on the bed before you get in or your electric blanket the same turn it off when you get in the field that are closer to our own bodies are more dangerous and 60 cycles like we were talking last month is what normal electricity is and our body is like 7 to 10 so it’s it’s getting pretty close compared to a lot of these higher frequency things Michael I think you have a question a caller wanted to know about green tea oil green tea oil I don’t know anything about it I don’t know anything about the oil but I know that green tea has a lot of oxidant and anti-aging compounds like a lot of other caffeinated plants and substances too I’ve actually seen a seed oil from green tea when I was in Korea but I don’t know anything about it I didn’t know but he had enough to make an oil and a fat in 45:07 it to make it all very expensive okay so maybe there’s not maybe it’s like rose oil I did want to bring up one more point before the end of the show tonight if we don’t have any more callers and that is dr. Pete you talked about endotoxin and how that can increase dimension Alzheimer’s and I just wanted to bring out that dr. Andrew Wakefield when he was studying autistic children noticed that when their diets were cleaned up or they took antibiotics or aspirin that they had a reduction in autistic symptoms dr. Pete are you familiar with his work no but that’s consistent with everything else that endotoxin does it increases your serotonin exposure serotonin works to increase estrogen free fatty acids and so on poisoning the mitochondria and high serotonin is characteristic of autism and and so cleaning up the intestine several 46:11 approaches have done a similar thing for autism and anything that lowers the serotonin seems to help autistic thyroid or drugs such as Cyproheptidine and various anti serotonin drugs along with the toxic effects on the intestine of endotoxin I should mention that particles that are being increasingly used in their food supplements such as titanium dioxide and silica silicon dioxide these particles have been put into animals noses and they find that they go directly to the brain and cause inflammation in the brain similarly in intestine any particle that is ingested can get into the bloodstream and reach the brain where it can cause inflammation and I know you’re a big 47:14 proponent of not eating grains and starchy root vegetables and instead you eating fruit and yeah part of that is because the particles of starch themselves can get into every compartment of the body including the brain and there’s another doctor that uses this for autistic children and diet of just fruit and honey for all their carbohydrates and the children are in much better shape another diet feature that helps with all of the brain problems is in fruit juice of orange juice and guava for example are very high in substances that knock out the estrogen producing enzyme their aromatase inhibitors these are apigenin, naryngin and aspiratin and soy beans 48:17 happen to have a substance that does exactly the opposite called genestine. So for Christmas avoid soy and eat oranges instead. Well listen dogs Pete I want to stop you there just so I can make sure that people that are listening can get more information about you thank you so much for joining us and sharing I think it’s fairly fairly clear not just from tonight’s callers but we just want to let you know on the air too that we get so many people writing from all over the country that have listened to this show being broadcasted on the internet that your your voice is out there for sure and we really do appreciate you giving your time for nothing and coming on the show being part of it and opening people’s eyes and hopefully their ears and their minds to different concepts and things they need to really stand up and take notice of so thank you so much for giving your time Dr. Pete. Okay thank you. Okay so for listeners who’ve joined the show www.raypeach.com please go visit his website 49:18 everything he’s got is fully referenced scientific journal quality articles so please do do yourself a favor and you’re listening to ask your herb doctor and my name is Sarah Murray my name is Andrew Murray thank you have a happy Merry Christmas

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