Ray Peat Rodeo
A picture of Marcus Whybrow, creator of Ray Peat Rodeo From Marcus This is an audio interview to do with Ray Peat from 2013.
It's part of my effort to archive and augment Ray's complete works within this website, Ray Peat Rodeo. You can donate to the project on GitHub sponsors, cheers🥰.

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00:00 Need one more reason why your Safeway store is just better? How about free Cuisinart Classic Coloury or Elite Flatware? That’s right! For every $10 you spend, earn a free stamp saver you can redeem for Cuisinart items. Once you’ve collected between 30 and 60 stamps, you can start shopping for a variety of Cuisinart Coloury or Flatware, available at the in-store display. Present your items in stamp saver at checkout. It’s simple. Spend $10, get your free stamp saver, start collecting. Safeway, it’s just better! Locked Talks Radio You’re listening to Holistic Living, brought to you by East-West Healing and Performance. And now, here are your hosts, Josh and Jeannie Rubin. 01:00 Welcome everyone to our new episode of Holistic Living. Today is July 17th, 2013, and today we luckily are getting Ray Pete back on our show. It’s been a while. It’s been a lot of pastoring and begging, I guess. Again, I’m back on the show. We’ve finally got a Monty’s Busy Guy. Today we’re going to be talking about Eddie Hicks’ album. It’s going to be a 60-minute show. We’re going to try to keep it as simple and efficient as possible. We will be taking callers. Locked Talk is having some technical difficulties with my call right now. So, I’m not showing a calling number. The typical calling number that we use is 347-426-3546. If you call that number, it says there’s no show scheduled. So, I’m having some technical difficulties because this is how we get Ray on the show. 02:00 So, just bear with me for the next minute or two. Hopefully, he pops up. Jeannie pops up as well. So, we can get them both on the show and get the show rolling. I guess I’ll take care of some announcements or just FYI type of information. Of course, if you’re interested in learning more about us, of course, you’re calling in to learn about Ray Pete. First, of course, if you want to learn more about Ray’s work, you can visit his website at raypeats.com, R-E-Y-P-E-A-P dot com. I’ll give you a little background on him. For those of you who don’t know who he is, we’ve interviewed him many times. If you go to our website, eastwesthealing.com, hold on one second, guys. I need to refresh this. I just got a message from the blog. I apologize. Bear with me. The calling number, once again, it’s actually different. It’s not the number that I gave you. 03:03 It’s 760-454-1,100. Once again, 760-454-1,100. We will be taking callers. You’ll be patient. I want Ray to be able to answer the questions. I just sent Jeannie the number so she can be calling in soon. If you want to learn more about Ray, go to his website at raypeats.com. He’s got great articles. He’s solved his books, I think, three or four or five books. What hormones, testosterone, and women in nutrition and things like that. He’s got a quarterly newsletter that I highly recommend you signing up for. Ray, who had his PhD in biology from the University of Oregon with a specialization in physiology. He’s taught in many schools from the University of Oregon to Montana State University and the National College of Naturopathic Medicine and many others. He also does private nutritional counseling. He started his work with progesterone in the later hormones in 1968. 04:04 Since then, he’s done more research and published more articles, course, which he shares on his website. I’m going to ask Ray if he wants to introduce himself and talk to that. If you want to learn more about us, you can go to his website eastwestchailing.com. They are talking about our website. On the top, you’ll find the fifth link. It says Ray Pete. We have a list of a lot of the shows that we’ve done, past shows from other people, et cetera, et cetera. There’s a list that’s being shared on the internet, and they’re actually on this page. You can kind of listen to them all, download them all, and share them. We don’t own them. We do nutritional counseling with clients all over the world to actually keep Skype. We have a cookbook, a medieval blueprint cookbook that’s on our website that’s based on Ray’s philosophy, as well as an online educational program that aims TES, audios, and live calls by weekly to an online educational program called a medieval blueprint. 05:07 You can take a look at that on our website as well. You can follow us on Twitter, you can follow us on YouTube, you can follow us on Facebook, all that fun and annoying social media stuff that’s out there. So, there they are. Let me get them actually on here because I’m getting sick of hearing myself. Can you hear me there? Yes. We’re both on. How’s it going, Ray? Good. Well, I did a small introduction for yourself. Get the basics of who you are, what you’ve done, what you’ve taught. Is there anything you might want to add about yourself in regards to, I don’t know, maybe what you’re working on, or just anything about your history that you want to let people know about? Right at the moment, I’ve been working on some of the similarities of the different organs where recent newsletters were on the heart 06:10 and the typical solid tumor as an organ having some of the properties of other organs during stress. And currently, I’m working on both the lens of the eye and the brain as they express some of those same properties of the failing heart and of tumor physiology. You see some of the same processes showing up in such different places and trying to generalize things so that various treatments and diets and programs and such don’t seem arbitrary, so you can see what’s in common. You want to tell people how they can get your quarterly newsletter? Yeah, it’s a for in the United States, two year subscription 07:14 by monthly, 12 issues is $28 and outside of North America it’s $48. And they just email you at the website? Or post up 5764 Eugene 97405. Great, and we highly recommend it guys for anyone wanting to learn and really pass through a lot of illusions that are out there when it comes to physiology. We’ve been studying and raised working getting these newsletters for a long time and it’s really benefited us personally as well as professionally in working with ourselves and clients, so we highly recommend it. So let’s move on to the show. Today we’re going to be talking about any kind of metabolism. We’re going to talk about a mishmash of topics and we’ll take some callers if people have questions. Once again the phone number is 760-454-1100. So I guess the first topic would be the body’s 08:18 alternative energy sources. A lot of people talk about macronutrients and really science out there. Everyone says high protein is good or high fat is good or high carb is good. And I think we all agree that all macronutrients are important. Of course we all have different views on how much of one or the other we need. I guess we can rewind it a little bit and maybe you can talk about from your perspective because you mentioned it on your site and talking about the cells and talking about metabolism and why it’s so important when we talk about macronutrients. Well one of the things I’ve been interested in for a long time is the function of carbon dioxide in cells. In some observations people have seen that the most improbable organism is unable to live 09:22 carbon dioxide even though they can live without oxygen. And ordinarily we think of oxygen turning into carbon dioxide as a waste product. But it really seems to be even more essential for life than oxygen. And carbohydrates are a very good source of carbon dioxide. They oxidize and produce a lot of carbon dioxide. And if carbon dioxide is that essential to life then obviously the best food to produce it is going to be carbohydrates. In these recent newsletters I’ve been pointing out some of the things that are becoming fairly common knowledge now of failing heart, for example. Well if you just look at 10:26 what happens when you exercise, when you’re sitting at rest the quiet muscle burns almost pure sugar and oxygen, pure glucose and oxygen. But as soon as it starts exercising it shifts over to fat oxidation and at maximum exercise it’s burning mostly fat and very little oxygen but very little sugar. But it’s producing quite a bit of lactic acid because it’s wasting sugar. It’s burning the fat pretty thoroughly but it’s wasting the sugar in the lactic acid. The failing heart does the same thing. It’s exerting its maximum and in doing that it’s burning fatty acids 11:30 primarily rather than sugar. This process in general of substituting fat burning for sugar burning was called IPJ Randall cycle. It isn’t really a cycle but now it’s called the Randall cycle which means that if you burn fatty acids that stops your burning glucose, oxidizing glucose and instead you’ll turn it into lactic acid. Diabetes consists of living on fatty acids and not being able to oxidize glucose but still turning glucose into lactic acid so that lactic acid demia becomes a problem in diabetes. Obviously to make lactic acid out of glucose it has to get into the cells so this whole thing of transporting glucose into the cell 12:34 being where the failure comes in heart failure or diabetes or whatever just isn’t the case because if you’re making lactic acid obviously the sugar is getting into the cell. Something goes wrong in the oxidation process and the cell begins to favor the oxidation of fat rather than glucose and that doesn’t produce as much carbon dioxide and that seems to be a basic problem for the cell that leads it down the path of reduced function and eventual non-survival and a very similar thing happens in cancer cells. They begin turning glucose if not into lactic acid then on in the fat and they oxidize the fat 13:38 and in treating heart disease over the last five years or so there’s been quite a movement towards thinking of ways to stop the oxidation of fatty acids allowing the heart to avoid the Randall cycle and get back to oxidizing glucose instead of turning it into lactic acid lactic acid. So this based on what you said which is great information I’ll just get some clarifications I guess for the listeners. When you talk about how the cells or the muscles are using primarily fat when you talk about foods how carbohydrates are the most important because they increase the production of energy which is CO2 can you define when you say carbohydrates what you mean by that and then by you know because some people are going to hear that maybe think we’re talking about eating a high fat diet because our bodies are using fat for energy can you clarify on that a little bit? 14:42 Well we can turn protein into both sugar and fat equivalents so when you’re talking about energy you have to consider that some of it might come from protein but in the case of oxidizing protein that’s very wasteful besides being expensive it produces a lot of waste material ammonia for example and it turns on machinery which resembles the stress reaction when we’re in stress we break down protein and turn it into energy materials but the mechanism of oxidizing fat gets into the process of creating stress especially the polyunsaturated fatty acids 15:46 activate the same stress metabolic stress responsive that burns too much protein will activate by carbohydrate people generally mean both starches and sugars it’s simply the anything that’s made up of that same proportion of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and starches are just long chains of sugars but in the case of most of the food starches they’re composed of pure glucose molecules and so when you’re getting energy from starch you’re really burning pure glucose and sucrose 16:50 standard table sugar that’s also the main sugar of sweet fruits and it consists of only half glucose and half fructose fructose happens to be able to metabolize without relying on the use of insulin used for feeding diabetics and for avoiding some of the stresses produced by the ups and downs of the insulin reactions so getting the right amount of carbohydrates in relation to protein fat is one way to basically increase glucose oxidation and if you’re relying on fat then you’re inhibiting glucose oxidation which is really what you’re saying in a simplistic sense and fructose and glucose 17:54 assuming you’re eating a sugar such as fruits right going with CO2 and talking about oxygen and things like that you talk about antioxidants and what antioxidants are and how they allow oxygen to be used productively rather than actually somewhat quoting you so we could say CO2 is an antioxidant right and not so much all these supplements out there we could say the carbohydrates that you recommend like the tropical fruits and the root vegetables are antioxidants so are there more specific examples you could give in regards to antioxidants to help with the production of CO2 for the listeners well running the oxidative process through the mitochondria very fast happens to be an antioxidative process in terms of avoiding toxic free radicals and so the faster you burn 18:58 oxygen usefully oxidizing sugars the less you have to worry about taking care of the free radical toxic products that really develop when you slow down the respiratory process of burning fats and especially polyunsaturated fats vitamin E and vitamin C and uric acid which is produced in our body is a major antioxidant but the marketing of the idea of antioxidants has created a big confusion in the area the antioxidants in our body have to fit together with uric acid which is naturally there and the enzymes which naturally break down free radicals 20:02 and if you put things in that don’t fit an apparent antioxidant in a test tube can become a pro-oxidant in the body things have to fit together so that vitamin A and vitamin E lock together and vitamin E and vitamin C lock together uric acid and vitamin C lock together and the glucose and other sugars have to be streaming through the systems of enzymes turning into carbon dioxide carbon dioxide has to be flowing out of the cell properly the whole antioxidant system is really one piece and if you try to stuff in any super antioxidants like they’re selling as health products 21:06 you’re likely to create more oxidation than you had without it a recent publication saw that cataracts are twice as common in men over the age of 65 who took big supplements of vitamin E and vitamin C almost doubled their rate of cataracts so when you talk about I talked to clients a lot about this when you talk about progesterone you talk about vitamin E and vitamin C and you’re talking about all the benefits of it are you talking more from a food sense and a macronutrient sense or are you talking more from a supplemental sense vitamin E in particular has a peculiar history that it started out in the 1930s being called 22:10 fertility drug or fertility nutrient and the chutes family of doctors studied that in treating women with clotting and fertility problems both they saw that it prevented abnormal clotting which is a feature of excess estrogen estrogen has many problem side effects when it’s excessive and unopposed and the chutes and others in the 1930s saw that vitamin E was a fertility and prevented heart disease by functioning as an anti estrogen around that same time the polyunsaturated fats were being seen to have estrogen like effects and to 23:14 cause clotting circulatory problems animals that were fed on a high unsaturated fat diet were sterile and the various forces such as the estrogen industry didn’t want estrogen associated with sterility and heart disease and various pressures turned vitamin E into an antioxidant rather than an anti estrogenic material by 1950 the whole history of vitamin E had been turned into an antioxidant so I don’t see it as primarily an antioxidant I see it as anti inflammatory and anti estrogenic with this potential side effect of protecting against pre radicals if it’s in the right concentration and balance with 24:18 other chemicals so in a sense because estrogen creates that hypoxic environment at the cell level correct for vitamin E does the opposite you’re saying it’s almost like an antioxidant allows oxygen to be used more efficiently at the cell level so in a sense because of that it’s anti estrogen both estrogen and anything that wastes oxygen and tends to lead to lactic acid production and vitamin E by stopping the inflammation and estrogen effects is also making more oxygen available and reducing lactic acid problem now going with estrogen since some of the next topics and questions that kind of correlated with that and we’re talking about ourselves and we talked about free fatty acids can you talk a little bit about I know it’s a huge topic and how 25:22 it can cause a sluggish liver it can be recirculated to the body inhibit T4 to T3 conversion cause a hypoxic environment at the cell level leads with DME etc can you talk a little bit about that and we can do free fatty acid production cell metabolism and the thyroid in regards to energy production a little bit more in depth thyroid is the hormone that activates our whole oxidative system and leads to the production of carbon dioxide when it’s working properly and estrogen besides working at the cell level to waste oxygen happens to block the enzymes that secrete thyroid hormone and the fatty acids that are saturated happen to oxidize with fair safety the polyunsaturated fatty acids are the ones that 26:26 are more likely to break down and produce free radicals but cells distinguish between these two types of fatty acids and prefer to oxidize the saturated fats that means that any time you eat a little bit of excess unsaturated fat it primarily goes into storage because the cells prefer not to oxidize it but to store it instead but estrogen prefers those on oxygen wasting free radical producing fats it preferentially causes them to be liberated from storage so under the influence of estrogen all of the free fatty acids increase women have on average higher level of free fatty acid circulating but preferentially estrogen brings the polyunsaturated fats out of storage especially the very long chain polyunsaturated 27:30 and these are the ones that most are with other levels of thyroid function not just the secretion which estrogen directly does but with the transport and metabolism of the thyroid hormone so at many levels estrogen and the polyunsaturated fats are working together to inhibit the function of the thyroid hormone and the oxidative system and does that also have to do with estrogen wasting glucose, estrogen stimulating adrenal contracts like putting yourself into that kind of sympathetic state, that hypoglycemic state which as well causes the breakdown of protein to increase the free fatty acids it’s functional wasting glucose? Estrogen directly stimulates the secretion of insulin and that tends to lower blood sugar 28:34 and create fat storage if you’ve eaten more than enough but it also directly stimulates the adrenal cortex increasing aldosterone and cortisol and that causes the whole into the emergency reaction process. The cortisol tends to bring blood sugar up where the insulin tends to lower it and so the more estrogen is increased and unopposed by protective things such as progesterone, DHEA, and pregnantilone and thyroid then the more system stresses and tendency to failure there are. 29:38 No kind of moving forward with estrogen since we’re on that topic and we’re talking about today endometriosis as well as body temperature in one of your articles you talk about the work of Desjardins, D-E-S-J-A-R-D-I-N-F and you talk about how estrogen interactions with unsaturated fats causing damage in the brain cells you know increasing theoretical and this causes the pituitary to remain chronically active which basically produces a state of constant distress. Now in regards to endometriosis is that a major factor like what are your thoughts on I guess what are your thoughts on endometriosis? Is it unsaturated fats or not enough carbohydrates? Desjardins and his group 30:42 were interested in many of the side effects of estrogen on the brain not just the effects on the pituitary but the endorphins, the effects of iron accumulation and the fatty acids and their interactions and the liver is because of the estrogen, thyroid effects and the constant pushing up of the growth hormone in particular from the pituitary the liver from an early age is feminized and this shows up in studies of liver transplant plants from female donors to male donors and male donors to female donors and various combinations they found that apparently because of this process of stress hormones and the growth hormone 31:46 feminizing women’s livers they make poor candidates relative to the livers of men for transplant and the women have more trouble receiving liver transplant because of estrogen’s interaction with the thyroid and liver causing stress for both of the organs She’s saying basically endometriosis is more of the inability to be toxified with excess estrogen versus a low progesterone Yeah, it involves the liver and the pituitary but estrogen is very central to the actual lesion or abnormal tissue of endometriosis simply by reducing estrogen exposure you can alleviate the symptoms 32:50 of endometriosis. The cells begin producing estrogen, they contain the or express the enzyme aromatase which manufactures estrogen which they used to think existed only in the ovary then it turned out to exist in fat cells, breast cells skin cells, bone and muscle, everywhere that’s under stress will begin to produce estrogen molecules and when that happens in the endometrial tissue it should be exposed to estrogen for only about 12 hours each month and then progesterone should surge up to 50 or 100 times higher concentration and cause the cells to give up their production of estrogen and release what they had but instead of that the 33:54 aromatase keeps turning out estrogen and the estrogen excites the tissue turns on the cyclooxygenase enzyme which turns polyunsaturated fatty acids into prostaglandins creating inflammation that causes the pain, contractions and all of the symptoms and the inflammation from the prostaglandin in turn creates more aromatase and so it gets a vicious cycle going and the simplest, most physiological way to stop it is to eat a diet with adequate protein and sugar and trace minerals and vitamins but to make sure your thyroid is functioning. I’ve seen people who had been constantly for 34:58 months or years suffering painful endometriosis who in two or three days completely stopped the symptoms permanently just with quick acting thyroid and a good diet and aspirin or other blockers of prostaglandin production all by themselves can greatly reduce the formation of estrogen and to break the cycle. Polyunsaturated fats actually activate aromatase enzyme so we can see that unsaturated fats are estrogenic because they waste vitamin as well so for people with endometriosis of course eliminating unsaturated fats will help reduce estrogen production. They’re central to endometriosis. Talking about aromatase enzyme you talked about before but correct me if I’m wrong how aspirin therapy 36:02 actually inhibits aromatase enzyme and actually can upregulate energy production to elaborate a little bit more on aspirin therapy. In cancers bowel or breast or whatever the cells that are stressed begin to produce estrogen and the estrogen in the other tissues or what it is as long as there’s polyunsaturated fat available the estrogen is going to activate the cyclooxygenase enzyme that makes prostaglandins which keep the aromatase active producing more estrogen so even if you aren’t eating it currently the polyunsaturated fat that was incorporated into your tissues is going to break down under stress, flow into the bloodstream and feed the production of estrogen whatever tissue it’s in 37:06 but especially in the irritated inflamed cancerous tissue. Sugar is one of the things that can reduce the flow out of your tissues of the polyunsaturated fat into your bloodstream. Niacinamide is another thing that simply limits the release of these fatty acids from the tissues so both sugar and niacinamide back up the function of aspirin. So people suffering with endometriosis it’d be like using your right amount of carbs, regulating your thyroid, using niacinamide and possibly asthma therapy. Now going a little bit more with estrogen since we’re on the topic and we’re talking about polytepature and pulse which we’ll talk about a little bit more, what is estrogen’s role 38:10 playing in this since we’re on the topic of endometriosis as well because you talk about how estrogen increases heat loss and how it can stimulate nitric oxide and lead to vaginal dilation and all those things. How does that maybe you can correlate that a little bit with body temperature and pulse in endometriosis? Even though estrogen is turning on the stress hormones and the stress hormones tend to protect the body temperature at a certain point of estrogen dominance even the adrenaline which tends to tighten up blood vessels in the skin and make your hands and feet cold to keep the brain and heart temperature up for the function and the cortisol which should keep turning your tissues over producing heat, even those aren’t enough 39:14 to keep your body warm and so your temperature falls after a certain total exposure to unopposed estrogen. The reason progesterone and thyroid progesterone all by itself without driving the oxidative process can drastically and quickly increase your temperature while at the same time lowering the stress hormones that normally keep your temperature up in an emergency. The progesterone is blocking the estrogen’s effect simply letting you return to a more normal set point in your temperature and in doing that it stops these mechanisms that cause fleshing such as nitric oxide that causes vasodilation and turning red and feeling hot 40:18 which causes the falling temperature. It’s actually a collar. Do you mind taking a question? Okay. Go ahead 417, you’re on the air. Yes, this is David and thank you for having this show. I hope this question makes sense here. I’m going to try to formulate this the best I can. I remember reading about the Lewis and Clark expedition and Lewis and Clark were offered and their team were offered salmon by the Northwestern Indians and they just did not want to eat that. They had been eating elk and deer and different ruminants and obviously were almost repulsed by the taste of the salmon. My question is just about human physiology in general and about the polyunsaturated fats and about saturated fats. Number one, 41:22 how are these tribes and I know we don’t know a whole lot about their health in general but how is a tribe like these Northwestern Indian tribes surviving and possibly even thriving off of salmon as maybe their main protein even though that may not be exactly true. Is it possible that they have learned how to balance certain plants and sugars in these polyunsaturated fats and maybe even because they’re maybe not storing too many of these polyunsaturated fats and maybe because they’re not living in too stressful environment like we are in this modern age that somehow they’re able to thrive off of those types of foods? Yeah, the Northwest Indians had a lot of varied foods. I don’t know how much salmon they really ate year round but I imagine they dried quite 42:26 a bit of it but various mixtures of bear fat and berries and fruits were very well able to survive travel and storage and such and so those were I think usual staples among them. Is that called a pomegranate? Was that special or was that more of a ruminant saturated fat? All of it I’ve seen was bear fat. That wouldn’t actually be even a ruminant fat, would it? That would be a pretty saturated fat though, wouldn’t it? Because bears like to eat a lot of fruit and grass and they aren’t primarily carnivores. When they’ve looked at their contents it looks like they were fruit eaters. 43:30 That was actually in my list here. I hope this is interesting to ask this question. I don’t know. I think it ties things together hopefully in an interesting way but grizzly bears another animal that gorges themselves on salmon for a short period of time and that’s probably not very long but maybe a few months and then that may even be closer to the fall. I don’t know how that spawning works but I know they go into hibernation and I know I’ve heard, in fact I think I’ve heard that on this show way back talking about how they actually increased their serotonin to go into hibernation and that was also tying into the fact that you’ve got like deer here like where I live in Missouri and they’re eating acorns all through the fall and I don’t know, they’re probably eating grasses and different things and of course they can convert those things to saturated fat I know but then you’ve got squirrels and other rodent type creatures that are eating all these different 44:34 nuts and things and I just wonder how much that’s been studied as far as how that affects their lives and their metabolism and everything. The squirrels have been studied pretty well and they found that when they kept them from eating the acorn type highly unsaturated things in the fall they didn’t hibernate because the poofa increased the serotonin and put them to sleep but it wasn’t even good sleep typically they’ll wake up a few times during the winter to sleep normally but serotonin is a type of torpor that they like to wake up from and have a sleep so you know and this may be getting way too deep here but I keep thinking about all these different things like that especially after reading your books about you know it appears that all these different life forms and obviously including humans we’ve all you know we’ve been placed around the globe in different types 45:38 of environments and ecosystems and we appear to try to make the best of whatever situation we’re in with what we have is it possible animals that are hibernating kind of stumble into this polyunsaturated fat thing and then realize they kind of get into the state that they go well shoot I’m just going to go to sleep here for the next few months a lot easier than trying to struggle through it you know what I mean? Yeah I think that gradual adaptation to seasonal stress that people get depressed in the winter but they aren’t able to spend four or five months sleeping off so that’s the other thing I’m sorry but I have to cut you off because I’ve got some other questions okay I’m sorry I can’t talk about all this way too long but anyway okay thank you bye 46:42 I have a question in front of my caller they actually just emailed me since we’re talking about you know the cells and everything and all that what are your thoughts on you know if you hear some people say well I have hot flashes you know from your standpoint we know the mechanism behind them we kind of just talked about it in what estrogen does you know how come some women will get estrogen therapy and it actually eliminates their hot flashes I have a little bit about that in my last newsletter on the hot flashes it’s on my website but I think it just creates a stress that keeps them from experiencing the ups and downs so it’s almost like maybe then with increased heat loss they’re you know have such extreme visualization in taking that excess estrogen kind of just pushes them over the edge and almost like shuts things down yeah I think it slows the metabolism 47:46 enough that they aren’t going in and out of the state okay okay another question maybe on topic off topic I guess we could say trying to locate it but it’s talking about I think we’ve talked about it before on a show but I’ll bring it up again you know you have mothers out there and their children have their babies will have colic or eczema or something like that so of course the doctor will say you know you have food intolerance as a mother you know you can’t have dairy you can’t have eggs you can’t have berries or melons or whatever it may be because of a lab and that actually benefits the child you know what are your thoughts on that like how can someone, what’s going on there, how can someone work out of that to get to the point where they can eat these beneficial foods in animal experiments 48:50 some people saw that the mildest allergen would produce a deadly allergic reaction if they lowered the blood sugar and the mother’s system can pass allergens through the milk so that even the baby can experience the interaction of ups and downs of blood sugars and allergens but with these animal studies they found that if they increased the blood sugar artificially just putting a tube in with some glucose just allergens that had killed normal animals would just cause a little sniffling when they were getting extra glucose pumped into the bloodstream but lowering the blood sugar from whatever cause would cause a mild allergen to kill the animal in shock 49:54 from an allergic reaction releasing histamine and serotonin and that I’ve seen many times in people who used to rush to the hospital for a shot or glucose or something or who carried an adrenaline pen with them for an allergic exposure or a B-bite or something instead they would keep a big bottle of coke in the fridge drink the coke quickly as soon as they had the exposure and stop going to the hospital So if I hear you correctly panel what you’re saying is that postpartum it’s more of a hyperglycemic reaction the inability to regularly flood glucose which is creating these allergens which are passing along so if you’re able to regulate your blood sugar and you talk about in that article 50:58 how in an experiment hot flashes were caused to be increased by lowering blood sugar and decreased by moderately increasing blood sugar and progesterone has a huge part in this and stabilizing blood sugar so do you think that it has a role postpartum having that low progesterone and being hyperglycemic and being estrogen dominant and if someone was able to regulate their blood sugar and increase thyroid production so much has to do with the foods that doing that alone would heal them and the baby? Even when a woman has had a very happy pregnancy sometimes because the pregnancy itself is driving her hormones and keeping things in balance as soon as she has the baby there’s a let down that she discovers her own hypothyroid progesterone deficient state which becomes very 52:02 excessively estrogen dominated that causes the postpartum depression syndrome along with a whole range of other possible consequences including rheumatoid arthritis and MS and allergies, seizures and so on. Okay, I hope that answers your listeners question. You mind taking another question from a caller? Sure, fine. Call him from 913 if you have a question. 913 or 931? Sorry, 931. Okay, just wanted to make sure. Hi, this is Carmen Hunter and I’ve been in communication with Ray by email and he’s been more than helpful. Just real briefly, I’ve been on the Ray Pete plan with Orange Juice and Food for about 53:06 23 days or so and within 3 days of starting the food plan I was able to actually stop taking my thyroid medicine and my temperatures actually went up and have stayed up and my pulse is actually going up as well. My question here is does it take the pulse a little bit longer to follow with temperatures and if so, what does that mean? The temperatures have been 98.1 to 99.2 consistently without a break and rising after food. So I’m wondering is the pulse going to follow or what might be going on there? The pulse goes anywhere. In the morning when I wake up it’s about 65 and then through the day it goes up to 85. It’s probably okay. I think 85 is a very good daytime pulse rate. Okay, is that consistent? Because it’s not every day it just, you know, it varies. Yeah, you just should stay alert to 54:10 possible fluctuations in your stress hormones and thyroid and such, but those numbers sound very good. Wonderful. Okay, the other question I had briefly is I had I went to the doctor yesterday and had all of my labs pulled the lactic acid and all of the thyroid labs, everything all over again and I’m wondering after being off of medication what I can expect with my labs or does it really even matter what they say as long as I feel good and my temperatures in pulse stay the same? Well, you want to keep your eye on TSH if you have the opportunity. You don’t want it to go too high because it will start creating the symptoms of hypothyroidism. It creates inflammation and changes your blood viscosity and heart rhythm and so on. So it’s safer to keep your TSH down and you can do that 55:14 usually just by eating a good balanced diet lots of fruit. Okay, how low I mean how high is too high to keep an eye on? The highest my TSH ever was was 3.0 and the joint pain and everything else settled in then and by the way since eating the way that I know you recommend or what your sites recommend my joint pain is completely disappeared. Yeah, I would say that 3 is always too high. 3 is too high, okay. Yeah, and below 1 is where I feel more comfortable with it and in the big population the freedom from thyroid cancer is best when the TSH is below 0.4 0.4, okay, great. One last thing and I promise that’s it. How do you actually get rid of the stored pufas? Do you want to limit the release or detox or how do we get rid of them? 56:18 The easiest way to do that is by avoiding them. That really is a problem. It’s worse than storing DDT I think because you have the ability, the liver can treat them like a poison and excrete them so they pass out through the urine without having to be oxidized but if the liver isn’t just very well supported the polyunsaturated fats can block those enzymes in the liver the way estrogen does. So you have to make sure that your liver isn’t under stress and don’t go too long without eating or getting rest and so on. Okay, great. Thank you so much for your time and everything has literally changed my life. I’ve been to 17 doctors over 13 years and I’ve never felt better than I feel today in the last 2.5 weeks so I appreciate you very much and thank you for your time on email and for your interviews. 57:22 Very good. Thank you so much. Thanks for calling you. Alright, bye-bye. Just kind of one more big question Ray and then we’ll let you go because I promise they don’t take up an hour of your time. Talking about body temperature and pulse, just for the listeners, because these people are talking about it in this quality it’s with the question just someone sent in for you. What does body temperature and pulse tell us about energy metabolism? Do you find that to be more accurate than a thyroid panel? And how long do you recommend taking tempo pulse? I know people hyper focus on this because I think ProtoVarnes recommended 10 minutes under your armpit. Do you recommend axillaries? Do you recommend orally, etc? As long as you do it in the same way, in the same place it matters very much. The mouth is quicker 58:26 than the armpit usually and I found that some people had fat armpits and it would take about two hours to get the temperature up through that thick layer of fat. And then in hot humid weather, one summer we had 90 degree weather and all of the hypothyroid people had normal temperatures so I checked their pulse. These people coming in with 98.6 temperatures a lot of them had 45 per minute pulse rates and I realized you have to look at more than one indicator when you have an environment that would keep a rock up at a normal temperature. So there are other indicators the pulse rate and temperature are the quickest and easiest. Ear drum temperature is very quick to take if you have a good instrument. A lot of them aren’t consistent but the Achilles reflex 59:30 relaxation test is a very quick and a very definite indicator of thyroid function as it affects the nerves and muscles. Some people on the internet have demonstrated something that’s useless for the thyroid. You want the toe to hang freely and relaxed when you kneel in a chair so that if you thump it and get a twitch so your toes go away from your body, the foot should relax with complete instantaneous relaxation so that it looks just like a piece of jelly flopping there. After the outward twitch the relaxation should be utterly relaxed and floppy if your thyroid is good. What we’re looking at with temperature and pulse is how our cells are using glucose oxygen in thyroid so we’re really getting a big 01:00:34 picture of our thyroid. When you agree though that people think that temperature and pulse are going to change overnight and you know you agree that it just shows you that you’re going in the right direction. It just takes much more consistency of what you’re doing to get that consistent regulation. You can, if you add to the good diet a supplement of pregnant alone and thyroid for example you can get there pretty quickly but to get there just with diet it depends on how much poofa you have stored in your tissues for example. A big fat person has a lot of work to get rid of some of the toxic stuff. A very skinny person can sometimes just like this woman mentioned it just took a little while for the diet to bring her metabolism up. I’ve seen people in as little as a week pop out of a chronic 01:01:38 state of stress and start metabolizing. Great, well you know I have kind of run through all my questions for the hour that I probably should be talking. We had some callers which I appreciate and definitely appreciate you taking the time to answer those questions. Definitely appreciate the time for you to come out today and spend the time here and educate us all. Is there anything you want to add in regards to what we talked about for the list before we go? Nope. Alright. Once again Ray we really appreciate it. I’m sure I’m speaking for everyone we really learned a ton from your research and information and I’m sure you know this but it’s helping a lot of people so I think we all thank you. Okay, you’re welcome. We’ll have a great week and a great weekend and we’ll 01:02:42 talk to you later. Okay, thank you. Thanks Ray. So for all the listeners of course this show is recorded on blog talk radio. It’s recorded on our blog talk radio show page. You can listen to it after. You can download it later if you want to. It’s actually uploaded to iTunes as well as MP3. I think if you’re on iTunes, you know, on the podcast and you search Josh Rubin or Jeannie Rubin or Holistic Living our podcast will come up. If you want to find out blog talk radio show page just go to eastwestchilling.com on the upper right hand corner. You’ll see the little microphone for the blog talk radio show and you can find this show as well as past shows. We appreciate everyone taking time out tonight to listen to the show as well as for people to listen to the show later on. Hopefully I will be able to get Ray back on the show soon and later. If I do, you guys will know, pay attention to our Facebook page East West Healing Performance or the MetaBall Blue 01:03:46 Friends which is a closed group as well as on Twitter page. We’ll see you all right evening and a great weekend. 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