Ray Peat Rodeo
A picture of Marcus Whybrow, creator of Ray Peat Rodeo From Marcus This is an audio interview to do with Ray Peat from 2012.
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00:00 Onto the question of the fairly dogmatic entrenched view that genes, our genes control everything. They control us and we are at the mercy of our genes and to one degree or another, if we are genetically predisposed to a disease, that’s it, our future siblings, etc., etc., will be doomed for one of a better word. I know the article that I wanted to discuss with you and I want your opinion on the current model versus very alternative, but very scientifically founded, alternative ways of looking at biology and cells in particular. How do you see the role of genes versus the environment? The federal government is really involved in the issue. I was sort of horrified when 01:11 I discovered that the National Library of Medicine, I think it is, maintains an online version of a book called Mendelian Inheritance in Man. I bought a copy for 50 cents at a used book store just for the humor of it because it’s just totally absurd stuff basing genetic determinism of a disease on two cases, for example. A single family is enough to prove to the author of that book that there was a genetic determinism involved. Neglecting the possibility that both people in the family were exposed to the same chemical toxin, for example, or the same diet or whatever. Just about the time I was starting to read 02:13 biology was when the government was starting to get involved in helping the dogmatists control biological teaching. Someone that I got acquainted with when he was very old, Carl Lindegren wrote a book called Cold War in Biology that explained how the change took place in the 1940s. People who didn’t conform to the dogma weren’t allowed to teach even in high schools. It was a very totalitarian institution with the government’s involvement as a funding agency. The science journals being influenced by the pharmaceutical industry, 03:18 for example, were big factors in outlining the teaching of alternative views of inheritance. The first half of the 20th century, the embryological view of development and inheritance was developing the definition of how the single cell becomes an adult. It does this by proceeding through many stages of different organizations. The guiding principle for the first 50 years of the century was that a field was involved, a gradient field of chemicals or of electrical forces or even other physical forces were assumed to be involved. They could demonstrate 04:30 that there was a field effect in the sense that if you removed apart the surrounding conditions constituted a force that would create a replacement part, regeneration, according to the place in the field rather than to what it had done up to that moment. The idea of genes reading out as if from a blueprint mechanically was clearly disproved by the embryologists. That whole idea of a morphogenic or morphogenetic developmental field disappeared about 1960. The last advocates are retired between 1950 and 1960. 05:32 You think that a lot of the stagnation was brought around by invested interests in medicine and guiding the dogma of genetics to produce a controllable scenario where drugs can be introduced and targeted at specific proteins, for example? The idea that genes create a disease, if you can’t find a drug that will neutralize that gene’s product, then you have something to blame it on and explain why the doctors are powerless. It’s incurable if it’s genetic unless the drug companies can come up with something to alleviate the symptoms. The actual evidence of how genes relate to health, it’s 06:48 really just a complete fantasy. The idea of a gene by the 1930s to 1960s, it was recognized as a metaphysical construct even less based on evidence than the idea of a field, even though they didn’t know exactly what the elements of the field were. They could demonstrate the gene idea was simply an abstraction until they applied the abstraction to the idea that there were certain stretches of DNA that they began calling a gene. Even that, the definition of a gene has been changing even since the recognition of DNA is a component of inheritance. 07:50 So did they want to tell us that if they can’t help us because there’s no drug to help that disease and then they wanted to say, oh, well, then it’s just a genetic disease? It takes the power out of the person to help themselves. If they have a genetic disease, people think, well, there’s nothing I can do about it. That’s the common way of thinking about it. So was that part of the motivation or do you think that was a subconscious byproduct? A very conscious ideology. Conrad Lawrence, who won the Nobel Prize, was a hero of practically all of the professors that I knew even in the 70s. He was a Nazi who designed his idea that genes control behavior specifically for Hitler’s Institute of Racial Hygiene as an 08:52 excuse for killing people who didn’t have the behavioral traits that they thought were appropriate so that it justified political and religious killings where the American view of eugenics had been mostly to sterilize. Sometimes they would euthanize babies, but mostly it was used to sterilize people they considered defective. That political idea of genetics derived right from the end of the 19th century. Mendel and August Weisman were consciously trying to destroy the Darwinian or Lamarckian ideas that the environment might be able to 09:58 improve the intelligence of poor people. They wanted to have an absolute determinism that people of lower intelligence were simply permanently, their children would inherit their traits and so on. So at the worst they could be killed or sterilized, but if it was used to justify everything in society, not just particular sickness. For example, it was applied to the idea of a toxemia of pregnancy and that the fetus was said to have a genetic defect which was poisoning the mother, but of course the fetus had inherited it from the parents. So it was 10:59 denying that a better diet could control or prevent pregnancy complications because all of that was genetically determined. The Scopes trial in which William Jennings Bryant argued against evolution, he was basically against eugenics which was justified by the theory of a mechanical kind of evolution. Okay, you’re listening to ask your doctor on KMD Galbable 91.1 FM and from 7.30 until the end of the show at eight o’clock you’re invited to call in. Is there any questions either related or unrelated to this month’s subject of genetics versus the environment, the predisposition to disease? We’re very pleased to have Dr. Raymond Peat to share his expertise on this subject and Dr. Peat, I was going to ask you next, how much then genetics, 12:02 how much do they affect the organism if we’re told by medical people and scientists per se that genetics are all pervasive as the cause. What’s your take on how much genetics affect the organism? There are several diseases or conditions that are distinctly controlled by particular genes. The type of dwarfism in which the bones don’t develop, there is a definite gene mutation involved but that doesn’t say that the environment hasn’t created that mutation in a particular controllable way. And one way of looking at genetic uniqueness is that every organism requires a certain environment. A frog can’t live in the same place an eagle can 13:10 live. Every organism needs exactly the right kind of environment and certain genes make you need more things from the environment but even the genes that limit you, they can create a stress reaction and the stress reaction can lead to changes in the genes. The evidence has been accumulating now in American universities, Australian among very well-known researchers they’ve demonstrated that stress can produce directional changes in microorganisms using mechanisms similar to what Barbara McClintock recognized in in corn mobile genetic elements 14:15 that move around under stress and and accelerate the ability to adapt. So our environment is constantly having an effect upon our DNA and our DNA and our cells are constantly sensing a change in environment? Yeah, James Shapiro who was one of the people that discovered that bacteria can adapt to resist penicillin or antibiotics and that they can pass on that acquired resistance to their descendants or to other bacteria that they interact with so it can be transmitted both genetically and horizontally as an acquired trait. And Shapiro calls this natural genetic engineering in which the organism 15:17 is adjusting its its own inheritance to improve its survival. Okay, so I guess let’s go on to some diseases perhaps that are considered genetic by today’s scientific thinking which are probably more environmental. I know that things like the prion diseases and Huntington’s Korea. Yeah, those are considered degenerative diseases as well as genetic and the fact that for example Huntington’s disease typically becomes apparent as a problem when the person is maybe 40 years old. They were perfectly healthy or even some people have said that they were healthier than average 16:19 up until the disease set in the age of 35 or 40 or 45. And when you look at the specific gene that they’re talking about in the case of Huntington’s Korea it’s a protein that gets an extra inserted stretch of glutamine residues. And this can change generation after generation so that the the victims offspring can develop at years earlier than the parent and it can change quickly from generation to generation indicating that that something is actively contributing to the mutation. But the folding doesn’t become a problem. You can have the gene for 40 years with no 17:23 health problem at all and what’s known to activate the folding problem that creates the symptoms these are environmental things that have been accumulating over the decades of ordinary living. And these features are now coming to be identified. For example, the unsaturated fatty acids cause misfolding of the prions in the CJD and mad cow disease. Radiation and the polyunsaturated fatty acids are known to accelerate the the misfolding of the protein making it act like an infectious thing that spreads from one cell to the next. And Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s similar folding of proteins 18:27 cause the symptoms and the factors that cause that misfolding are now being identified as environmental dietary factors. And weren’t you saying that even in the test too when they add omega 6 oils to these proteins it encourages or it stimulates the misfolding and the misshapen to occur? That’s been done with prions in all prion related diseases and in Parkinson’s disease the protein is called alpha syn nucleon and the DHA long chain highly unsaturated fatty acid is known to induce the misfolding and saturated fatty acids can block the misfolding. So the evidence is now looking like it’s related to an aging process since with aging the brain accumulates more and more 19:34 DHA especially under the influence of estrogen women accumulate more DHA circulate more of it in the blood and very typically with the degenerative inflammatory diseases women are more susceptible than men to several of the diseases. And DHA is one of the omega oils that they tout is being so anti-inflammatory and so good for women when DHA and EPA but it’s what you’re what you’re saying is that it’s actually works in conjunction with estrogen to be very destructive? Yeah it does several things it breaks down and forms for example acrolean which is a very reactive fragment that attaches to for example the top protein that is involved in the filament formation in Alzheimer’s disease 20:42 and DHA activates the excited toxic process it increases the glutamate excitatory system increasing the free glutamic acid in the the brain fluid and in these all of these brain degenerative diseases you can see increased breakdown products of basically the fish oil type of polyunsaturated fats in the cerebrospinal fluid and in many cases in the other body fluids serum and such so the everything from the short acrolean up to the larger prostaglandin like breakdown products of the polyunsaturated that are called isoprostanes and neuroprostanes these show up increasingly with age and with dementia. 21:44 So as a newborn infant their brains have very little DHA and EPA? Yeah because their fats have been synthesized by their own bodies made from mostly from glucose absorbed from the mother and the animal body can produce saturated fats and mono unsaturated like oleic acid and our own series that are called the omega minus nine series of unsaturated fats and at birth these are the dominant fats in the baby’s brain and animal studies going back 30 or 40 years showed that if you feed pregnant animals a large amount of polyunsaturated fats their babies are born with smaller brains and don’t learn as well and a group in France two or three years ago basing their thinking on the addition of 22:54 these fish oil type fats to baby formulas they were looking at that argument that the brain is is made of these and so they should help brain development so they fed some pregnant women a high polyunsaturated fat diet hoping that they could demonstrate increased learning of the fetus by pretending sounds to the developing fetus and watching the learning reaction and they found that their learning was retarded in the presence of the omega minus three fatty diet to the mother just in line with what the animal studies had shown. So did they think that these oils were useful for the brain of the for the baby’s brain because they did autopsies on adults and found that the brains had a lot of these oils in them basically 23:56 what they based it on they said your brain is full of fish oil so it must be good for the brain but looking at a baby’s brain doesn’t have any yeah it’s very low in babies well maybe they were looking at Alzheimer’s brains um yeah exactly the the more demanded not only Alzheimer’s but the other brain degenerative diseases and old brains in general have more than young brains. Okay you’re listening to ask your head doctor on KND Galvo 91.1 FM from 7.30 which is right around now until the close of the show at 8 o’clock our callers are invited to pose questions either related or unrelated to this month’s subject of genetics versus environmental predisposition to disease our guest speakers Dr. Raymond Peep and the lines will be open till 8 o’clock. Sarah did you oh I think there’s a caller actually so let’s take this next caller. 24:59 Hello. Hi you’re on the air. Hello this is a I first of all I just want to thank I don’t want to thank Andrew Sarah I mean Dr. Peep for these shows I try to tune in every month because I learn a lot and I appreciate it I’m actually the person who said I’m actually the person who suggested this show and I really appreciate you doing this topic it’s something that’s always interested me because I mean I’ve seen several doctors and I’ve never had a doctor asking me like what do I eat when my diet is yet I’ve always had a doctor give me like weird looks when I told him that both my grandfather’s died from type 2 diabetes and somehow it seems like now I’m destined to that there’s no there’s no way that I can go about it you know it’s just a matter of time it’s just it’s kind of it’s kind of weird I don’t kind of think of it in that way and I guess hello you there yeah yeah sorry I guess my question is off the tee would be that I had an argument with one of my professors and in the university a couple of semesters back and he 26:04 basically said that there was a lot of evidence for the genetics and and one of the things he decided was there was a lot of studies I guess from twins that were separated at birth and I guess they reconciled 40 50 years later and they did different measurements and stuff and I was wondering how much of that would actually be genetic and how much of that could it be the shared intrauterine environment during the nine months of gestation um that’s basically my an argument I’ve been making for a long time and there was a genetically oriented argument for the idea that working class people would never rise to the middle class because of genetic influence on their intelligence and I pointed out the evidence of the intrauterine environment and nutrition and the article that that I was criticizing I think it was 11 pages and the 27:08 conclusions didn’t even relate to the evidence they had presented but the editors to instead of just rejecting my two sentence rebuzzle I sent it to reviewers to get their support for rejecting it and the only evidence they cited happened to come from Hitler’s institute for racial hygiene the evidence from animal studies is is really clear that the intrauterine environment the twins have a very similar environment they get basically the same nutrition and so if the mother’s health changes from pregnancy to pregnancy the intelligence of the baby is going to be influenced according to what she was eating at the time and animal 28:13 studies show that this effect can be passed on for four generations at least studies of people who were starved during pregnancy in Holland and Russia there not only were their babies impaired mentally but even their grandchildren showed impairment as a result of the conditions affecting the brain the hormones the whole physiology so it’s it’s inherited but it’s purely a physiological environmental thing that if they had a super supportive environment that could have been corrected and wouldn’t be passed on from generation to generation or like if one sorry go ahead color oh yeah I was just wondering so 29:15 with that uh the mother’s nutrition during gestation would that also explain that that that that huge variance that you see among people that in the way that they can tolerate a poor nutritional diet I mean or I mean what what what part of the genes play into that because you can see different people eating a poorly nutritional diet and yet some people suffer more than others is that also because of the hormonal reserves that they have because maybe their their mother’s diet was was better than somebody else’s I mean I don’t know if I yeah 30 or 40 years ago doctors were talking about the thrifty gene that caused some families to get fat on very little food but that’s undoubtedly another example of the same kind of of inheritance by gestational influence if you’re starving the fetus adjusts to a very poor diet 30:16 and becomes thrifty they’ve never identified a thrifty gene or a gene for diabetes but people go on talking about a gene for obesity and for for diabetes when the country of Israel was formed lots of immigrants came in from other parts of Africa and as well as from Europe the Europeans had a very high typically European rate of diabetes but the immigrants from poor countries had almost no diabetes when they immigrated so the first generation the only the Europeans were diabetic but after a second generation of of living on a relatively abundant European style of eating the immigrants children’s were developing diabetes at the same rate as the European immigrants 31:22 uh totally destroying the idea of genetic diabetes give us the natural dogma as that would probably say that it’s because of the mixing and interaction of the genes among well no they were they were interbreeding the the immigrants didn’t mix with the Europeans oh okay interesting okay we have another call if you have any more questions go ahead thank you very much for everything you guys do it it’s great that you did just being shared because the dogma is going on it just lets people think that they have that they doesn’t matter what they either what they do they just yeah I mean I appreciate it and I know a lot of people do so thank you very much well we appreciate your suggestion for a topic and thank you for your call thank you okay there’s another call on there okay thank you so much uh I wanted to ask Dr. Pete um I’ve been told I have cystic fibrosis and as I tested positive I guess for on 32:24 the chloride slit test uh a couple of different occasions um and uh I’ve also been told that this is some sort of a malfunction in a sodium transport mechanism and I’m wondering whether he can enlighten myself uh if the veracity of any of this or anything that he might be able to light on in this situation for a long time I’ve been interested in the mechanism of sodium transport and uh I’ve suspected that hypothyroidism is uh sometimes misunderstood and a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis is made when I worked in the woods the first summer we had a a cook who was fanatic for uh believing that if you worked hard and sweated a lot you needed salt replacement so he would put I think it was something like a tablespoon of salt in everyone’s breakfast 33:29 and if you didn’t eat your porridge that was horribly salty you didn’t get the rest of your breakfast and uh within a few days uh I was tending to faint if I didn’t take salt pills halfway through the day and my skin was so salty that I got crystals of salt on my forehead eye brows glasses uh my uh my was actually just um crystallizing pure sodium chloride and I for sure would have been considered to have cystic fibrosis from the the chloride coming out of my skin but it was simply an adaptation to um my particular kind of thyroid metabolism and an extremely high salt intake. Dr. Pete do you have any um any suggestions that that would be relevant 34:35 to somebody with cystic fibrosis in terms of the main things at which uh environmentally could be changed or um yeah I think they should uh examine their thyroid function very thoroughly including measurements of their carbon dioxide bicarbonate in the blood and exhaled carbon dioxide in the end of their exhalation because carbon dioxide is what actually regulates uh the movement of sodium and other minerals. So a comprehensive metabolic panel would show the carbon dioxide in the blood but are you saying there’s other tests you could do? There um probably the um if you look with a suspicion of hypothyroidism and endocrine 35:36 involvement uh I think you’ll probably uh most likely find the answer in that. Thank you. You’re very good. Thank you so very much Dr. Pete. Thank you for your call. Thank you for your call. Okay uh we’ve got a couple more callers on the line so let’s take the next caller. Hey are you talking to me? Yes you’re on the air. Okay. Can you can you turn the background music? The background music because I have a lot of people that are also in the house where I am right now. I can’t turn them down um but I was also disconnected for a minute so I don’t know what you guys were just talking about but I heard you talking about carbon dioxide and I think in this context it’s interesting to take notice of the fact that um shaman like in this country and in South America use tobacco to connect with plants and plants want carbon dioxide we want oxygen from them so you’re blowing that tobacco smoke on the plant it’s actually like a chemical exchange that’s happening there it makes genetic sense too but um beyond this really what I was 36:37 calling about is because really I just wanted to say that you made a mention of field theory before versus like the concept of a gene and I think integrating field theory back into our understanding about these things would do a whole world of change like realizing that like your genetic code is really more like a field frequency that you can willfully affect that’s like integrating holistic medicine that works like energetically with like your diet and stuff like operating on both levels like working your own Kundalini flow working that along this like matching it up with your diet and proper urban takes knowing all of these things but really like the field theory concept is what makes them way more sense and you can have an effect. It’s a shame that that was the theory for the first half of you know for the first 50 years of this century and it didn’t seem to carry on but the fact of the matter is that it’s not just matter field theory it’s what makes more sense like science has got a little confused that’s my opinion. Is reductionist thinking versus uh more of a holistic? Precisely but really 37:44 where I’m coming from is saying that like what needs to happen is an integration of the two realizing both are operative so it can be both like your genetic frequency like your inherent field resonance having its effect like on you regardless of what’s going on around you or alternatively like the external environment to those fields affecting you it can go both ways but then the big factor here is that real like to realize that you can have a willful effect on it but those things are also debilitated by something like your chemistry like if you’re not eating enough then your ability to like emanate energy enough to not be taken over by the energies all around you like would be debilitated like I said okay yeah no that’s that’s totally right on so that’s all my battling yeah I appreciate your call thank you okay we’ve got three more callers on the line so let’s take the next caller hello you’re on the air hi um my question for dr p was about um you’ve mentioned before on the show about hypothyroidism 38:49 and the downward spiral I guess that it can lead to high estrogen and then high stress hormones low thyroid low progesterone yeah and um he mentioned supplemental desiccated thyroid to get out of that cycle and I guess I’m just wondering is that something that can work in the short term like a few months and you would get yourself out of that cycle or is that something you would have to continue for the rest of your life it would replace your natural thyroid um I’ve seen a few people who needed it just for a few days and it broke a stress cycle and there have been published cases like that but if your body is loaded with polyunsaturated fats every time you get hungry these come into your bloodstream and interfere with the thyroid function so the average person who is hypothyroid maybe at the age of 20 or 30 their body is so well 39:57 saturated with the anti thyroid agents that it takes a couple years of a fairly strict diet before they can get along without thyroid okay and and would the same thing go for um if the problem with that was low progesterone would the same thing happen there with some people needing only a few doses I guess and they could get them out of that cycle um that’s much more frequent than the quick response to thyroid I’ve seen I suppose two or three hundred women who just needed one or a few doses of progesterone to get out of the the cyclone and get going uh on their own without needing a supplement so I’ve I’ve always resisted the idea of talking about hormone replacement but very often for example one woman who since puberty had been 41:05 a very white skinned with purple lips uh it was just apparently her nature uh she put some progesterone on her hand and I was explaining how it’s absorbed through the skin a little later she telephoned and said as she was leaving the house she felt something happening and when she got home she looked in the mirror and her cheeks were pink and her lips were red instead of purple and weeks after that when she visited her parents the first thing they said was what happened to your color change it had existed for um about 18 years at that point and in just minutes the progesterone apparently permanently changed her physiology just won those all right well thanks for that right thank you for your call caller okay there’s two more 42:05 callers on the line so let’s take the next caller hi dr pete hi um a couple questions uh first one in relation to the earlier part of your show I saw a report I think was on kpix out of san francisco within the last six months what are the major affiliates though and it was about eugenics in the us where there was a hospital in sonoma so-called hospital where they took people whose parents may have been um considered misfit for being party school or may have been involved in what was interpreted as prostitution and they sterilized the kid and in this report they said that hitler actually used that as a model this this hospital in sonoma for what he did that was even more evil of course than that that I don’t know what they did here in the state of california people who thought that was none of their what their parents had done and uh or if it was on their own they were late for school and considered uh misfit for society and didn’t want those traced 43:10 in the run and sterilized them but I wondered if you had heard anything uh in what you had discussed earlier that was related to that school and our hospital in sonoma not that particular hospital I’ve I’ve seen it mentioned but there were uh several hospitals doing that in the us in the 1920s and american geneticists were the model for hitler’s eugenics program that’s fairly well known and the the the american journal was called anals of eugenics and it kept that name until 1954 and another journal was the quarterly of eugenics and and they kept that name until 1969 and public recognition of of their role in hitler’s 44:11 sterilization and murder campaigns finally caused them to change their name well it makes one wonder if tendrils of that don’t exist to this day with what congress especially the republican party seems to be doing and I’m not trying to blame either party here because I think they’re all that’s all but uh we see some of the stuff going on where they’re taking that young college student who was a law student and then what rash lame brain or crush blah blah or whatever that uh squawk show hosts name is that uh really thought what he was there for saying that might my other question is completely unrelated to that as you know we’re having an eclipse which enters uh makes landfall in humboldt county um at uh a little after five on sunday may 20th and it peaks between 624 and about 632 634 and um my question relates to if somebody does injure their eyes and of course they should use the number 14 welder’s glass or 45:13 um other approved observing uh techniques which you can obtain at a telescope store but uh if somebody does injure their eyes is it possible to regenerate uh any kind of uh seeing with things such as beta carotene vitamin k and the like um immediately uh when the exposure has happened in the first hour uh red light like uh seeing light through your eyelids can have a detoxifying effect on the uh the heat damage uh it has a partly of it stimulates circulation and uh lowers inflammation just to have a mild red light exposure but uh anti-inflammatory things aspirin and vitamin e have uh helped to stop inflammation from such injury yeah i think you know even though people shouldn’t do that sometimes they do and it’s good 46:18 to know preventively what they might want to have on hand in case somebody kind of over does it well i hope everyone enjoys that eclipse it’s really wonderful unique opportunity and since humboldt county honors the matriarch so well and this eclipse is going over the arc of humboldt county i’m referring it prude i’m referring uh to it as the sheet clip i think that’s appropriate here okay thank you for your call call we do have all right thank you for the show bye bye thank you we do have two more callers so let’s see if we can squeeze them in next caller you’re on oh hello i had two questions and the first one is could you explain how salt affects the thyroid how what affects it salt salt oh um well it stimulates uh cells to use oxygen and uh it works with thyroid to rev up the oxidation of sugar producing carbon dioxide 47:21 so it’s like speeding the metabolism yeah oh so so salt is okay and so then if you had an over active thyroid it would be best not to eat salt um um no uh not necessarily because uh uh your body should should govern your salt appetite uh you’ll not have a salt appetite if you aren’t losing salt fast enough i see and the other question is when you’re talking about polyunsaturated oils are you saying it’s not good to eat nuts like almonds and walnuts uh right i think they’re uh major problems okay thank you okay thank you for your call call uh do you have any more yeah okay let’s keep going with the next caller hello you’re on the air okay thank you uh for what i’m wondering is have you uh when i turned into a show you were talking about uh how bacteria 48:25 inherit uh resistance to antibiotics i believe both horizontally and vertically uh would suggest uh inheriting uh inheriting acquired characteristics and so i’m wondering uh if you could comment on how that might uh refer uh or impact on uh say uh the work that uh lamarck did in uh in his uh studies of inheriting acquired uh characteristics um well uh Charles Darwin was actually not an antagonist of lamarck and Darwin’s grandfather was a lamarckian and uh Darwin got his basic ideas from his grandfather who was really a lamarckian and in uh the introduction to one of the additions 49:26 of uh the descent of man uh he made several points that he was not uh saying that uh it’s just a matter of the inheritance of uh randomly mutated genes he he pointed out several other mechanisms of inheritance but uh the anti-darwinians uh were actually anti-evolutionists uh who didn’t like the idea that organisms could have a purpose or could be intelligent and uh respond reasonably to the environment in a way that could be passed on to their offspring uh so the anti-lamarckism was really associated with anti-true Darwinism and uh was a creation of of late 19th century uh anti-evolutionists who became the the basis for the neo-Darwinist 50:34 movement which is what suppressed this idea of a purposeful developmental field as as being what is in charge of both expressing and organizing the genes okay so all of this all of this enunciation of lamarck uh i’m i’m really thinking about this from uh having read Arthur Kessler’s book the case of the mid-white oath and so all this suppression of lamarck’s work and his ideas is you’re saying is really dogmatic rather than real dogmatic and uh even to the point of being irrational and unscientific um it just makes no sense in things like Mendelian inheritance in man it’s just uh like a uh a cultish doctrine that doesn’t have any basis anywhere okay okay great well that’s really good uh here that’s really 51:38 good to hear that’s what i’ve been thinking that you know the scientific community is not there so thank you very much thank you okay well we better not take any more quarters we’ve just got a few more minutes here till we reach the top of the hour i just want to very briefly uh to quickly ask you dr peak maybe in a minute or two so we can let people know more about you at the um i read a paragraph in your latest newsletter on information that xayachek had done experiments revealing the cell streaming in tissues normally thought of a static and you bought out the example where he’d shown evidence that um a similar transformation of function occurs in a pancreas with the assina cells that normally um produce the digestive enzyme or pro pro yeah pancreas like other tissues is constantly regenerating and it’s it’s just our bad dangerous fats in the diet that is constantly killing off the the insulin secreting cells 52:42 so it’s possible to regain insulin secreting cells that’s that was the uh that’s basically what xayacheks um research was showing right dr beat um yeah the the organism is in very vigorous replacement everywhere all the parts are turning over and in a very organized meaningful way uh doing its best to uh renew everything including uh the things that are associated with diseases such as lack of insulin and just for our listeners to wrap up here for these oils that xayachek showed were harming the uh cells in the pancreas basically polyunsaturated oils if i can lump it all together include every vegetable oil apart from olive oil coconut oil and um animal fat such as butter beef lamb fat and any fat from 53:43 a rumenant animal okay for those people that have uh enjoyed tonight’s show and dr p as always bringing his intelligent scientific approach to seeing it differently seeing how it really is his website is www.raypeat.com and there are lots of fully referenced articles on many uniquely different approaches to regaining your health and he can be contacted there also so thanks so much dr peat for joining us again it’s invaluable information and we really appreciate it

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