Ray Peat Rodeo
A picture of Marcus Whybrow, creator of Ray Peat Rodeo From Marcus This is an audio interview to do with Ray Peat from 2019.
It's part of my effort to archive and augment Ray's complete works within this website, Ray Peat Rodeo. You can donate to the project on GitHub sponsors, cheers🥰.

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00:00 Well, welcome to this month’s May of 2019’s edition. I ask you, Doctor, my name’s Andrew Murray. For those of you who have perhaps never listened to the show, they run every third Friday of the month from 7 to 8 o’clock. We also have a live call-in from 7.30 until the end of the show at 8 o’clock, where people can call in with questions either related or unrelated to the topic of the month. As always, it has become very appreciated and commonplace here with the Ask Yourself Doctor show for, gosh, 10 years or more now. We’re very pleased to have Dr. Raymond Pete’s expertise on the show. It has a wealth of wisdom and a wealth of knowledge. I don’t think there’s many things I’ve ever asked him that he hasn’t got a good answer for, so he’ll be joining us, of course, and be posing questions to him and getting his view and his understanding on some of those things that we’ll be bringing up in tonight’s discussion. 01:03 We can always be reached after the show, Monday through Friday, regular business hours, 1-888-WBM-ERB. And this month’s subject is a little clear up from last month to get one or two of the questions. I never got a chance to ask Dr. Pete. And then we’re going to carry on with pollutants, particulates, and waste, creating havoc with biological life as we know it. Increasingly, we are armed with more and more information as time goes on. As usual, I ask people to be moderate about their information and check their sources. Obviously, there’s a wealth of information on the internet. And there is quite a desire to attract your attention. So take a look at the studies, but look at the background of the studies. I’m always questioning Dr. Pete when he’ll come up with answers for certain things 02:07 and point me to a study. And sometimes these studies are buried and you won’t find them too easily. What you’ll find is the hype, the media sensationalized responses, the cliche answers, et cetera, or the repeated dogma or even downright lies that are perpetuated in the name of science. So always check your sources and make sure that your details are coming from not vested interests, perhaps but honest research that’s seeking to find the truth. And good science will always be answerable and will always put itself in the right place when better science comes up with a better answer. So science is a very good thing for science’s sake, although it’s very much a holistic thrust which I go through the show with. It’s definitely grounded very much in science because it’s a pretty true pathway through. 03:08 So Dr. Pete, thanks for joining us so much. Just in case people have tuned into the show for the first time and maybe never heard your voice, would you please just go over your academic professional background before we get started? I studied University of Oregon biology specializing in reproductive physiology and biochemistry as it related to that PhD in 1972 and since then continuing related study. Yeah, okay. And you’ve spent a very large part of that time actively interacting with people and trying to get them to change what they’ve been doing and what they do and kind of steering them in a better direction given the evidence and the science that you’ve found out and you’ve studied and you’ve recognized is a much better way forward than what we normally told. 04:11 Yeah, around 1960 I decided that any knowledge should be useful. So anytime I find out anything interesting I try to connect it to practical reality. Yeah, absolutely. Okay, well if we can just finish up with a couple of the things I never got a chance last month’s question you about before we launch into the pollutant side of this month’s talk. I think the figures show a 25%!i(MISSING)ncrease over the 38 years that this study was done from 1975 to 2012 in the prevalence of cancers in adolescence. Now this does tie into this night’s show anyway because the pollutant aspect of this evening’s topic very much encompasses all of these things which could be perfectly responsible for a lot of these cancers that have been shown in this study to be very much on the rise and scary reading it is too. 05:15 So I found that pathologies in adolescence are accelerating and it’s not like a very slow increase it’s a kind of a rapid acceleration that they’re seeing in the numbers of adolescents that are suffering from cancers that never were seen before and so what do you I mean they have implicated obesity and I think the whole obesity linked to diet is probably a good and reasonable detail in in the equation of why adolescents and or cancers in general are just exploding. What do you think about them from a biological and physiological perspective because I know you’ve done a lot of work on polyunsaturates and thyroid and those kind of things that Yeah I think some of it is the present diet and the present polluted environment full of carcinogens and estrogens but I think it was actually starting a long time ago influencing prenatal 06:19 conditions even so that their parent’s exposure is transmitted affecting the way they develop in the utero and affects the whole maturing process so early childhood diseases have increased so much colitis for example I don’t think it is likely that it’s all some change in the diet that is making them so allergic so reactive to fairly ordinary things in the environment but for example it’s known that the polyunsaturated content of the mother’s diet increases the allergies of the babies and so colitis in young children is probably a reaction to the mother’s diet maybe from earlier 07:20 exposures of the parents. Okay so this would be like an inflammatory process occurring within the bowel and you always kind of use the bowel as the seat of health in terms of a good bowel pretty much for pre-disposure to good health and that if there are changes that you need to make your bowel will be the first place to look at so in terms of this kind of reactive allergic type condition you’ve also mentioned and I wanted to ask you this a little while back actually why and I think just to get it on tape as it were tapes obsolete these days but just to get it on audio for people to hear in in future the whole rationale behind mothers being prescribed fish oils omega oils and telling them that that is actually good for their child’s health and I know you’ve rebuked this or rebutted it with studies showing that the child whilst maybe appearing 08:27 more sedate and calm and relaxed when they you know when their first birth is actually a sign of the kind of retardation in some ways and that actually there’s a relationship between lower brain weight and function and intelligence associated with these the same oils that you’ve mentioned here in terms of you know the mother’s diet and the way that’s changed in the last 30 or 40 years yeah last month I think I mentioned the French studies that thought they were going to demonstrate improved prenatal brain function by giving these extremely unsaturated fats to the mother during pregnancy and they showed just the opposite that it retarded development and retarded learning but in the early 1970s they were already seeing that the polyunsaturated fats during pregnancy made animals develop smaller brains that learned more poorly yeah all right 09:39 I think I wanted to go on with some of the cancers that were stated to be on the rise according to etiology and see if there’s any link excuse me between the type of cancer and the environmental effects perhaps of some of these chemicals in the environment with those particular organs I know the the figures talk about non-hodgkins lymphoma um and then thyroid cancer is the second one here and then myeloid leukemia and testicular cancer and now these these are things I mean I’m looking at germ cell that type cancers with testicular cancer and then in the myeloid cancers this is kind of again another it’s not germ cell in in the terms of sex germ cells but it’s a kind of progenitor’s type situation where the very fundamental cell that is being formed is subjected to this condition that it can’t 10:44 cope with and cancer arises as a result of disorganization and again with the lymphomas what they have in common is rapid growth right the sperm is turning over constantly and the the blood cells are in constant diffusion and irritants accelerate the growth and the polyunsaturated fats for example break down the fish oil is always oxidized by the time it gets into the bloodstream very little of it reaches the tissues in in its entire form so you get these oxidized fragments that are toxic to rapidly multiplying cells causing a deformity atrophy in the sperm forming tissue and the derangement of the 11:46 development course of the blood cells leading to leukemia and lymphoma do you think um how long do you think it takes uh from exposure to i mean i’m sure it depends on how healthy a subject is to begin with how much metabolic energy they are capable of producing how poor poorly they are um you know functioning will also be detrimental to them they’ll probably go go down quicker as it were but how long do you think these things might take before they start manifesting is uh in these rapidly multiplying tissues i think it’s much faster than in the average cancer i think that’s why leukemia has been seen so often in children just a few years old where typical cancer a brain cancer or or pancreatic cancer for example usually takes 20 years or more from the carcinogenic primary exposure to the appearance of the fully developed 12:52 tumor sometimes 40 years but you can definitely show that there’s a cause connection to it but it’s long delayed and that has been useful to the polluting industries right to claim that you can’t show the the cause and effect relationship but animal studies make it clear that although there is a delay it’s an absolute causal process yeah um do you do you think that uh younger people inherently have more resistance though to these kind of insults or do you think actually they’re more susceptible uh in uh some of those tissues they’re probably more susceptible because of their extreme speed of turning over a little deviation in the regulatory process can send them wildly off course 13:55 but generally the extremely high metabolic rate and quick cell division lets young organisms bypass they can find a way around the toxic problem and overcome it okay all right you’re listening to ask your doctor k midi garbable 91.1 FM from now until the end of the show eight o’clock uh you are invited well enough from 7 30 to eight o’clock you’re invited to call him uh the show does stop at eight o’clock but uh if people would like to call him if any questions the number is 707-923-3911 uh so dr p i mentioned uh to you in talking last month about what hasn’t actually surfaced again there’s another uh sensational headline unlike ebola which certainly seems to be grabbing the headlines along with a measles quote unquote epidemic but what do you uh what did you have to say about candida auris i don’t think you were that impressed with uh some of the sensational headlines uh claiming it to be this super bug 14:58 that’s going to just become the b o end all of uh the advertising i’ve seen connected with it strongly suggests that it’s an advertising campaign for new drugs okay there you go all right so my last question um related to antibiotics and um when i was uh when i was studying herbal medicine uh in 1990 here um they were all talking about you know antibiotic resistance and super bugs and not having uh antibiotics to treat infections and we’re all going to be in big trouble and um yeah i think to one extent or another that’s probably um happening but what do you think in terms of the arsenal of antibiotics that we have to treat infections in in eastern europe and asia long before penicillin was discovered uh people were finding that there 16:00 are bacteria killing viruses the bacteria phage uh and that technology has really developed to a high degree but it’s of no interest to the countries that have a highly developed pharmaceutical industry but these viruses in fact only bacteria kill certain species the bacteria never develop resistance to them and the viruses are perfectly harmless to mammals and people all right so you think as far as you’re concerned there’s enough phage research being done to produce phages pretty much tailored for whatever organism it is that they are looking to eradicate or deal or treat or that may have become resistant to antibiotics you think that they are yeah some people have told their stories of being diagnosed as incurably infected with super bacteria going to eastern europe getting totally cured quickly interesting 17:08 all right so again the uh i don’t know if it’s the russians or um some other eastern yeah southeast bulgarian romania i think have a good tradition india too wow wow yeah i know the indians are pretty smart people i’ve got a lot of respect for them it’s uh i think it’s an underrated country a lot of poor people but some very brilliant uh some very brilliant people have come from them okay so um i wanted to talk about a subject that we did touch on a little bit last month but i don’t think we’ve really got into it at all um particulates and whether these particulates are from diesel engines um has been certainly mentioned in england a long time ago that the uh emissions from diesel engines were so fine that they pose a respiratory problem and something had to be done uh to make the engines more efficient or therefore the uh scrubbers and exhaust uh more efficient at pulling pulling these things out um but uh i read an article saying that uh pollution and air pollution 18:14 in particular although we talk about other pollution later on but air pollution uh is essentially causing damage to every organ in the body and this was a big article ran through from basically from the brain um saying that this particular types of air pollution can be carried and transmitted up the olfactory nerve and into the brain um then i talked about thyroid and the lungs and then reproductive organs saying that basically nothing was spared and that um dementia and heart and lung disease uh were becoming increasingly prevalent and they’re putting it down to air pollution and just saying that there’s becoming a a crisis that needs to be addressed um just just a few months ago the accepted number of deaths caused by air pollution was about four million per year but this recent world health organization study says it’s over eight million i think eight point eight million dying from air pollution i mean in certainly in developing 19:16 countries um asia i think in particular you see pictures of the smog in china or you know in other capitals uh of the kind of asian world and it looks absolutely dreadful it looks a bit it reminds me of what would have been smog in you know the early 1900s in england and obviously um things like coal fired power plants are on the increase in terms of generating energy to keep the economies going um what do you what do you think about what we’re faced with and i’ve always wondered about the redwood coast here um supposedly california has got a really clean i would imagine where you know i’d like to see the data real data for it but after coming across thousands of miles of ocean i would have imagined that the air would have been relatively clean compared to uh if we were on the east coast and we’re getting air from the west coast and it’s blowing across the whole of the states picking up and carrying with it we do get some smoke and dust from chinese industry but the west coast is far cleaner than interior coming across the ocean it does rain out or 20:25 settle out of lots of material okay so from a from a respiratory point of view before we get into any particular pollution um i’ve certainly when i first came here in 2001 i never really thought too much about it but it’s kind of stayed with me for a while um the what they call here the humboldt hack and there was actually a um an herbalist who was making a product that was called humboldt hack away and it was pretty popular i think because there are so many people here in this area that had this persistent chronic clearing of the throat and i didn’t think too much of it but everywhere around me i would hear people coughing and hacking and lo and behold probably four or five years ago i started doing it myself and that tell you um i don’t know whether or not it’s uh redwood allergy or if it’s uh um you know an allergy to some endemic species that lives in this area or mold people want to talk about uh you know the mold uh because of the 21:30 fairly dense canopy of forest here and how damp it is most of the uh winter at least until the dryness of the summer comes but uh what do you think about that kind of respiratory respiratory allergy that uh or a chronic uh infection even i wonder that would be responsible for such a persistent cough me it reminds me of something that doesn’t probably end in a good way the um foliage uh big forests do emit quite a lot of organic material including pollen and probably is is a cause of a lot of allergy i know there’s an a region in texas famous for its cedar tree allergies i imagine conifer forests uh have people who are sensitive to their pollen yeah have you heard anything like that in oregon or i mean no i haven’t surprisingly and when i’ve gone away whenever i’ve gone back to england um you know it does generally clear up in the 22:32 couple of three weeks that i have to go um you know it certainly makes a difference and i’m like wow what is it that sensitize me to uh to to where i live and i think there is something real about anyway okay so uh getting on to um plastics i know there’s another a big topic and i you know i i saw it probably the first time about eight months ago i think or or maybe a year ago and i’d never really considered it before i think we all recognize just how ubiquitous plastic is and has been for quite some time now with the petrochemical companies producing it and the sea the gyre now the one of five gyres in the world the the north pacific gyre becoming this floating island of debri bigger than bigger than mexico it’s probably half the size of the continental us and um that a a dive was done down to the mariana stretch which 23:34 hadn’t hadn’t been exceeded since the uh first dive in 1960 uh someone went down oh just just a year ago i think and um lo and behold they found down the very bottom of the mariana trench what appeared to be plastic debris and so this sparked a whole you know investigation into what’s going on with plastics when they get into the environment and the uh the breakdown of the fragmentation or defragmentation here of plastics into micro plastics uh and how just about every animal species is becoming loaded with these micro plastics i was wondering from a estrogenic perspective that these have got to be disrupting uh the endocrine system and and being responsible for some part of the cancer makeup um yeah the plastics are in general very hydrophobic and so the things like the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that are famous carcinogens 24:35 these concentrate on the surface of the particles and so even the the particles that are macroscopic when they’re ingested they deliver a big dose concentrated dose of these organic carcinogens that are bound to the surfaces but then there’s the smaller particle is toxic in a directly structural way extremely small nanoparticles pass right into the through the cells in the circulatory system and are taken up by cells all through the body uh and uh if you think of the scale you know they’re extremely small compared to bacteria compared to proteins inside the cells uh they’re relatively huge so they’re very foreign to the structure of the cytoplasm and so they’re necessarily disruptive when they get in cells 25:40 and that to the degree that uh their size uh interferes with the functions of the cytoplasm they turn on alarm reactions of different kinds one kind of reaction is to make the cell leaky giving up proteins like when the liver is irritated it leaks its proteins and enzymes into the bloodstream but ATP itself leaks out when cells are structurally irritated by these particles and then the ATP is recognized as a danger signal by the environment and so it tends to be a self perpetuating reaction cell gets irritated sends out ATP which alarms other cells they leak ATP and you get a storm of cells losing their energy and creating 26:44 excitement in their environment okay even to even to ATP huh yeah wow all right I uh looked at the bisphen away and the other what they call the persistent organic pollutants that were banned in the 70s um just because they they recognized after they’ve uh polluted everything massively that these things were so persistent in the environment that they needed to do something about it because not only would they just not break down and be persistent for a long time uh they were taken up by the fat tissue of any animal that would consume it and so pass up the food chain and right up to us obviously as we talk about the the oceans being contaminated with plastics and micro plastics the fish that we eat and the shellfish that we eat and I wanted to ask you about the shellfish I know you’re a big advocate of shellfish for micronutrients and things that you won’t typically get from terrestrial organisms but I looked at an article talking 27:49 about mussels in England uh and the people that would collect mussels and harvest them and I think in Ireland also on the west coast it’s a relatively you know it’s a relatively good uh source of food that people can gather easily but these little crustaceans here they can they can pick up the same micro plastics as well as these other compounds and that um I wonder at what what uh at what point does the negative effect of any of that outweigh the beneficial effect of anything that’s uh obtained from them rather than terrestrial creatures because I’ve always I guess I’ve always steered clear of fish here for the last 15 years or so since I started finding out just how much pollution there was in in the ocean in terms of heavy metals and other you know other compounds the like like the uh organic compounds the the plastic particles tend to be concentrated up the food chain since since they aren’t well detoxified the bigger older organisms are the 28:56 ones that are most polluted and dangerous so years ago we stopped eating the large fish uh orange ruffy and and halibut for example uh labeled very long time and accumulate huge amounts of toxins yeah yeah for sure um I did a similar thing about two years ago uh once it started becoming uh just more and more relevant um I think for the longest time I wanted to go fishing and was um I don’t know it just never really happened and I think as time went on it just became more probably relevant that I shouldn’t go fishing because actually the fish wasn’t that good and so in the end I I ran uh five I think different types of fish that were caught here locally on the west coast just out in shelter cove where we live and I sent it to a lab in Washington that we run our herb material through ICPMS which is an induction coupled mass spectrometry and picking 29:58 up specifically um the california prop 65 compounds that we need to uh closely watch and be in compliance with in terms of production of our medicinal herbs uh so arsenic cadmium lead mercury with the things that we were looking at in our herbs and I sent fish samples to the laboratory up in washington to sample and I was staggered actually at what came back and um there was definitely a correlation between the larger fish uh so between tuna salmon cod and bottom fish um they were in descending order loaded uh with mercury I didn’t I wasn’t able to speciate speciate the mercury to see whether it was methyl mercury or some other compound but um they had the same thing with cadmium too in arsenic and um way higher than any animal product that I sent to the same lab uh in terms of wild game that was hunted whether it was um elk or deer locally that was very clean comparatively so it’s always put me off uh you know eating eating 31:01 fish even though it comes from california and california is supposedly really clean and we’d like to believe that our air is clean and the water is clean and we live actually in a very special place you know um it’s it’s so unfortunate that there is a worldwide uh polluted ocean I didn’t think there’s any real escape from it is there no that information is part of why I’m an advocate of milk because you start with moderately polluted vegetation a cow eats it and sends it to the room and where bacteria and fungus various microorganisms break it down and process it uh eliminate many of the the toxic materials uh on the microbial level uh then it’s filtered uh into the animal’s bloodstream and filtered again into the memory gland for levels of extremely efficient 32:06 filtering so milk is probably the safest food by a wide margin all right let me just uh ask the engineer I guess our lights have gone out but I still hear you and I still see him so I think we’re all good even though the lights have gone out and I’ve seen the lights flashing there in the studio so I don’t know if we have any callers on there or not oh the lights have come back we had a caller who wanted the who was asking the doctor to speak to uh the ingredient and round up the guy calls right the driver’s seat you know I will say that’s correct well let me just let people know you’re listening to ask you have Dr. K. Medigal with 91.1 FM from now to late o’clock callers invited to call him with any questions either related to plastics pollution environmental pollution cancer etc etc caused by pollution and the rise in it and how to mitigate that I’ll be asking Dr. Pete in a bit here some of the strategies that can be probably best employed and also doesn’t really matter if the question is unrelated to 33:11 this month’s show but the numbers 707 923 3911 so Dr. Pete I think that person who hung up was asking about glyphosate and I saw that they’d been massive punitive damages awarded recently for for that product by by people that have gotten cancer unfortunately 30 or 40 years ago I knew people who had studied biology at the Oregon State University a land grant university which specializes in agriculture and really their education is highly guided by industry by the pesticide and herbicide industry and they were telling me that roundup is specifically toxic to plants so it can’t hurt animals and they simply were taught that there are some kind of biological ultimate distinctions between plant cells and animal 34:14 cells but really we have so much in common but it’s not at all surprising that roundup is extremely toxic to animals too yeah it’s funny I just got a little one line here that I saw in an article that in Germany they say that the young men they have been found to produce only a third of the sperm that German men did 30 years ago now what do you think about virility and you know spermatogenesis amongst amongst men and that probably ties into pollution and just decrease energy and yeah everything many things are called phytoestrogens and pseudoestrogens and so on but anything insurious creates inflammation and the inflammation leads to the production of estrogen and so anything that is toxic is going to reduce a man’s 35:16 testosterone sperm production and in general virility okay so let me ask you about phytoestrogens just for the record here because when I was when I was studying herbal medicine you know back then I was under the misguided belief that phytoestrogens were good for females with menopausal hot flashes and that they were beneficial and then I think you just just said no so what are your thoughts on your take on phytoestrogens and and how they interact in the body so women that maybe it might have been using black cohosh or wild yam or other phytoestrogenic herbs are actually not doing what they should be doing because we all recognize now that progesterone is really what you need um some of the herbs are anti-prolactin rather than specifically anti-estrogen right that would be vitex perhaps but so so that could be very protective and the official concept of 36:19 what’s estrogenic is what sticks to the so-called estrogen receptor but the estrogen receptor uh even in the total absence of estrogen if you insure the cell or cut off the oxygen supply the estrogen receptor goes through its actions of acting like estrogen is present so that the somewhat of a coincidence that substance binds to the estrogen receptor doesn’t mean that it’s going to activate estrogen like processes it can inactivate the estrogen system depending on what it does to that protein so the um estrogenic substances really uh a lot of them have been called phytoestrogen 37:22 what they’re doing is in either decreasing or intensifying the cells energy production estrogen characteristically acts like the loss of oxygen and so if you have something that in effect suffocates the cell that’s estrogenic if you have a so-called phytoestrogen might stick to the estrogen receptor but if it is an oxidant and activates catalyzes the oxidative processes and it’s acting as an anti-estrogen okay let’s hold it there dr. Pete there’s a couple of callers on the line that have been busy flashing away in the studio so let’s let’s see this first caller first caller you’re on the air where you from and watch your question is it am i on yes go ahead okay i have a question um we have not vaccinated our six-year-old 38:24 and being in california now it looks like we’re going to have to even with the doctor’s exempt to be in school and i’m just curious if there’s any kind of like herbal or any like if we do decide to vaccinate i’m just curious if there’s things you can do on the herbal medicine realm or boosting immune system or anything like that right okay all right well it’s definitely a controversial subject and one for which uh we’re called anti-vaxxers because we have two children and they’re both in the same situation um we never did vaccinate and we don’t intend to vaccinate and they’re beautiful healthy young children and hopefully they’ll stay that way i think we’ve done shows in the past on vaccines and i know dr. Pete will speak to it having having had some um personal interactions with vaccine stroke damage and you know mitigating the effects of the the condition um dr. Pete first how do you feel about anti-vaxxers 39:32 oh it’s um i think many of them are far better informed than the doctors who ran against susanne humphries for example was i think she was a kidney specialist who noticed that when her patients were vaccinated at admission they got worse than the patients who weren’t vaccinated and she asked the hospital to stop vaccinating her patients and had a fight with the hospital officials and decided to specialize studying what happens with vaccinations for several years so she’s really well informed on it and uh the doctors i see ranting about the anti-vaxxers are generally either totally ignorant and incompetent or 40:35 they’re lying it was just a very simple question that there have been uh national waves uh like an epidemic of narcolepsy in finland and another country following a big wave of vaccinations it’s well established that the aluminum hydroxide which is in more than a hundred vaccines is one of the systemically toxic pro-inflammatory particles it’s added to the vaccine simply because it rouses a generalized systemic inflammation that makes the body react more intensely to whatever antigen related to disease might be present but that same generalized unfocused inflammatory reaction caused by the particles is exactly what turns on autoimmunity 41:38 and other degenerative processes yeah okay i mean it’s not a it’s not a short answer to your question caller um in terms of okay so you asked what could be done verbally um i think as appropriate as that is your nutrition um dr pete’s a big advocate of getting very good whole nutrition um so your your diet is very important and obviously things that lower your metabolic energy like the polyunsaturates uh to be avoided um you certainly want to be looking at keeping your bowel clean so you want to be avoiding bread gluten etc those kind of sources uh but from a from an energy point of view things that support your thyroid um and i’m not just saying this is going to protect you against smallpox you know if smallpox starts suddenly reappearing um but basically i think the metabolic energy of our people has gotten to a point where we’re on the on the edge of being sick um and so i think the vitality of our civilization has definitely 42:45 decreased with all the environmental toxins the pollutants the the rubbish in the food chain and the kind of kind of lifestyles that we’ve been gendered by not working like we used to i think it all promotes a weaker organism so um verbally in that in that regard uh there are certainly things that you can do that would be supportive uh of biological energy production uh i was going to ask dr pete a question about the liver in terms of being responsible for um metabolizing waste but i i know there’s another couple of callers on the line here so i want to make sure we get time for them and they can ask dr pete the questions on that but um in terms of being a anti-vaccine i think one of the most important takeaways from the vaccination thing is it’s not per se anti-vaccines there are definitely vaccines at work there’s no doubt about it um but i think what it is it’s just the prevalence and the increasing numbers given simultaneously which have really 43:48 caused the problems and i think it’s becoming a machine and very much a profit-driven machine which is actually causing the problems not the you know the the altruistic desire from humanitarian doctors to save children from disease i don’t think anybody wants to avoid that for one second so it’s a kind of uh it’s a hot topic and i think they probably better leave it there for right now because we do have a couple of other callers on the line so next caller can we get uh where you’re from and what’s your question well the one of the callers are called i asked me to ask the doctor uh how he he feels about flax versus fish oil probably not much better but it’s probably not quite as bad dr pete flax uh flax oil versus oh much much better in some ways but it is slightly more stable than fish oil the fish oil luckily is very quickly degraded the flax is a little more persistent and so it 44:53 it can be more toxic in the long run any other question we had was whether the doctor would recommend bentonite for clay for flushing toxins i know that the um clay is uh slightly soluble in stomach acid and releases at least a little aluminum of other toxins and the particles being very fine particles are susceptible to persorption when especially if your intention is irritated uh the contraction can force these particles right into the blood stream and the the the particle size can be as much as 10 times the diameter of a red blood cell and so particles getting into the circulatory system can cause considerable microscopic damage okay thanks for that there is another call on the air so let me just let people know that from 45:57 now until the end of the show eight o’clock you’re invited to call in with questions either related or unrelated to this month’s subject of pollution environmental pollution etc number 707 9233911 okay so let’s take this next caller call away from and watch the question so would that be me yes that would be what’s your question away from oh nice i’m in philipsville and i want to thank dr pete for coming on and and thank you for um bringing this wisdom to us um my question is about um there’s new research about highly sensitive personalities and excess cortisol in the bloodstream and i’m wondering what the doctor pete thinks about people who live with you know gushers of cortisol day to day okay and yeah thank you and i’ll take it off the air okay dr pete um high cortisol exposure what do you think’s the outcome 46:59 there are lots of things you can do starting with oxidative metabolism doing things that preserve your thyroid function and when your thyroid is functioning efficiently you can turn your cholesterol fairly massively in the pregnenolone progesterone and da ga which are the main opponents of cortisol uh cortisol stops inflammation but it activates a lot of degenerative breakdown processes when it isn’t backed up by large amounts of these three anti-inflammatory stabilizing steroids uh and and so thyroid and good nutrition adequate protein vitamin a vitamin d all of the nutrients help you do the conversion to da ga progesterone and pregnenolone to uh block and neutralize and reverse the effects of 48:05 of the cortisol okay all right dr pete um i wanted to ask you personally what you think about a strategy to improve the liver’s function to metabolize waste do you think that’s i mean and from a herbal perspective it’s a no-brainer because you know they would talk about herpato restoratives liver supportive herbs you know that you can find studies just everywhere showing that either milk this always very helpful for the liver or chisandra or any number of bitters or other compounds that are shown to have either antioxidant or herpada protective uh effects but what do you what do you think of the rationale of improving the liver’s function i mean to to metabolize waste and to clear it more efficiently from circulation do you think that’s uh relevant oh yeah and um all of the tissues apparently have taste receptors especially for bitter and so the bitters are are acting on these particular receptors to uh have a calming and stabilizing effect all 49:11 through the body but the whole energy and the protein synthesizing uh system is involved in detoxifying it it uses uh glucose or fructose turning it into uh both vitamin c in most animals but in in humans only to uh glucuronic acid which is then attached to toxins for excretion and if you’re well nourished have the b vitamins adequate carbohydrate and protein then your your liver is pretty efficient it can catch toxic uh substances especially hydrophobic materials it has proteins that can catch massive amounts of these things out of the circulation holding them for as much as 24 hours uh while the enzymes degrade it either 50:14 break it down into other substances or attach a glucuronic acid or or sulfate to make it water soluble for excretion and polyunsaturated fatty acids can be processed and excreted in the same way to prevent the damage that oxidizing them does all right now you mentioned you mentioned bitters and i just wanted to pick on that quickly because we have another call here but so these have been the kind of things that we would traditionally use in the in the herbal world for increasing stomach acid for pepsin production to increase digestion and assimilation and reduce inflammation yeah you’re saying okay to reduce it bitters to reduce inflammation so tell me how how you see how you link those two there is a protein the same that we have in our tongues uh the stomach and the liver tissue various lungs the whole respiratory system 51:19 can detect the bitter substance and in doing so it activates an anti-inflammatory process interesting all right let’s get this next caller on the air caller where you from what’s your question um my microphone connected and i have a question following up on on that point okay i wanted to have that repeat view on the use of supplemental digestive enzymes like lipase protease their peptase to to help break down the food to and help absorb the nutrients before it gets to the gut to the bacteria to that prevent from feeding them is then have any use okay are you suffering with any malabsorption or that kind of thing that’s got you interested in digestive enzymes i have a weak weak digestion so i usually have trouble troubles in the upper stomach yeah and usually warm hot foods help cold foods are a little harsher on my my system okay dr p i know you’re a little skeptical on a wide range of supplements but how about 52:22 digestive enzymes in terms of uh if you’re any good digestive enzymes manufactured out there that obviously the traditional thing was uh basically dehydrated animal pancreas tissue okay and those are so similar to our own enzymes that they really do work yeah but you have to be cautious that because they’re simply dehydrated they are a potential source of infection but um i’m skeptical about the enzymes derived from fungus because in the same way you can’t absolutely purify them and so they’re going to drag along some of the fungal antigens and you have to watch out for allergic reactions because if you’re sensitive to the fungus antigens you might react to their enzymes okay i know that we uh we produced we used to produce a product called um well actually we 53:25 had two uh we had digestive bitters which was a uh an herb extract from about nine different herbs and this is for the caller um that were based on um the swiss swedish bitters sorry um and then so they were mainly the bitters that we mentioned dr p mentioned that would stimulate stomach acid production pepsin lipase you know it get the stomach moving and other things to break down fats etc etc and they were i’ve got some very good feedback um when we were producing this product so they’re they i think herbally um it’s always the rationale there to use bitters using the taste receptors as a physiological trigger to increase motility and production of enzymes and these would certainly be beneficial um i find people when i consult with them have widely differing results with digestive enzymes but i do find a lot of the bitter herbs in the armament of herbal medicine 54:32 actually very effective for poor digestion or fat malabsorption etc great i’ll look into it thank you yeah thank you for your call okay so dr p i had a couple let’s do a quick question i wanted to know okay probably too big for the last couple of minutes we have um but just looking at the political the political will um of the governments to do the right thing you know in terms of i saw that a figure that coal fired power plants are actually on a decline um surprisingly although i know the current administration had vowed to increase them from the previous administrations will to reduce them um but that the developing companies countries like china and asia and india especially are starting to produce lots of power stations to get their economies going because that’s just the way it’s been done traditionally what do you think about the political will to make the world a cleaner place if you can answer that in one minute or so that would 55:36 be great i can mention a book that is very important on that issue called the politics of cancer Samuel Epstein written in 1978 with publication date and he shows that the knowledge of how to prevent most cancer has been around for almost a hundred years but the corporations that pollute run the government agencies and the the agencies that you would think should be protecting the public american cancer society national cancer institute many research organizations and universities are funded so generously by the polluting industries that they are working against the public even though the public pays them pays the government and these foundations supposedly for their protection 56:43 actually that they’re simply perpetuating the the polluting depressing depressing well let’s on that note let’s let everyone be reminded the politics of cancer if i’ve got that right by samuel ebbstein that could be well worth looking at on the internet maybe get a copy of it and read it probably really educate yourself about what dr bees just mentioned about the mechanism of it all thank you so much for your time dr peat okay thank you okay so for those people that have listened to the show want to find out more about dr peat’s papers his research his written works etc are www.repeat.com and for people who want to find out more about myself and our business it’s western botanical medicine i want to make people aware that there’s going to be an instagram page launched here hopefully within the next six weeks to two months at the most about dr peat’s 57:46 work and put it in audio clips that we have produced since 2007 so that it’s actually the words he’s saying because i find a lot of misconstrued information on other supposedly dr peat advocating sites so i want to set the record straight and that would be on an instagram page called western botanical medicine i think at this point and thanks so much for listening until the third friday of next month good night

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