Ray Peat Rodeo
A picture of Marcus Whybrow, creator of Ray Peat Rodeo From Marcus This is an audio interview to do with Ray Peat from 2008.
It's part of my effort to archive and augment Ray's complete works within this website, Ray Peat Rodeo. You can donate to the project on GitHub sponsors, cheers🥰.

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00:00 G-I-L-L, or to get a free copy, call 702-233-8883. The proceeding has been paid for by Pregnancy Records. Hello and welcome to Hope for Health. I’m Dr. Dan Royal. Hope for Health is brought to you by New Hope Medical Center. We invite you now to enjoy this informative program on health alternatives. Thank you for being with us today. This is a call-in radio talk show, so those of you who are out there listening, if you would like some free health advice, feel free to call us in. 650-KKVV is the call-in number, which is 650-5588. If you’re listening live on the internet or a long distance, you can reach us at 800-366-8883. That’s 800-366-8883. Today’s guest is a researcher and expert in the area of female hormones, 01:02 and he received his doctorate in philosophy and endocrine physiology and biochemistry from the University of Oregon in 1972. He has taught courses in endocrinology, physiology, the brain, and aging at such schools as the National College of Naturopathic Medicine and the University of Oregon. He is the author of several books, all of which I have read myself, which include progesterone and orthomolecular medicine and nutrition for women, mind, and tissue. He also has a monthly newsletter, which has been writing since 1980, into which I also subscribe. His name is Dr. Ray Peat, and we’d like to welcome him to the program. Dr. Peat, welcome. It’s nice to have you with us. You’re there in Eugene, Oregon, isn’t that correct? And we’re here in Las Vegas where the weather is sunny and warm for this time of year. And you’re there where it’s overcast. I used to live there for 15 years. I know exactly what it’s like. It’s raining, actually. 02:03 Raining or drizzling, because everybody walks around there without an umbrella. They’re so used to it, you know, the light drizzle. And when it’s overcast so much at the time, do you see or are you familiar with much seasonal affective disorder where people become depressed because they’re not getting enough sunlight? Well, you know, 35 years ago, when I moved to Eugene from southern Oregon where there’s a lot more sun, I wondered why I was feeling lethargic and depressed. And I realized we hadn’t had a day of sunlight for about two months straight. And that was when I really started getting interested in the hormonal effect of sunlight. And when I moved back after being in Mexico for several years, I moved back to Eugene and started seeing graduate student young women who had moved to Eugene and immediately started having hormonal problems, 03:08 DMS and worse symptoms. Well, what did you do for yourself to correct that problem? Well, I’m trying to get as much sunlight as possible, but when there’s no sunlight, then I keep a couple of, they call them infrared bulbs, but their farmers use them for brooder lamps to keep baby chicks warm and so on. They have a clear front and a reflector built in, but they have a warmer temperature, lower temperature than the usual incandescent bulb. And that means that the light penetrates more deeply. It’s rich in red and orange frequencies. And I keep about 500 watts shining down on me all the time when I’m indoors. Yeah, that sounds like a very interesting approach similar to the infrared sauna, 04:10 which can penetrate deeper without having to overheat the patient. What about using ultraviolet light? Isn’t that also a treatment? Yeah, I have about an 80-year-old mercury paper lamp that I use for getting extra vitamin D once in a while, but I also take some vitamin D. I like to take it through my skin because I never have much confidence in how pure the excipients are in supplements, but taking it through my skin, it works fine for keeping my vitamin D up. Yeah, we have the same concern in our clinic about using the best quality supplements because a lot of products out there, especially the ones made by the pharmaceutical company, which are very cheap but very ineffective. And so patients read about the great results that you can get from taking certain B vitamins or vitamin E or amino acid, 05:12 and then they go buy it on the cheap and wonder why they’re not getting results. Thirty years ago, I was doing a lot of counseling with allergic people. In the summer, Eugene is near a big, grass-growing area, and at the end of the summer, they burn the fields and release a lot of chemicals into the air, so the asthma sickness rate is very high, but all summer, there are lots of allergic people in Eugene, and I found at first that giving them supplements and a good diet, especially rich in vitamin A and panathenic acid, took care of a big part of the population with allergies, but there were many that didn’t improve, and I found that if I got them to use natural foods and avoid all of their supplements, 06:17 all of them improved, and it turned out that many, many people taking a lot of vitamin mineral supplements every day were actually allergic to thecipients in the products. Yeah, that’s a good point. What happens in the patient, our experience, is that patients have a threshold, and when they are exposing themselves to allergens, whether in their food or in the air or even from their supplements in this case, they all add up. They have a cumulative effect, and then you reach that threshold in which they’re reactive, and sometimes lowering their reactivity to one of those agents may help lower their response, their allergens, but the allergy is still there until they’re neutralized and you’re able to identify what they are and eliminate them completely. The total burden and the amount of energy you have to deal with the burden is what produces symptoms. 07:23 If your blood sugar is low, almost anything becomes a serious allergen. With animal experiments, they found that the weakest allergen, if they lowered the blood sugar with insulin, the animals would die in shock from a very weak allergen, but if they gave them extra sugar, even the allergic animals could, they would get nothing but mild sniffles from a deadly, super strong allergen. Now, what about hypoglycemia or reactive hypoglycemia? Patients are eating something that’s raising their blood sugar and then it drops over a short period of time. Are those patients then, are these patients that are more susceptible to allergies or that are reacting in an allergic way? It can become a vicious circle because normally when you are exposed to a stress or an allergen, 08:24 you put out a little extra cortisol to improve your immunity and lower your inflammation, but that can start suppressing your thyroid function and lowering your liver’s detoxifying ability and your intestine always has allergens in it and especially if you’re exposed to some special allergens, the chronic exposure to cortisol suppressing your liver function and thyroid function allows those toxins and allergens from your intestine to get into the bloodstream. And endotoxin is a basic substance produced by bacteria in the intestine and that poisons our energy producing systems. It almost turns off mitochondrial function and that wastes the blood sugar 09:32 so that you can create hypoglycemia by exposing yourself to too many of these stresses. And the quickest way to break out of the cycle is to eat a well-balanced natural diet but emphasizing a lot of fruits. Orange juice, for example, because of the high potassium content which lets you handle and absorb blood sugar without disturbing your insulin. The potassium itself handles the sugar without triggering the insulin and when your liver is receiving enough sugar from the combination of potassium and sugar in the fruit, it is able to activate the thyroid hormone restoring the poisoned function of your mitochondria and letting you use oxygen efficiently so it can bring you out of a chronic allergic hypoglycemic state 10:42 and get you back to a steady blood sugar, sometimes just in a day or two. Yeah, I think you mentioned a couple of things that most people are not aware of. Number one is that orange juice has potassium in it. Everybody thinks about eating bananas but if you’re low in potassium you can drink orange juice and get it increased much quicker. You also mentioned something about the liver which is an area where the thyroid is converted from active to active form. Most people don’t understand. Yeah, Bruno Barnes many years ago wrote a very good book called Hypoglycemia. It’s your liver not your mind and he was one of the first people to emphasize that most of the active thyroid about 70%!o(MISSING)f it is produced in your liver rather than in the thyroid gland. The gland itself in your neck produces about 30%!o(MISSING)f the active hormone but anytime your blood sugar falls, if you go without eating for eight hours for example, 11:50 your blood sugar is likely to fall and that your liver doesn’t want to convert your tissues to food and so your liver stops making thyroid so your metabolism decreases. Your temperature goes down at some point when you have stopped eating so that you don’t burn up your body too fast as you would if your metabolic rate stayed high without eating. Yeah, now we’ve mentioned that the thyroid is produced by the thyroid, it’s also produced by the liver and we’re converted there. Doesn’t that conversion also take place at the cellular level as well? Several tissues produce quite a bit of it. The pituitary gland can detect T4 because the inactive form of the thyroid, pyroxen and since it can convert it, it doesn’t distinguish very strongly between whether you’re taking T4 or T3, 12:54 it turns off its activity whenever it sees T4 or T3 and so since it produces just a tiny amount for its own detecting purposes if you accumulate too much pyroxen in your tissues, your pituitary thinks you have enough thyroid but your liver might not be producing any active thyroid hormone from it at all. In one of the early experiments studying where the hormone is active and what it’s doing, they took slices of the different organs and added pyroxen. They found that the liver became fully activated with a modest amount of pyroxen added. The kidneys converted a little of it and were slightly activated by pyroxen. 13:55 The muscles were not activated at all but the brain when pyroxen was added was actually suppressed because the brain normally has an extremely high concentration of the active T3 part of the hormone in relation to T4 and so locally too much T4 affects your brain in an anti-syroid direction but very few doctors are aware of the risks of prescribing plain pyroxen. That’s a good point, a very good point. We’re going to talk about that more when we come back from the break. I’m Dr. Dan Royal, you’re listening to Hope for Health and my guest today is Dr. Ray P. We’re going to take a short break and we will be right back. 15:12 Welcome to New Hope Medical Center at New Hope patients receive proprietary diagnostic and healing therapies without the limitations of traditional medicine such as genetic testing, VaxD, oxygen therapies, bioidentical hormones, nutritional IVs, health, sperm rejuvenation, lifestyle counseling and more. At New Hope patients get real answers to real health problems. Call New Hope now at 476-000. Get healthy and call 476-000 today. We’re back, I’m Dr. Dan Royal and you are listening to Hope for Health. Again, my guest is Dr. Ray Pete and if you have a question for either the doctor or his guest you can call us here at 650-KKVB at 650-5588 or long distance 800-366-8883. Dr. Pete, you mentioned that thyroxin has a suppressive effect on the brain. I think it’s important that we discuss that a little more detail because the audience may not understand that 16:14 thyroxin is T4 which is the same thing as synthroid which means the most common thyroid medicine being prescribed through conventional medicine has no active thyroid in it. That’s true and because of, I think it’s the result of pressure from the pharmaceutical industry making their synthetics, the FDA has begun forcing the producers of the natural thyroid products such as armor, thyroid, USP to put on their label the ingredients in terms of T4 and T3 but natural thyroid contains neither of those. It’s a protein with only the tiniest trace as a contaminant sometimes of thyroxin or the active T3 but now people look at the label and they see T4 and T3 even listed on natural thyroid products 17:20 and it just isn’t there. When you digest the protein your digestive system releases those hormones and the gland when you digest it or when it digests itself in normal functioning that protein breaking down releases about three or four parts of thyroxin for each part of the active T3 and that’s why your liver has to convert the thyroxin which is about 70%!o(MISSING)f the output of your thyroid gland and similarly when you take a supplement of armor thyroid when you digest it it’s in that same ratio so your liver still has to activate three quarters of it and that means that you can’t go very far wrong 18:22 when you’re taking the natural substance because the ratio entering your blood is within the range produced by your normal gland so your liver can make the decision as to whether to activate it or not. Yeah it’s a good point. Typically the natural type thyroids and there’s a number of different types have a ratio of about four to one T4 to T3 and then what we will typically do in our practice is increase that ratio of three to one by adding a little bit of cytomel which is just pure active T3 but when we do that usually it’s because the patient has developed antibodies through the thyroid which you can see in grave disease or I’ve seen it in cases where the patients are taking thyroxin synthetic synthroid for example and now because they’ve introduced this foreign substance in their body it’s attacked and so the body now requires more thyroid to overcome that. In fact that one patient I saw recently who said gee they put me on thyroid and I started gaining weight and then every time they changed the dose I gained more weight and they wouldn’t believe me so we checked her thyroid antibodies 19:26 and sure enough you know they were very high but every time they gave her the synthroid she developed the antibodies and then they up the dose and you know the situation just got worse. I wouldn’t say it happened to every patient but I’ve seen it enough that I’m very skeptical and never used the thyroxin. When I was teaching at the Nature Pathic College in Portland someone from the University of Oregon Medical School Hospital told about a woman who had been prescribed I think was the equivalent of one grain of thyroxin about a hundred micrograms I think it was and she got a little worse and more hypothyroid and they kept increasing the dose and when they reached 400 micrograms of thyroxin she went into a mixadema coma and they took her to the hospital unconscious and kept her alive until someone figured out that she wasn’t converting T4 to T3 and it had simply turned her brain metabolism 20:32 off to the point that she was no longer conscious and when they gave her T3 she recovered immediately to full functioning. Yeah so it’s important to have a healthy liver if that’s where three cores of the conversion is happening and isn’t it true that if you’re taking let’s say the thyroxin the inactive thyroid and it’s having a suppressor effect on your brain and can’t it isn’t it true it can build up your brain and cause other symptoms if it’s not being converted? Yeah many people have told me that when they were given supposedly the right dose of thyroxin they began getting symptoms like ringing sounds in their ears and prickly sensations fairly common symptoms of hypothyroidism but they would start when they would go on thyroxin and when they added T3 the symptoms would go away and they would be okay. 21:36 What’s very interesting is I have many patients come into my office and they’ve seen other doctors and they tell me that oh my doctor checked everything but when it comes to the thyroid I’ve never seen that happen the doctors will look at just the T4 or just the TSH they never check the antibodies so the patient never really gets a complete thyroid evaluation even though they’re told by the doctor everything is fine so when you’re checking the thyroid in your opinion what’s the best test to be looking at? The way they did it in the 1930s before the drug companies came on the scene and basically took control of the journals and the medical schools and made everyone over the next 30 or 40 years forget how to treat thyroid patients the way they originally did it was to look at symptoms and when they saw definitely too many symptoms they would give them a basal metabolic rate test how much oxygen they consume at rest and that’s really the absolute way to determine what’s happening 22:48 it doesn’t matter how much is in your blood if it’s being blocked for example if you have eaten too many polyunsaturated fats or too much cabbage or other anti thyroid factors you can have an excess of thyroid hormones in your bloodstream and still not be consuming very much oxygen some people are 20, 30, 40 percent below normal in oxygen consumption and the ideal way it would be to give the dose of thyroid until the oxygen consumption is at least normal except Americans on comparison with other countries where they don’t eat so much of the artificial food Americans on average are about 25 percent hypometabolic or hypothyroid and so the practical thing really is to go by symptoms and checking as many of the physiological indicators 23:54 for example reflex reaction time the speed of your reflex you can flash a light in a person’s eye and the pupil is slow to respond if they’re hypothyroid the body temperature tends to be usually but not invariably tends to be much below normal when you’re hypothyroid an excess of stress adrenaline and cortisol can artificially raise your temperature so those can go up in hypothyroidism so temperature is just one of the indicators and there’s a reflex the Achilles tendon relaxation rate if you have a person nail and thump their Achilles tendon so that it makes their toe twitch away from their body that a person with almost any thyroid function will have the reflex 24:58 but what you want is how quickly your foot relaxes back to its resting position and the hypothyroid person’s foot looks like it has a pneumatic door closer on it it carefully or in jerks returns slowly to where it was at rest but a person with good thyroid function the jerking foot looks like a piece of rubber it relaxes and bounces it comes back so fast yeah and I checked that in almost all of my patients I’m glad you mentioned that my guest today is Dr. Ray Pete and we’re talking about the thyroid and other hormones if you have a question for us you can reach us here at 650 KKVB at 650 5588 you can also find Dr. Pete on the internet at www.raypeat.com we’re going to take a short break and when we come back we’ll continue our discussion about the thyroid and other hormones we’ll be right back hi I’m Dr. Dan Royal medical director for New Hope Medical Center every day I see patients who suffer from the effects of modern living such as stress 26:02 pollution allergies and even prescription drugs I believe we all deserve to feel as good as we can to be optimally well that’s why at New Hope we emphasize health optimization not disease management for more information call New Hope Medical at 476 000 learn their secrets to living a great life by consulting with a doctor who really cares about you and your health call 476 000 now This vaccine generally decompresses the area of injury and pain It draws nutrients into the area and promotes relaxation and repair For more information call New Hope Medical at 476 000 Take your life back get pain free with vaccine call 476 000 now and make your appointment for vaccine treatment today We’re back I’m Dr. Dan Royal thanks for staying with us 27:04 my guest today is Dr. Ray Pete and we’re talking about the thyroid and other hormones hormones. I wanted to bring something to your attention Dr. Pete and that is something I see frequently in my practice and throughout America is the high blood fat issue in the whole cholesterol industry that’s been built up around that and I would think that one of the signs of high cholesterol would be a low thyroid because normally if you have a healthy metabolism you should be able to process those fats fairly effectively since the liver is the place where that’s happening where those fats being made and being broken down it’s also the place where the thyroid is being converted. What do you think about that? The liver is a big source of disposal of the cholesterol but the ovaries the gonads and the brain itself and the adrenal glands all use considerable amounts of cholesterol for example in one experiment blood containing a known amount of cholesterol was pumped into an ovary and the 28:06 amount of progesterone coming out corresponded exactly to the amount of cholesterol going in. If you lowered the cholesterol you lowered the amount of progesterone being produced and that same conversion happens in the brain and the adrenal glands and various other tissues to some extent so if you’re forcing your cholesterol down with a drug you’re likely for example many studies have shown increased rate of accidents, cancer and even suicide and death by homicide I think was one of the major events in the people who were drugged to lower their cholesterol. And the Framingham study of following people over many years found that people whose cholesterol was below 200 when 29:10 they were over the age of 50 were much more likely to become demanded because cholesterol makes those protective hormones makes progesterone for example in the brain which is extremely protective against all kinds of injury and toxins. Yeah I’m glad you mentioned that I love it when the side effect of medication is death that’s all we need. We’ve got a caller on the line do you have a question for our guest Geraldine? Yes I do I’m really enjoying the program when I was 16 they in Santa Monica they thought I had a broken jaw so they use the x-ray machine and took many plates of my jaw and then right after that my thyroid really went out and of course I’ve had a terrible problem all my life and I’m wondering what do you recommend having a problem trying to get a 30:13 medication you know I have trouble sleeping and gaining weight and losing just the whole thing I’ve got what do you suggest for a medication what would you give for a good medication I used to take. The usual thing is to check the diet make sure the person is getting enough good protein because a protein deficiency makes the liver unable to activate the thyroid hormone the same way a lack of sugar does so you need at least 80 grams of high quality protein for example milk or cheese or eggs will okay give you good protein to make the liver able to process the thyroid and a low thyroid function the symptoms you mentioned are very classical hypothyroid symptoms because the the brain 31:17 needs energy to go to sleep properly hypothyroid people have been given EEGs which show that they never can get into deep restful slow-wave sleep they stay in superficial sleep which isn’t restful and even worse than that they often have insomnia and have trouble going to sleep because when your nerves or your muscles are not producing enough energy fatigue accumulates and they’re unable to relax it’s the same thing as the Achilles reflex test you’re slow to relax any cell any muscle or nerve and when you get fatigued your brain needs thyroid to relax a doctor that I visited I think was in either arena or Las Vegas had had insomnia for two or three days and I suggested cytomel the next 32:22 day he said that stuff’s better than the opium he said it was sound asleep 15 minutes after taking a little bit of the active thyroid hormone oh that’s wonderful I haven’t heard of that yeah there’s nothing better than sleep when you really need it and most people it’s interesting my patients had the misconception that if I give him thyroid somehow some kind of amphetamine it’s going to keep him up at night what they don’t understand is just what Dr. Pete said thyroid helps you to relax and helps your reflexes to recover he mentioned the pulmonary effects of the eye as well as your Achilles tendon reflex as well as now the body being able to relax and go to sleep at night so does that help with your question Geraldine oh I’m very grateful I want to thank you very much all right thanks for calling thank you Dr. Pete one of the things I think we should also mention is that if the thyroid is having a problem the adrenals do tend to take over and as you mentioned cortisol levels can be elevated and this can also interrupt the sleep wake cycle because cortisol levels can be high and I should be low at night and high in the morning yeah 33:25 when when the sun goes down that various things happen for example the red light or sunlight that penetrates deeply into your cells activates processes that protect you against lipid proxidation and pre radicals and it about an hour of darkness and your mitochondria start losing efficiency because the pre radicals start interfering with them and so when darkness has lasted for several hours your blood sugar becomes a problem and that’s why your cortisol rises after you’ve been asleep for a couple hours it keeps getting higher and higher until dawn and that allows you to stay asleep because the cortisol is is breaking down your protein turning it 34:28 to sugar letting the thyroid function letting your nerve cells repair by getting enough sugar but the combination of reactions to the low blood sugar if your liver didn’t store enough glycogen very quickly early in the night you’ll have an adrenaline reaction trying to get more glycogen out of your liver to compensate for the low thyroid function low thyroid people very often have 30 or 40 times more adrenaline being produced than a healthy person and that keeps you awake or makes you wake up with a start after you’ve been asleep for a while and the adrenaline makes your heart beat faster and wakes you up but it triggers increasing cortisol and the cortisol will start damaging your tissues making your muscles gradually be converted to sugar to keep your brain 35:32 working during the night and these low thyroid people who compensate with very high amounts of adrenaline and cortisol will sometimes wake up with a temperature of 98.6 or 99 degrees which is definitely not in what most people think of as the hypothyroid range which is usually 95 or 96 degrees but if you take their temperature about an hour after they’ve had some orange juice another food in the morning you’ll find that their temperature is down in the extremely hypothyroid range it’s only the stress hormones before breakfast that keep them up to a normal temperature. It’s fascinating how this relates to each other we’re going to take another call Yolanda do you have a question for a guest? Yes thank you Dr. Pete I happened up on you guys is a radio show today by 36:32 accident but I think it was to my good fortune I’ve got a 12 year old if you can believe it with the diagnosis of hypothyroid and really how we found out or how I received the diagnosis as I took her into her pediatrician to explore what whether or not there could be some explanation for what I considered weight gain that did not seem to correlate with her consumption in other words it didn’t seem like she was eating enough to be gaining the weight at the rate that she was they did a number of blood tests and I guess her T3 came back really high then I was referred to a pediatric endocrinologist and they’re not very many here in Southern Nevada so I had to wait several months. Let me just make a comment about that Yolanda one of the problems and I see in the thyroid testing is what they’re checking is T3 uptake which is a mathematical guesstimation they’re not usually checking T3 RIA which is a more accurate assessment of the active thyroid and so if your child has been diagnosed with hypothyroidism the T3 is elevated that doesn’t make sense that’s a total 37:34 contradiction in terms. Right well what happened was when I went to the pediatric endocrinologist he wanted to run his own series of tests and you know I’ll be honest with you this is in a couple years ago and I can’t remember exactly but he also was because he was the one who gave him the diagnosis based on his set of tests and I can’t remember what was too high for the T4 and TSA he takes TSH T4 and we do it every four excuse me every six months he did the antibodies you were speaking of early as well he did not have she was not positive for the antibodies. Okay so what is the medication she’s taking? She’s taking and that’s why I wanted to talk to you because I was like it sounds like you all aren’t recommending the centroid and she’s on point eight eight of the centroid and has been for two years. Yeah absolutely not that would not be our approach based on what you’ve heard in this program. You know what I mean by that like the her there are three times when women are more likely to become hypothyroid and 38:37 you can very often see the signs even if they aren’t experiencing any symptoms you can see the thyroid gland enlarging around puberty and again at pregnancy and again around menopause and what happens is they’ve studied it with slices of the tissue in a culture dish as estrogen rises the the brain senses that you need more thyroid hormone puts out more TSH but the estrogen blocks the enzymes that digest that protein in the thyroid gland so it stops secreting the active hormone and progesterone happens to activate those enzymes and allow the gland to secrete but you can pretty much depend on the slowing down of the 39:39 thyroid whenever there’s a situation that raises estrogen and puberty is the most common one. Typically girls in their teens will have an enlarged thyroid compared to boys because that’s the standard effective estrogen even when you’re healthy. So what we would typically recommend at New Hope Medical I’ll just kind of give you some free advice here we would typically put the patient on a grain of the natural thyroid and have him take it twice a day. The reason for that is because natural thyroid has a half life about eight to twelve hours the body’s actually utilizing it digesting it processing it as opposed to hanging around for 24 hours waiting for the body to convert it to active thyroid if that’s actually happening with the centroid. We’re gonna go ahead and take a short break we thank you for calling and when we come back we’ll take another caller so I’m Dr. Dan Royal you’re listening to Hope for Health my guest today is Ray Pete and we will be right back. Would you like to know if you are at risk for cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease and more? Don’t wait until disease strikes. With genomics testing you can glimpse the 40:43 future. Genomics testing reveals what genetic disease as you may develop. For more information or to order your genomics test call New Hope Medical Center at 476-000. Do something now to avoid future health risks call 476-000 and get your genomics test today. Feeling tired? No sex drive? In pain? Can’t lose weight? Welcome to New Hope Medical Center. At New Hope patients receive proprietary diagnostic and healing therapies without the limitations of traditional medicine such as genetic testing, VaXD, oxygen therapies, bio-genical hormones, nutritional IVs, health, sparma, rejuvenation, lifestyle counseling and more. At New Hope patients get real answers to real health problems. Call New Hope now at 476-000 and get healthy and call 476-000 today. We’re back on back to Dan Royal and you’ve been listening to Hope for Health. Our guest today is Dr. Ray Pete who is an independent scientist with an background expertise in female hormones and we’ve 41:44 been discussing thyroid today and we’re going to continue that discussion with our caller on the line. Stan, do you have a question for Dr. Pete? Yeah, I have a question about the thyroid and Dr. Wilton who’s a DO but what was that cytomel? Is that a prescription item or was that over-the-counter supplement? No that is a prescription item. Okay, Dr. Wilson who’s a DO, he’s done years of research on the thyroid where it’s kind of a little bit subclinical where the doctor tells you it’s normal but for people who running temperatures of like 97, 97.1 and they have like cold hands sometimes, cold feet and they’re very, very sluggish in the morning hours. It was Dr. Wilson on target with the temperature situation of subclinical thyroid. I’m going to let Dr. Pete answer this with you off the air. Is that okay? And can I also ask him that he recommends that is Dr. Wilson after 20 years of research that the armored 42:48 thyroid T3 will really properly fix this issue and kind of resetting the thyroid, unclogging it so that you get a proper amount of T3 in the blood and the doctors just look at T4 when we get these blood tests. I’m giving you a lot but can I, can I, you want me to hang up and listen? Yeah, is that okay? Okay, I hope I hope you can remember all of it because it’s a lot in there. We will. Okay, thanks a lot. You’re welcome, bye. Okay, so first I think we should clarify that Wilson syndrome is primarily referring to that reverse T3. That’s another element of thyroid testing that can be assessed. And so I think that the question you had Dr. Pete was how accurate number one is the basal body temperature number two. Can the problem of Wilson syndrome can be corrected with T3? Oh yeah, the thing that I mentioned about the stress hormones causing a falsely elevated 43:52 normal appearing temperature, that’s something that you should watch out for if someone has had an unusual diet without enough protein or if they’re in menopause years, it’s very common for women to experience excess cortisol around menopause and that’s one of the major things that causes the deposit of fat around the trunk at menopause and the weakening of the bones, cortisol accelerates dissolving of the bones and deposition of fats. And so people with those symptoms, even if they’re younger, they should be checked for excess adrenaline and cortisol. And a protein deficiency is a common cause of that whole pattern. The reverse T3 rises when you’re under stress and exposed to too 44:57 much cortisol and a very bad diet can be enough to put you into that chronic stress state and the quickest way out of it is with the supplement, a reliably formulated supplement of T3, but the armor thyroid and a traditional product made by the same company called Tyrol-R, which was a synthetic made to be equivalent to the natural thyroid. Those will provide enough T3 for most people, but there’s people almost always prefer to have a little more T3 than that if they want to quickly get over their symptoms. Yeah, that’s a good point. And what I found my testing of patients is that reverse T3 in terms of being able to document is actually quite difficult and rarely seen, but there are so many other factors by which you can diagnose hypothyroidism, some which you’ve talked 46:01 about this program, such as the low T4, low T3, the high TSH, the thyroid antibodies, not to mention the clinical conditions that need to be looked at. So for example, you can have a patient that has normal thyroid function, but yet they have clinical symptomatology, signs and symptom hypothyroidism. What are you going to do? Most doctors would not treat because, well, the lab says they’re fine. Well, you don’t need a doctor to diagnose a patient who’s fine in the lab work. You need a doctor who can assess whether the patient needs thyroid even though the lab is abnormal and be able to explain why. The traditional doctors did fine just going by signs and as many of the measures as they knew were reliable, such as oxygen consumption and the cholesterol level, and they would look at the palms of a person’s hands. A low thyroid person can’t convert keratin to vitamin A, and so they will typically accumulate orange in the 47:04 calluses of their hands and feet, and their skin, their hands and feet are almost always cold because their metabolic rate is low, even though their core temperature might be kept up by adrenaline and cortisol, their fingers and toes are likely to be cooler than other people’s at the same environmental temperature. Cold feet, interestingly, can cause serious inflammatory problems elsewhere in the body, so a first aid for some of the symptoms of hypothyroidism is just to get some woolly underwear and and thick stockings. You can also correct- It’s warm because you can actually cure anemia even without correcting your whole metabolic situation just by keeping your long bones warmer and reducing 48:05 the inflammatory substances produced in cold feet. Yeah, that’s very interesting, and you can also correct that by supplementing the adrenals so they don’t have to put out so much adrenaline by using the natural DHA and pregnant on hormones, but some of the clinical signs of hypothyroidism, which are very obvious and, of course, taken together, should raise your index of suspicion. They include fatigue, overweight or obesity and edema, among other things. Anyway, we have a caller on the line, and I think she has a question for our guest, Earlene. Did you have a question you’d like to ask? I don’t know if I’ll be related or not, but what I was wondering is the change of, I had a hysterectomy when I was 36, I’m now 73, and I have had all, I’m diabetic, but I don’t take any insulin, I don’t take any bi-diabetic medicine, I’ve been trying to control it with with diet, but what I’m worried about is my arthritis seemed to get worse after I had the hysterectomy, and I have osteoarthritis, not the other 49:09 kind. I was wondering if this had anything to do with hormones. Absolutely, hormones are related, and one of the things that should be checked, in my opinion, is the female hormones, along with the thyroid, and other more comprehensive testing to give us a bigger picture of what’s going on, but as Dr. Pete mentioned earlier, as a woman goes through menopause, this is one of those transitions in life where the hypothyroidism issue can manifest, and some people also have the theory that when you’re in pain or, you know, inflammation all the time, that your cortisol level may actually not be quite high enough, and so that’s keeping you in pain all the time. So, you know, these are some issues that should be considered. What do you think, Dr. Pete? I had a friend who was in his 70s and had an accident, and immediately started developing arthritis, and was crippled pretty suddenly by arthritis in his hands and feet and knees, and he luckily had a doctor who had been educated in 50:11 the 1930s who immediately tested his thyroid because stress and injury can lower your thyroid, and my friend was grumpy and said, I didn’t go to have you fix my thyroid. I wanted you to fix the arthritis, but within two weeks, his arthritis cleared up, and he lived 15 years more with never anymore arthritis. In the 30s, it was standard knowledge that arthritis was usually a sign of hypothyroidism. Yeah, that’s a good point. I mean, any trauma in your life, like having a baby or having a surgery, these things can trigger hypothyroidism because it’s such a stress from which you may not recover, and as Dr. Pete said, you need a doctor with a little more intuition who uses his right brain and can diagnose these problems without being wholly reliant upon the lab. Anyway, we thank you for calling, Earlene. We’re going to take a short break, and when we come back, we’ll continue our discussion with Dr. Ray Pete. I’m Dr. Dan Royal, and you’re listening to Hope for Health. We’ll be right back. 51:15 Hi, I’m Dr. Dan Royal, Medical Director for New Hope Medical Center. Every DIC patients who suffer from the effects of modern living, such as stress, pollution, allergies, and even prescription drugs, I believe we all deserve to feel as good as we can to be optimally well. That’s why at New Hope, we emphasize health optimization, not disease management. For more information, call New Hope Medical at 476-000. Learn their secrets to living a great life by consulting with a doctor who really cares about you and your health. Call 476-000 now. Does your back ache? Is your neck in pain? Would you like to be pain-free? Then get BaxD. BaxD is a non-surgical treatment, clinically proven to be successful in over 86%!o(MISSING)f patients with back pain, sciatica, and bulging perniated or degenerative discs. BaxD generally decompresses the area of injury and pain, draws nutrients into the area, and promotes relaxation and repair. For more information, call New Hope Medical at 476-000. Take your life back. Get pain-free with BaxD. Call 476-000 now and make your appointment for BaxD treatment today. 52:15 Hi, I’m back. I’m Dr. Dan Royal. You’re listening to Hope for Health. My guest today has been Dr. Ray Pete. We’re winding down our show here, but we’re going to go ahead and take one more call. Bill, you’re on the line. You have any question for our guest? Well, kind of sort of. It’s not more mostly a question. I was born with Wilfins disease and have lived with it through diet and nutrition. I have kept it under control and I was on KKZZ for about three and a half years, was stepping to the other side of health. So I have vague ideas to Wilfins disease from the inside, so to speak, having had it and had it all my life. One of the things that people will tell you is that you can’t live without fat. And I’m living proof. I’m past 75 and I’m living proof that you can live without eating fat. So if sometime in the future you ever want to get around to 53:17 discussing Wilfins again, I’ll be more than happy to call in again. All right. Appreciate your call. Thanks, Bill. You have a great day. Thank you, you too. Dr. Although I do advocate eating saturated fats, they can have some therapeutic effects. I’m also an advocate of fruit-centered diet. There are animals that live on fruit, for example, the squirrel monkey, which lives about three times as long as other animals of its size and has an extremely high metabolic rate and in the wild it lives exclusively on fruit. And that’s sort of a way to think about the effect of fruit on your physiology because the fruit contains the things needed to stimulate your thyroid function and protect against stress. So it is possible to live entirely without 54:19 fat in your diet because your body can make the saturated fats that it needs. That’s a good point. But saturated fat is what the thyroid needs and you can get that from coconut oil, which I use in my own cooking. And on the other hand, you have a lot of patients who are taking these unsaturated fatty acids, which are actually inhibiting thyroid. Yeah, the more unsaturated the fat is, the more thoroughly it inhibits the thyroid, inhibits secretion, transport and reaction to the thyroid. And in the early part of the last century, several researchers showed that animals on a fat-free diet were completely free of spontaneous cancer and lived longer than normal. Yeah, that’s very interesting. But at the very least, the patient, if they’re taking unsaturated fat, shouldn’t be combining it with saturated fat. So they have to come in balance. Anyway, we’re coming to the 55:20 conclusion of our show. Thank you. My man in the sound room over there is Royan like a lion. So Dr. Pete, any concluding remarks for our listeners today? Well, there’s a book that you might be able to find in a big library or a used book store that is really a great introduction to the amazing things that thyroid can do. It’s the Thyroid by Thomas McGaffick. OK, Thyroid by Thomas McGaffick. I appreciate being with us, Dr. Pete. This has been very interesting. And I hope it’s been interesting for you, our audience. I’m Dr. Dan Royal. You’ve been listening to Hope for Health, which is brought to you by New Hope Medical Center, located here in town, where you can find us at 215 and PECOS. We invite you to tune again the same time you can next meet for another important program on Health Alternatives with Hope for Health. Until then, you have a great life.

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