Ray Peat Rodeo
A picture of Marcus Whybrow, creator of Ray Peat Rodeo From Marcus This is an audio interview to do with Ray Peat from 2009.
It's part of my effort to archive and augment Ray's complete works within this website, Ray Peat Rodeo. You can donate to the project on GitHub sponsors, cheers🥰.

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00:00 Well, welcome to this month’s Ask Your Herb Doctor. My name’s Andrew Murray. Good evening. My name is Sarah Johanneson Murray. For those of you who perhaps have never listened to our shows which run every third Friday of the month from 7 to 8 p.m., we’re both licensed medical herbalists who trained in England and graduated there with a degree in herbal medicine. We run a clinic in Garberville where we consult with clients about a wide range of conditions and we manufacture all our own certified organic herbal extracts which are either grown on our CCF certified herb farm or which are sourced from other U.S. certified organic supplies. So you’re listening to Ask Your Herb Doctor on KMUD Garberville 91.1fm and from 7.30 until the end of the show at 8 o’clock you’re invited to call in with any questions either related or unrelated to this month’s topic of You Are What You Eat or Absorb for that matter. The number here if you live in the area is 9233911 or if you live outside the area the 01:00 toll free number is 1-800-KMUD-RAD and we can also be reached toll free on 1-888-WBM-ERB for further questions during normal business hours Monday through Friday. So this month we are again very pleased and fortunate to welcome Dr. Ray Pete back to this show and we’ll be exploring how medical radiation can have deleterious effects on our living biological systems and at time allows a discussion of food safety in our world today. I wanted to remind our listeners of the Hippocratic Oath which is undertaken by doctors and they begin their practice and first and foremost in the Hippocratic Oath it states first do no harm. So this is the fundamental clause if you like of practicing medicine first do no harm. Okay so I wanted to welcome Dr. Ray and Pete on to the show good evening Dr. Pete. 02:05 And perhaps for some of our listeners who may have heard the intro and maybe not heard you before I know a lot of people have heard you but there’s always some people who pick up a new thing and may not have heard of you before but you just very briefly give a people they’re listening and outline of your academic background. I was a student of literature and linguistics for years before I decided to get a degree in biology and in 1968 I went to the University of Oregon intending to get a PhD concentrating in neurology or brain biology but very quickly I saw that the nerve and brain people were extremely dogmatic not really interested in studying the way the organism works and 03:09 I found that reproductive physiology in that university had a really scientific orientation and so I did my dissertation on the endocrine and metabolic changes in aging of the reproductive systems. Okay and also know that you’re an expert if you would like to call yourself that so far as thyroid hormones concerned and you’ve done a lot of work on thyroid hormone and progesterone and related hormones. I wanted to ask you to expand on the topic that perhaps many people that are listening to the show this evening have thought or suspected and that is that X radiation for those people that get in traffic accidents and have X-rays or people that are just exploratory X-rays being subjected to them probably would think to themselves about the negative effects 04:14 or the potential harm of X-rays but yet obviously the medical establishment purports them to be very safe and there’s no, I don’t know if there’s any real exposure upper limit to which you’re not allowed to have any more X-rays but I’ve never heard of anybody being told they can’t have any more X-rays because they’ve had their quota and they don’t keep a record of how much radiation they’re giving patients. I’ve had many people who had obvious brain symptoms or spinal column symptoms of radiation poisoning and they asked the various doctors that had treated them what their exposure had been for example radiation for prostate cancer and fluoroscope visualization during heart surgery and so on and none of the doctors had the vaguest idea how much radiation they 05:17 had but it added up and caused classical degenerative symptoms. Isn’t it also true that there’s not really an organization that monitors the X-ray machines in hospitals as to how much radiation each machine is emitting? I think that has improved, there was to calibrate them once a year I think generally. Would you like to describe the principle behind the X-radiation and how it can have negative effects in terms of the breakdown of the particles? The harmful effects of the radiant type of energy which there’s a spectrum ranging from radio waves through infrared and ultraviolet and soft and hard X-rays and gamma rays and 06:20 so on. The harmful effect is essentially from ionization of molecules in the body and so they classify things from hard or C ultraviolet category through X-rays and gamma rays as ionizing radiation but actually there are molecules in the body that ionize spontaneously and so anything from the weakest energy can increase the degree of ionization in the body and it’s a very misleading idea that only the ionizing radiation so-called is harmful but it’s the 07:23 amount of ionization that is produced that causes the damage and the radiation has to interact and in effect has to resonate with some atom or molecule in the tissues to cause the harm so that if it passes through without being absorbed there’s not any particular harm done but if it ends up in your tissue and doesn’t come out the other side then that does the harm so red light can pass through your body harmlessly blue and ultraviolet light will give you a sunburn and with soft lower energy X-rays you can get a sunburn on one side while you’re barely exposing film on the other side of your body so they’ve 08:31 tended to use higher energy hard X-rays so that you don’t fry one side of your body to get a picture of something inside but still with any like a chest X-ray the side that’s facing the emitter is going to get a higher dose than the other side so that’s showing that some something is getting stuck in the body it’s not going all the way through it’s the same principle that you get sunburned on the side facing the sun and you can see if you hold your hand up against the sun you can see red coming through but the side facing the sun is what gets sunburned and so if you are facing the X-ray emitter with the detector to your back your breasts are going to be at greater risk than if you return the other way 09:35 but since your heart is right in the middle your heart gets it either way and your lungs okay how would in terms of the exposure to the negative effects of radiation how would you compare the sun’s radiation and although the sun will provide vitamin D for us and red light yeah and red light how do you see the damaging effects of the sun compared to radiation for example from MRIs or from well the atmosphere filters out the harder higher energy X-rays and ultraviolet C and so the kind of ultraviolet that burns us is ultraviolet A and B and to some extent the blue light can cause the sunburn and this light burning effect is very superficial 10:39 it goes just a couple of millimeters or three into your skin and is absorbed but the damage that it causes there a sunburn can poison you systemically so that even though it’s all absorbed at the surface you can suffer general systemic sickness from getting sunburned and it’s the same if you’re burned with a hot iron it’ll make you sick all through your body because of material absorbed and the things in your skin that absorb the radiation from ultraviolet are the first things are the colored vitamins folic acid vitamin B2 and keratin or vitamin A and the polyunsaturated fatty acids spread the energy absorbed by these colored substances 11:45 and then the the excited or oxidized fatty acids in your skin can travel and cause the release of inflammatory mediators all the way from your skin into your bloodstream and throughout your body so even the superficial burn has systemic effect but the really it’s it’s the just the superficial injury that you get from sunlight and cosmic rays are particles moving at extremely high speed are going right some of them go deeply into the earth but they they pass through our bodies constantly a cloud chamber will it creates a mist every time a particle goes through it leaves 12:45 the trail and and so they’re you know in a second many particles will be passing through our bodies but these primary particles the particles coming directly out of the cosmos are traveling at such high speed that our particles our molecules don’t resonate with them and pretty much they the electrons that are released go back to where they were not loosed from and don’t cause much damage there is a little chronic damage from cosmic rays but if you put animals under about a half an inch of lead the these cosmic primary rays hit a nucleus in the lead instead of being shielded they cause a a fission reaction 13:53 in the lead nucleus and then there’s an intense shower of secondary they’re called secondary cosmic rays and if you’re in a building with a very thick roof especially with metal things over your head you get some of that same effect to you that would be produced by a lead shielding over your head so how so cosmic rays the higher you go the less probability there is that a secondary radiation will be produced because the atmosphere is so thin more of them will pass through harmlessly because they’re traveling faster yeah essentially they’re traveling faster and some of the particles that are produced in the secondary or tertiary reactions those are lower energy particles 14:54 and many of them you can follow the tracks they leave in a chemical substance just to see what happens to them but they increase their ionization of the tissue as they slow down and and so it’s like if you’re skiing at high speed and you fall off your skis and hit the snow you slow down if it’s very fluffy snow you slow down gradually if it’s very dense snow you come to a very sudden damaging stop and all the energy is absorbed by your tissue suddenly that’s what happens with these lower energy particles and if you eat an isotope which emits particles such as the the radioactive isotopes they give you 16:00 to scan your thyroid or to treat thyroid cancer or to do the pet scans those emit isotopes which are largely absorbed right in the tissue in the local area and so those are extremely carcinogenic so not only are you exposed to the carcinogenic effect of the actual pet scan but then the substance you take in order to show up on the pet scan is also radioactive yeah and they they often do it to find a tumor that concentrates the radioactive substance but if you look at the whole body the brightest spots are usually the brain the kidneys and the thyroid gland they don’t mention that those are highly metabolic areas that release metabolize the concentrate the radioactive 17:07 substance wow so it’s you’re talking about radiation in terms of sunshine cosmic rays and these x-ray machines so are you saying that a sunburn is essentially as bad as x-rays or no it’s it’s very bad for your skin but it only has a little systemic lingering damage but on the the body absorption when it’s systemic there’s a great mass involved and so a fairly low intensity that goes through your body and produces reactions can can leave a sort of inflammatory reaction that can linger for example in Japan they have done blood tests that show that people who were exposed 60 years earlier to the 18:11 atomic bomb still have a lingering inflammatory reaction in which their blood is emitting still emitting excited photons so still they’re still basically have radioactive particles inside their body well not exactly radioactive but it started a process sort of like rancidity in oil if you want start the process then it continues and if you start an inflammatory reaction with radiation and don’t stop it somehow it can continue for the rest of your life just getting worse so when when doctors say or dentists say that wow this one x-ray is equivalent to spending all day in the sun i mean how untrue is that well totally untrue because the the sun is it might stress you if you get really fried in the sun so that your skin 19:17 blisters and peels off and so on that can kill you if you overdo it but the the ordinary sunburn is actually slightly good for you probably by making vitamin D but there’s no good produced by the type of radiation from an x-ray and what about all those people that work in buildings that are constantly like spending 12-hour days or yeah above the 25th parallel of latitude the cosmic rays are intense enough that that probably increases your cancer risk they used to believe that it was only the direct action of of an x-ray or gamma ray or isotope on your genetic material that caused cancer and mutations and so on but 20:23 if you irradiate cells in a dish and cause the mutations in in those exposed dishes but then you add fresh cells to the dish the fresh cells which weren’t exposed to radiation will begin to mutate so it’s it’s like analogous to the starting the rancidity process in oil it starts an inflammatory process in the exposed cells and they it’s called a bystander effect they spread the damage to the innocent unexposed bystander cells okay so you had two dishes together one dish is radioactive the other one well no one dish you put under the x-ray and give it a dose that will cause those cells damage okay and then the dish next to it is completely untouched has not been exposed mix 21:26 the cells so that they can get near each other wow the damaged cells send the signal to the new cells in their environment that causes the same kind of damage to the new cells exactly as if they had been irradiated is is this difference or this trait is it heritable yeah people are trying to identify the nature of the chemical signal some people think it’s it’s a photo photoelectric or photochemical reaction and that’s possible because the the inflammatory mediating chemicals do uh stimulate photochemical reactions when they affect a cell so it’s undoubtedly a mixture of 22:26 excitation and chemical signaling um in then this will often put a lead apron over a person and they if a woman is pregnant they’ll cover her abdomen with the lead apron and they were just going to x-ray your head so the baby isn’t affected but there was a study in Seattle a few years ago in which they looked at a large group of people who got different amounts of x-rays to their mouth and pregnant women who had a full set of dental x-rays when their babies were later born that had been present under the lead apron they were underdeveloped small further developmental stage showing that something 23:31 had happened systemically to the mother’s physiology that affected the nutrition and growth of of the developing fetus and this in animal experiments in the 1950s this was already clearly established that x-rays act like estrogen um it will even cause rodents to go into heat to be x-rayed because it is so similar to estrogen and for several years people thought that was because it excited the pituitary to turn on the ovaries but other experiments showed they would just x-ray the animal’s foot and the ovaries or the whole physiology would behave as if they had been given estrogen. Okay well for those of you listening this is 24:35 ask your doctor on KMUD, Garbapool, 91.1 FM and from 7.30 until the end of the show at eight o’clock you’re invited to call in with any questions either related or unrelated so this month’s topic of medical irradiation our guest speaker is Dr Raymond Pete he’s PhD in physiology and hormone chemistry and the show is based on the supposition that x-rays and other medical radiation for examination purposes is safe is actually not true just wanted to uh perhaps Dr Pete if you would um if you know any figures of uh quantification of damage that can be done to people or to cells in in measurable ways that maybe people would identify with perhaps. The um the studies looking at large populations 25:39 uh see from animal studies they see that the babies are underdeveloped and their brains in particular grow more slowly and in human studies they can see that just a few rads or rims of of radiation like several times the uh background radiation intensity that that’s enough to increase uh some cancers of the brain and eyeball for example uh but and and thyroid uh when they’re just getting dental x-rays the radiation bounces off the teeth and exposes the eyes brain and and thyroid more than other parts of the body but now that the uh bystander effect is known and the estrogenic 26:42 effect I think there will be more studies looking at the subsequent pregnancies of women who have been irradiated because of the lingering bystander effect uh the the fetuses are going to be uh basically estrogenized if a woman had a a significant amount of radiation even before getting pregnant. So would it be worse or better to have the lead shield on the in the case of x-rays lead is is very protective but the trouble is that they don’t protect your mouth and the mouth sends the estrogen like signals all through the body. So the baby’s damage was because of the radiation on the brain the mother’s brain and her thyroid gland and eyeballs are what other whatever cells that touch there and that then had a systemic effect on her child. 27:48 Yeah. We have a caller. I think we have a caller yeah a caller here on here. I am. Yeah go ahead. Hi um I had a question regarding microwave radiation and um as it’s related to telephone and several other technologies also if anything to do with cell phones would be damaging that Dr. Pete knows about and I’ll take my answer off the air. Okay thank you. So did you uh did you get that question? It was sort of skipping I couldn’t hear. The caller asked if um you knew anything about cell phone radiation um and she she mentioned microwave radiation so anything that you know about cell phone radiation that would be? Oh well uh yeah I think the studies that are showing brain cancer from use of cell phones way back 35 years ago or so there were 28:53 uh two or three uh laboratories or factories working with that frequency of uh energy uh and there were clusters of brain cancers on the staff like within a year or two there would be two or three people uh developing brain cancer. Wow. Working around those very high intensity fields and in that context the the studies that suggest uh that the cell phones are causing brain tumors I think it’s very believable. How about the uh acoustic neuromas because I know when they uh cell phone started becoming very popular maybe 10 years ago um there were people uh purporting to demonstrate uh acoustic neuromas so these are cancers associated with the air? Well yeah um how do you the um all all kinds of brain tumors 29:54 astrocytomas were the ones that they saw in the the laboratory workers okay but uh whatever is is close to a field is going to be affected uh because of the industrial commitments to uh exposing the population to uh high energy everything from radar your airports and microwaves around the downtown regions uh the government and industry have both put pressure on the researchers not to see any harm but uh from from the fifties on uh several researchers were showing uh that nerves are seriously disturbed even by very low levels of uh microwave and uh radio frequency. Are you at all familiar with the uh Bluetooth the uh kind of wireless headset that 30:58 most people now because of the ban on driving and talking on your cell phone are switching to for you any uh any uh facts or any information about Bluetooth and how they might be? No I don’t know what that is okay okay yeah I think there’s another caller on the line Dr Pete so caller you’re on the air? Oh hi good evening um well the program’s freaking me out um I need some dental work doing and I just realized as soon as I go to the dentist he’s going to he’s going to do a huge a dental x-ray what I’m listening to you telling me on the radio is that it’s probably better symptoms to let my teeth rot rather than have a dental x-ray at least my brain will remain intact. Wow I know dentists in in Mexico who um have gone against the the pressure to do x-rays for everything but uh I know endodontists who uh very reliably do root canals without x-ray. 32:01 It can be done if the doctor’s skill skills enough huh? If the doctor is uh not primarily interested in getting the patient in and out and getting their money right so it’s not necessary to have an x-ray? Well almost never uh you can probe uh if a dentist really believes that there might be a crack in the tooth that he can’t see uh drilling a small hole to explore. Right there are other ways right yeah and the um Japanese in particular but uh in other industries uh ultrasound imagery has been proven to uh work beautifully for teeth. Right you can see everything in the tooth with with fine detail with microwaves but dentists are invested in the x-ray technology. 33:07 Right. Okay thank you. Well great thank you so much. So I’m sorry we can’t offer you the name of a dentist you can go and help uh. Oh well I feel so much better thank you. Thank you if you’re cool. Okay so Dr Pete do you uh you think that there are more and more uh well maybe not more and more but there are definitely some skilled uh physicians and or uh dentists who are switching to alternative techniques perhaps in uh just as you mentioned Japan and maybe in Europe um yeah they they haven’t really become commercial with these uh in the ultrasound or even MRI techniques but uh they’ve been perfected scientifically and it just needs uh an industry to grow up to displace the x-ray. Right so MRI and ultrasound are radiation free diagnostic investigative techniques. Well the kind of radiation they use is less harmful than the x-ray and gamma rays. 34:16 Okay there’s several uh several other callers dying to get on the air dog’s piece so let’s take the next caller you’re on the air hello hello you’re on the air yeah hi uh just wanted a quick comment on what you think of since anyone that flies these days gets uh exposed to some kind of scattering from the x-raying of their luggage uh I wonder if you’d comment on what what kind of exposure levels they’re getting from that I’ll take my answer off here thank you. Okay thank you if you’re cool. Uh Dr. P? Um yeah I haven’t seen the exposure uh doses from uh being near those machines but uh if you look at the uh history of x-ray technologists uh in in medical fields uh uh the the history isn’t very encouraging for uh how careful they are uh you know dentists 35:17 always assured patients that the stuff was very harmless but uh there was an epidemic of of dentists losing their index finger to cancer and now they make the patient hold the x-ray film. Wow the interesting very interesting we’ve got two more callers on the line dog’s piece so let’s take the uh next caller caller you’re on the air hello thank you um there is a dentist a couple of hours south of here um who does natural practices dentistry um I don’t know the name right now I could find out I eventually want to go there but it’s sort of a dream to be able to afford to be able to do that but I could find that out um what I was initially going to mention was that the new scanning at the airport um the one that shows basically your naked body now that’s radiation that you’re getting from that so it’s something to consider the cumulative effects um also um you were talking about the the inflammation and um although I have 36:24 daily herbs and nutrition that would be very anti-inflammatory the last time that I was checked my I have a lot of inflammation you know in lab tests and also conditions that are inflammation conditions so um and I had a lot of radiation when I was a child both the liquid isotope kind of a thing that you swallow and um I was a kid so it’s hard for me to understand but I lay on a table and have something pointed at me and then everybody would like hide in a little room and um I had a lot of those treatments and as a teenager the doctor was really excited about the new mammogram machine so um those were those had a lot of um radiation initially and you know there was really no reason to be given that to a teenager so I hope you’re going to tell us some um things we can do to help us counteract um all of that the cumulative effects okay dr pete uh what’s what uh what tips did you have um if you know you’re going to be exposed 37:32 you can protect yourself uh in advance to some extent by making sure your thyroid function is good maybe taking a supplement of magnesium um magnesium is the single most protective uh substance against radiation damage uh vitamin e vitamin a all of the antioxidants are protective uh progesterone and and some of the uh protective stabilizing hormones pregnant alone uh will reduce the inflammation probably coffee coffee and vitamin e would be the uh the simplest things to okay is that because of the antioxidants in coffee or um yeah caffeine itself has an anti-inflammatory antioxidant okay good but would you know perhaps uh what the uh function of magnesium would be in that context um it uh helps to um heal uh genetic 38:38 breaks of dna repair enzymes are activated by magnesium okay and coffee’s high in magnesium and other b vitamins yeah okay there’s another caller is uh waiting on the answer caller you’re on the air yes you’re on the air go ahead okay um i have a question one of my questions was sort of just addressed uh isotope scan i had for kidney stones about 40 years ago and i’m trying to trying to um think with your um lecture what can be done now um the same things that protect preemptively also help to repair the damage one thing i didn’t mention was niacin amide which is uh protects against uh dna injury um so do you want me to call her i can repeat that list back that dr peat listed as well 39:41 okay good for you um but i did have another question go ahead what about a what about a full body scan like a cat scan where they have these full body scans now uh well a cat scan typically gives you about 200 times the radiation dose that a a single picture does 200 times oh my gosh wow and then people are getting them for their whole body yeah it’s a big business but expensive bad business uh john golfman who who died just a few years ago uh have discussed that in his newsletters and books uh you can find a lot of his information on the internet at that golfman with one f oh one f okay okay and then i also wanted to bring up um one more thing and that is um i i’m a midwife and i was going by several years ago um a microwave tower out where i lived on 40:41 40 acres in the countryside and um i noticed but all around the microwave tower every time i drive there i’d see three and four-eared rabbits um what do you think of that oh well they’ve known for a long time that uh telephone or power line workers that men have um mostly female offspring and uh birds that live near power lines uh have nearly all female offspring wow so it’s increasing estrogen apparently yeah reproductive disruption uh well okay i appreciate all your questions and i answered and i just wanted to tell you that i’ve read your books and i love them they’re great thank you thank thank you for your call listener okay uh was there another caller on the line or yeah there is okay so go ahead caller you’re on the air um yes i 41:42 actually wanted to add something to the list of things that are very effective at uh diminishing the effects of radiation and it also actually contains many of the supplements you named and that seaweed it’s actually an amazing amazing detoxer of heavy metals and radioactivity so much to the effect that they believe the japanese suffered uh less damages because of how much seaweed they had in their diet prior to Hiroshima Nagasaki okay don’t speak what have you said um well there have been advocates of distributing potassium iodide tablets to people who live around uh nuclear power reactors in case there’s a leak of iodine and uh seaweed is is even better than potassium iodide tablets but it only protects you against radioactive iodine which is uh it’s the 42:47 first and worst uh radiation injury from uh for example at a three mile island uh a year after the leaks uh there was an epidemic of babies born without thyroid glands so you’re saying it wouldn’t help uh the radiation from a capstan or an x-ray but it would help from like a utility facility yeah it it protects you against radioactive iodine but uh iodine itself is slightly uh antioxidant but it’s also risky to use chronically because it uh if you get just two or three times more than the minimum requirement it can increase the risk of goiter and thyroiditis and and thyroid cancer over a long period of time 43:47 interesting well i just want to let everybody know that powdered seaweed in your diet is very helpful for the substrate which as you said is great for for your activity and stuff like that so thanks thanks for your call okay thanks to cool i think there’s another caller there isn’t okay all right well let’s get uh let’s get back to the uh medical establishment in terms of uh what i believe they would use as reasonable justification uh for these investigative techniques uh the what do you know that’s happening that perhaps isn’t being pushed commercially because of vested interests in existing techniques but what are the uh upcoming perhaps uh techniques that are much safer for visualizing well um the um for mammograms for example there is now good evidence that MRI and ultrasound will give you even better information than x-rays 44:53 okay good they just haven’t been as developed commercially or industrially correct yeah so basically you’re suggesting that under no circumstance would an x-ray be warranted and perhaps a MRI and ultrasound would be even better yeah um i i have uh avoided x-rays for i guess 15 or 20 years now what would you uh okay so i think i think the thing that’s probably difficult to get over to people who are listening is that if they are for example involved in a road traffic accident and they seem to have broken a broken limb or pelvis or something like that i was actually involved in a accident a few years ago and unfortunately i think because of the need for uh proof i had to have a a a CAT scan on my head and i think it was completely 45:53 unnecessary by the way there was absolutely nothing showing from from it but uh if somebody is involved in a road traffic accident and they may or may not have broken bones and um the physicians obviously saying well we need to x-ray you so we need to x-ray your chest or your your arm or your leg except for broken bones and uh if you have a slender of a bone in your brain or or lung or something i guess it’s a quick way to locate it but you can’t really see very much about the uh soft tissue with an x-ray where ultrasound and MRI MRI was essentially invented to look at soft tissue and to chemically identify what it is so with an x-ray you can’t tell uh what is tumor and what isn’t but with uh an MRI you can detect the type of chemicals type of a physiology in the soft tissue 47:04 so if you happen to be conscious during your um accident and subsequent operation then you can request and deny x-rays and suggest that you want ultrasounds but i guess after you sign that statement of informed consent they basically do whatever they deem necessary so it’s i think it’s a bit difficult yeah when someone’s in the hospital they practically don’t have any choice except to get up and run so what about when you want to fly i mean you can’t what can you tell that the guy’s airport oh sorry i’m i don’t do x-rays well i so far that’s optional that they they do the body scan they take you into a separate booth to uh if you’re willing to do it otherwise they have to search you by hand i guess yeah okay so uh it does seem then that the uh x-rays and the other medical radiation is not harmless uh but there are 48:11 vested interests in the uh financial side of it that are very slow to adopt new techniques okay so i know it’s about eight minutes to eight o’clock now i don’t think there’s any other cause on the line when we were going to uh get into the food food safety side of things i know plenty of uh foods that have added ingredients that people would probably rather not recognize for fear of having to do something about it but i know the food industry is again very much corporate driven and there are vested interests who would be much happier if you didn’t know what was going on i said even people who read labels uh are not going to get all the information because the FDA allows things that are known to be in the materials you make the food out of they allow them to go into the food but not show up on the label right i was actually thinking as 49:13 we were getting our callers and you were going over the subject uh in the early part of the show what do you think if nothing really changes in terms of what we’re exposed to and or increases the way it is what do you think is going to be the long-term effects of that i think it’s already showing up um i’m getting uh really just a huge number of emails from young women uh all the way from teens into their 40s who uh have a problem with uh fat around their waist and you can see it in the summer when they’re they’re wearing fewer clothes you can see that teenage girls are getting fat around the middle and obesity is uh epidemic and uh degenerative diseases allergies and asthma are increasing tremendously as well as the death rate from them and uh just briefly explain the links between 50:20 the allergies and the obesity fact deposition etc how that actually works oh it hasn’t entirely been clarified but uh these things that cause obesity also cause inflammation asthma is an inflammatory disease and some people see obesity as uh in some ways an inflammatory condition the uh cytokines that regulate metabolism uh once you start down the inflammatory pathway uh you trigger cortisone production uh cortisone uh directs fat to uh your face and abdomen and shoulders and uh the the the cortisone exposure increases and causes degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis and and obesity and uh heart disease but uh the um inflammation or allergic 51:34 reaction is is really prior to the chronic overproduction of cortisone okay all right well i tell you what there is another caller on the line so let’s uh let’s get the caller on the air and then that’s probably going to be as much time as we have so caller you’re on the air yes good afternoon good evening rather with all of this um whether you call it backstage or second stage radiation uh thing going on about cumulative from all the x-rays and stuff you’ve taken in your life okay okay have there been an increase in the number of cases of uh SEL uh systemic or reason the toast SLE you mean uh LE yeah okay and is there any way to treat lupus uh successfully yes i’ve seen uh basically uh all of the lupus people that i’ve seen over the last 30 years 52:41 with thyroid progesterone and avoiding the polyunsaturated fats they all either recover completely or uh at least don’t die of their uh kidney failure and so on as an in-patient over the the years since we started even far back in the atmosphere testing that we did um that’s my impression but i i don’t have the figures okay thank you very much okay thank you for your call well it is coming up for 758 so no more questions uh and we should probably wrap up the evening show i will say that uh i was definitely a subject that’s coming up more and more and that is food ingredients i know that the FDA are allowing manufacturers to exempt themselves if you like from a certain percentage 53:44 of ingredients on the labels and that’s how some ingredients can slip into foods without you even knowing it but there are some very obvious food ingredients that have very negative health effects and i believe that certainly warrants a program and so hopefully uh dr p will join us for an expose of food ingredients some of which you may not even heard of but which are pretty ubiquitous so thank you very much for joining us again dr p okay thank you thank you okay so for those who’ve listened to our show thanks for listening and we do appreciate your feedback and your calls and until the third friday of next month have a very good night

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